Chapter 74

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It was the last day of school. Except the Great Hall wasn't covered in banners of the winning house. The Great Hall was decorated in black. Today they had all in the Great Hall in memory of Cedric Diggory. 

" Today we acknowledge a really terrible loss.  Cedric Diggory as you all know, exceptionally hard-working, fair-minded, and most impotantly a fierce, fierce friend," Dumbledore began. Annabelle heard Cho silently crying next to her. Tears escaped Annabelle's eyes. She lightly touched Cho's shoulder. Cho turned and looked at Annabelle. She hugged Cho and let her cry on her shoulder. " And because of that I think you have the right to know exactly how he died. You see, Cedric Diggory was murdered ! By Lord Voldemort ! The Ministry of Magic wishes me not to tell you this; But not to do so I think would be a insult to his memory. Now the pain we all feel for the dreadful loss reminds me-reminds us-while we may come from different places and speak in different tongues, our hearts beats as one. In recent events, the bonds we've made this year are more important than ever ! Remember that Cedeic Diggory will not have died in vain. You remember that and we'll celebrate a boy who was kind, honest, and brave.True, right till the very end ". People clapped. Everyone silently went to their common rooms. Annabelle was in the common room with the rest the Hufflepuffs. They were making a little display dedicated to Cedric. They just added the final touches and stepped back. 

" I can't believe he's gone," breathed a 7th year girl Hufflepuff.

" No one can," breathed Cedric's best friend. The door opened and in walked Professor Sprout. She looked at the display they made. 

" It looks lovely just needs-" began Sprout as she put a new plant next to it. " There," she finished. Annabelle heard a sniffle, she turned to see Cedric's best friend crying. Annabelle lightly touched his shoulder. He turned ans looked at her. Annabelle pulled him into a hug. He began crying and as soon as you know it Annabelle was crying.  Everyone hugged them soon it was a giant group hug.


Soon Annabelle packed up all her stuff and went outside to say goodbye to everyone.

" Bye Carter, stay safe," said Annabelle hugging him. 

" Bye Bells, you too, " Carter said hugging back, before releasing. Someone tapped her shoulder she turned and saw Noah.

" Noah ! " breathed Annabelle.

" Hello Annabelle," he said. Annabelle hugged him. 

" Write me over the summer," suggested Annabelle.

" Of course," laughed Noah, they released. " Goodbye Annabelle,' said Noah kissing her cheek.

" Never say goodbye, because saying goodbye means going away and going away means forgetting," said Annabelle.

" Where did you get that from ? " asked Noah smiling.

" Peter Pan," answered Annabelle, Noah looked confused. " Bye Noah, don't forget to write me," laughed Annabelle kissing his cheek. Noah smiled and walked away.  Viktor was handing Hermione a piece of paper. Ron was sitting on one of the benches, waiting for them, when Fleur and her little sister Gabrielle walked to him. Gabrielle kissed at his cheek and waved goodbye to him. Harry was standing away from everyone else. Hermione and Annabelle were standing in the door way. Ron leaped through the window before sitting on its ledge.

" Is there such a thing as a quiet year at Hogwarts ? " Ron asked.

" No," Hermione and Annabelle laughed.

" No I don't think so," Harry said

" Oh well, its nice to have a few changes," said Ron

" Everything is going to change now isnt it ? " Hermione asked. Harry walked up to her.

" Yes," he said. They began to walk down the hallway. 

" Promise you'll write summer. All of you," Hermione said.

" I won't you know I won't ," Ron said. 

" You know how long it takes sometimes," said Annabelle.

" Harry will, won't you ? " she asked.

" Yeah, every week," Harry said sarcastically. They looked over the edge just in time to see the Beauxbaton carriage fly away, and the Durmstrang boat sink underwater.

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