Chapter 78

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In a few minutes after Harry and Annabelle had gotten back from detention with Umbridge, they were in the Gryffindore common room. Harry was sitting on the couch reading his Transifiguration textbook. Annabelle was laying on her stomach on the floor drawing. They had their left covered with their sleeves, the words engraved in their left hands stung. They saw Ron, Hermione, and Neville coming towards them. The conversation between Ron and Hermione could be heard. 

" i'm not asking you to write all of it for me," Ron protested

" Oh please," Hermione said 

" Its just saying that I'm busy studying for these stupid OWL exams," said Ron

" I'll do the introduction. That's all," Hermione said as they neared the couch. Neville was trailing behind them. 

" Hermione, you're honestly the most wonderful person I've ever met. If i'm ever mean to you again," Ron began

" I'll know you've gone back to normal," Hermione sighed as she sat down next to Harry, Ron sat on the other side of Harry while Neville sat on the floor next to Annabelle. Hermione looked down at their hand. 

" What's wrong with your hands ? " Hermione asked concerned. All of them were now staring Harry's and Annabelle's hand.

" Nothing," they answered holding out their right hand. 

" The other hand," she said. Hermione grabbed Harry's hand and rolled up the sleeve revealing the ugly engraving. " You've got to tell Dumbledore ".

" No," said Harry pulling his hand away. Neville eyed Annabelle suspiciously. Annabelle tried rolling away but Neville was quicker. Annabelle rolled onto her back before sat on her and stopped her from rolling, pinning her down. He grabbed her left hand, pulled it closer to him, and rolled up the sleeve revealing the ugly engraving. Their eyes widened.

" Now when did you learn to do that ? " Annabelle asked Neville, but he ignored her question and observed her hand. 

" Dumbledore has enough on his mind right now. Besides we don't want to give Umbridge the satisfaction," Harry sighed.

" The womans torching you two," Neville said looking Annabelle in eyes before he continued observing her hand. 

" I'm fine, its just like getting stitches," protested Annabelle trying to move her hand away but Neville's grip tightned. 

" If the parents knew about this-" Ron began

" Yeah well I haven't got any of those have I Ron ?  " Harry asked harshly. 

" Harry, Bells, you've got to report this," Hermione began " Its perfectly simple-" 

" No !Its not Hermione, whatever it is its not simple, you don't understand," Harry said.

" Then help us too," Hermione and Annabelle coursed. Annabelle didn't really understand either. Harry stood up and walked out of the common room.

" Neville, are you going to get up or sit on me all day ? " asked Annabelle.

" Sit," he said smirking looking at her. 

" But I have to meet up with Sandra, Luna, Maddie, and Annie ! " Annabelle protested

" Not anymore," laughed Hermione

" Longbottom ! Or you going sit on her all day or get up ? " asked Annabelle 2 walking with the rest of Legit 5.

" What happened to your hand ? " asked Luna 1. ( Luna 1 is Legit 5, and Luna 2 is Lovegood).

" Detention," answered Annabelle

" She didn't show us, she tried to roll away but Neville stopped her," Ron explained causing Legit 5 to laugh.

" I still can't believe she heard you," stated Sandra

" I know right," said Annabelle

" So Longbottom are you going to sit on Hood all day or get up ? " asked Madelyn

" Sit, Wilson ( Madelyn's last name), but you can have her for now," said Neville getting up, letting go of her hand.

" For how long ? " asked Annabelle 2

" Two hours," answered Ron. Annabelle laughed. Neville held out his which Annabelle gladly took and he helped her up. 

" Nevabelle ! " cheered Ron

" Ronald Weasly ! " Annabelle threatened causing everyone to laugh. Annabelle then picked up her stuff. 

" We'll be back in two hours ! " exclaimed Luna 1 as they walked out.

" Maybe, " said Sandra as the door closed.

" That reminds me Harry's out of the bet," stated Ron'" Oh yeah ! Its me, you, Fred and George now," said Hermione. Neville groaned causing them to laugh. 


The next day in the Great Hall, Legit 5 was sitting with Ron and Hermione. Ron was stuffing his face with food. Harry walked and awkwardly stood by them.

" Do you ever stop eating ? " Hermione asked as Ron just stuffed his face with sausage. 

" I'm hungry," Ron answered

" Harry," Hermione said when she saw him.

" Can I sit join you ? " Harry asked. Hermione nodded and he sat down. Then they heard Umbridge's voice outside the Great Hall.

" Pardon me Professor but what exactly are you implying ? " Umbridge asked, her voice echoed throughout the Great Hall. everyone got up and walked out to see Umbridge and McGonall having a ' conversation '.

" I am merely requesting that when it comes to my students you perform described disciplinary practices," McGonall said. 

" So silly of me but it sounds as though you're questioning, my authority, in my own classroom Minerva," Umbridge said.

" Not at all, Dolores. Merely your medieval method," McGonall argued.

" I am sorry dear. But to question my practices is to question the Ministry, and by the extension the Minister," Umbridge said. " I am a tolerant woman. But the one thing I will not stand for is disloyalty,"

" Disloyalty," Professor McGonall breathed. Umbridge turned and faced the crowd of students. 

" Things at Hogwarts are far worse then I feared. Cornelius will want to take immediate action,"

authors note: Hey everyone, hope you all have a good week and is enjoying the story. The next update will defiantly be next week. Swim ends this week. Divisions is Friday and Saturday, I just really concentrate on that, and school. Love you all

- Pickles

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