Chapter 87

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Hermione and Annabelle lead Harry and Umbridge into the forest. Hermione, Annabelle, and Harry were in lead, Umbridge had her wan pined at their backs. The forest was getting creepier the farther they went, Harry exchanged numerous confused glances with Hermione and Annabelle till he figured what they were doing. Umbridge was getting tired and irritated.
" Where is it ?" Umbridge asked. They had only been this age into the first a couple of times, most wasn't a good choice, especially at night.
" Not far," Annabelle began.
" It had to be hidden so students wouldn't accidentally find it," Hermione finished. They continued to walk till they reached the tall tree to which Grawpy was tied too, only rope this time and no Grawpy.
" Well, where is this weapon ? " Umbridge questioned. The three remained silent. " There isn't one is there ? You were trying to trick me. You know I really hate children ". It looked like she was about to cry. Umbridge raised her wand higher with a spell or curse she was going to put in them, it was too late. There was a snap from behind them, and sounded like horses trotting. They turned ad saw Centaurs standing on the hill in front of them.
" You have no business here centaur, this a Ministry matter," Umbridge warned the Centaurs, she of behind the three in fear. " Lower your weapons. I warn you, under the law of creatures Chruhuman in tell, genee-" The Centaurs shot their arrows at them, Umbridge stopped the arrows with a shield for her wand. " How dare you ! You filthy half-breed ! " She shot a rope at one of the Centaurs, the rope went around the Centaurs body, it fell down the hill and was struggling on the ground choking. Annabelle ran over to it, attempting to free it, but the ropes were too strong.
" Stop it ! Please ! Please ! Stop it ! Please ! " Annabelle begged.
" Not enough ! I will have order ! " Umbridge shouted, she continued to dodge arrows till she was lifted off the ground by Grawpy. The centaurs surrounded him and shot arrows at him.
" Leave him alone ! Its not his fault ! He doesn't understand ! " Hermione shouted. One of the Centaurs shot an arrow into Grawpy's arm causing him to drop Umbridge. Annabelle finally managed to free the Centaur and went to join the others. They surrounded Umbridge and held her by her arms, they started to led her deeper into the forest.
" No ! Potter do something ! Tell them I mean no harm ! " Umbridge yelled.
" I'm sorry Professor. I must not tell lies," Harry sassed. The centaurs trotted with Umbridge yelling. Hermione turned towards Grawpy.
" Thank you Grawpy," Hermione said.
" Bells, Hermione, Sirius ? " Harry reminded. They took off running towards Hogwarts save everyone else, but instead met them half way.
" How did you escape ? " Harry asked catching his breath.
" Puking Pastilles. It wasn't prettying," Ginny said. Ron handed them thee wands back.
"I told them I was hungry and wanted some sweets. Of course they told me to bugger off and ate the lot themselves. Bells you would've loved it," Ron said clearly proud of himself. Annabelle laughed.
" That was clever Ron ! " Hermione said surprised.
" It's been known to happen," Ron said
"It was brilliant, so how're we getting to London ? " Neville asked.
" Look it's not that I don't appreciate everything you've done-all of you. But I've got you in enough trouble as it it," Harry said and started down the bridge.
" I thought Dumbledore's Army was supposed to be about doing something real. Or was all that just words to you ? " Neville said.
"Maybe you don't have to do this all by yourself," Ron said.
" Like it or not, we're going," Annabelle stated.
" So how're we getting to London ? " Harry asked
" We fly of course," Luna answered. They flew to the Ministry on Thestrals. They landed sooner than expected. Running as fast as they could, they entered the Department of Mysteries.
" That's is it, Harry said they stared at the dark emerald door. The Department of Mysteries was full of prophecies, the shelves were completely covered in crystal balls, which all seemed to be filled with smoke. Harry took off running down the aisle, everyone started to jog, following him. Harry stopped at a shelve labeled 99.
" He should be here," Harry told everyone when they caught up. Neville was looking at them her was looking at a prophecy that was just above his head.
" Harry, this has your name on it, " Neville said. Harry jogged over to him. Harry looked and saw his name. He grabbed the crystal ball. Suddenly Professor Trelawny's voice was heard.
" The one with the power to vanquish the Dark Lord approaches the Dark Lord shall mark them as his equal but still have power the Dark Lord knows not about. For neither can live while the other survives ".
" Harry ! " Hermione shouted startling him. Hermione was pointing at down the aisle, they saw a dark figure coming towards them, the forgive was dressed in all black, wearing a silvery skull mask.
" Where's Sirius ? " Harry demanded. The figure was now only a few feet away from them.
" You know, you should really learn to tell the difference between a dream and reality," the figure removed his mask, it was Lucious Malfoy. " You only saw what the Dark Lord wanted you to see. Now hand me the prophecy," Lucious said, only standing a few feet away, his hand stretched out towards the prophecy clutched in Harry's hand.
" If you do anything to us, I'll break it ! " Harry threatened, holding his hand farther from him. There was a cackling laugh coming from behind Lucious.
" He knows how to play," A woman walked into view, she had on a long black dress, her long black hair was messy and knotted at the top of head. She had a sinister smile on her face. She had dark circles under her eyes, very pale, her eyes were dark and cold like caves. It was Bellatrix Lestrange. " Itty bitty Potter".
" Bellatrix Lestrange," Neville said.
" Neville Longbottom is it ? How's mum and dad ? " Bellatrix asked.
" Better now they're about to be avenged ! " Neville shouted, he raised his wand at her and she did the same. Annabelle put her arm in front of Neville, stopping him.
" Lets everybody just calm down," Lucious said. " Shall we ? All we want, is that prophecy".
" Why did Voldemort need me to come and get this ? " Harry asked
" How dare you speak his name ! You filthy Half-Blood ! " Bellatrix shouted.
" It's alright, he's just curious aren't you ? " Lucious began. " Prophecies can only be retrieved by about whom they are made ". While he was walking more Death Eaters towards them, they made a circle and had there wands out, even though they were clearly out numbered.

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