Chapter 26

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Annabelle 1 didn't stay the night's Harry went to visit the Mirror of Erised but, Harry did tell her what happened those nights. Now Hermione and the others are back from their Christmas Break. Annabelle, Ron, Hermione, and Harry were in the Great Hall working on potions and history essays. Ron was playing cards. 

" Look at you, pathetic we got final exams coming up," Hermione said to Ron.

" I'm ready," said Ron. " Ask me any question "

" Alright, what are the three most crucial ingredients to a forget mess potion ? " asked Hermione.

" I forgot " answered Ron.

" And may I ask, what are you planning to do if this comes up in the final exam ? " questioned Hermione.

" Copy off you ! " replied Ron.

" No, you won't! Professor Mcgonall, is giving out quills that are bewitched with anti cheating spells " exclaimed Hermione.

" That's insulting it's like they don't trust us " exclaimed Ron.

" They don't trust us " spoke up Annabelle. At that moment Neville came bunny hopping into the Great hall, people roared with laughter as he made his way towards them.

" Leg locker curse ? " asked Ron.

" Malfoy " answered Harry. " You have to start standing up to people Neville "

" Yeah, Harry's right. He used to walking all over people, but that's no reason to lie down in front of him to make it easier " spoke Ron. At that Annabelle whacked Ron in the head for the wrong choice of words. " Ow! Annabelle that hurt " whined Ron the two started bickering like brother and sister.

" Shut up you two it's not helping ! " scowled Hermione.

" Sorry" they mumbled this sneakily kicked eachother under that table.

" There's no need to tell me I'm not brave enough to be Gryffindor, Malfoy already down that " sighed Neville on the verge of tears.

" Neville your really brave, I have no idea what Malfoys talking about all " spoke Annabelle.

" You really think that ? " questioned Neville.

" Duh! And plus your worth twelve of him " replied Annabelle playing with her necklace smiling at him.

" Thanks, Bells," said Neville softly smiling back.

" Awe ! I can see it now, I will be the Godfather of your child ! " said Ron laughing. Annabelle and Neville turned bright red.

" That's so true ! " agreed Doug. Ron and Doug high-fived while Annabelle and Neville turned a dark shade of red. Annabelle then kicked Ron under the table really hard,

" OW ! Annabelle ! " shouted Ron.

" Whoops did I do that? " faked gasped Annabelle. The two glared at each other while the table laughed. they glared at each other for a while before Neville started to speak again.

" Um by the way can anyone help me out of the leg locker curse ? " asked Neville who was still blushing while struggling to keep his balance.

" I know the counter curse," Seamus said pulling out his wand.

" No, that's all I need is to have you put my bloody knee caps on fire," said Neville. Seamus slammed his wand down obviously offended.

" I don't appreciate the situation, Longbottom! Besides if anyone cared to notice my eyebrows have completely grown back ! " shouted Seamus then got and started leaving, he had a bald spot on the back of his head. Annabelle laughed then pulled out her wand and pointed it at Neville's legs and said the counter curse. Or what the spell is to undo the Leg locker curse.

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