Chapter 18

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That Friday they had their very first flying class with Ravenclaws. . Everyone was standing next to a broom. Annabelle 1 was standing in between Sandra and Annabelle 2 with Thomas and Jóse across from them.

" ready to fly ? " excitedly asked Annabelle 2

" you've done this before ?" Asked Jóse totally ignoring her question.

" nope ! " she chimed making the five laugh.

' tot tot " they heard from a whistle everyone's heads snapped to look at who blew the whistle and it was Professor Hooch standing near the front of the two rows.

" Alright everybody stand next to a broom, raise your right hand, and say up," she said teaching the class.

" Up" a variety of voices of going up.

" Up," said Annabelle 1 the broom came at her with force making her fall on her butt. Her friends started snickering.

" Up " chanted Sandra for the sixth time but, this time her broom shot up and hit her in the head. This time Annabelle 1 snickered with her friends while Sandra

Just stuck her tongue out at them.

" Up," said Annabelle 2 loud and proud. Her broom easily went into her hand she had no trouble at all, she stared at the broom in amazement!

" Lucky " muttered Sandra and the other Annabelle while rubbing where they got hurt. This time Annabelle 2 stuck her tongue out and laughed.

" Now I want you to hold your broom tightly, so you don't slip off on the count of three I want you to kick off the ground " instructed Professor Hooch.

" toooooot " Everyone launched off the ground. Annabelle 1 looked around her in amazement at the sights she can see this high up.

" Now control your broom and fly " she shouted. People were racing, playing tag, having relay teams it was a bunch of fun until.......

" Whop ! " was the sound of two people colliding. The two people that collided happened to be Annabelle 2 and a girl with blue hair from Ravenclaw! The two girls went down to the ground.

' Snap! Crackle! Pop ! ' were the sounds people heard as the two girls hit the ground with impact. Everyone flew down and got off their brooms to see if the girls were okay.

' sniff, sniff ' was all Annabelle heard signally the two girls were crying.

" Out of my way," said Professor Hooch pushing her through the crowd of people. She knelt down beside the two girls.

" oo, oo, one has a broken arm and the other a broken leg lets go to the hospital wing to get you two fixed up. " said the professor calmly. She picked up the one with blue hair and helped up Annabelle 2 and began walking towards the school.

" If I see one broom leave the ground when I'm gone you'll be out of this school faster than you can say quidditch" she shouted over the shoulder. ' Tap ' went a finger on Sandra's back.

" Hey, um, my friend and your friend just crashed," said a female voice. The others two girls turned around and saw a girl with naturally tanned skin, brown eyes, glasses, and dark brown hair, also in Ravenclaw robes.

" Oh yay that was our friend, I'm Sandra by the way and this is Annabelle," said Sandra.

" Sweet my name is Madelyn, " the girl said back. After the professor came back and glass was over the girls chatted and walked to the hospital wing to check on their friends. After they entered they saw their friends in a cass.

" Hey, I made new friends this Annabelle and Sandra their friends with the girl the crashed into you, " exclaimed Madelyn walking towards her friend.

" That's cool man I'm am Luna," the girl said with a broken foot. The other two walked towards their friend everyone was introduced to each other after a while and then they were allowed to leave. The next day was Saturday. Annabelle 1 was walking alone to breakfast that morning. She couldn't wake up her friends so after five minutes she left and started going towards the great hall. In her way, she spotted Neville waking alone like she is at the moment. Annabelle quickly but quietly snuck up behind him. She tapped him on the right and moved to the left. Neville then looked to his right to see no one their which confused him. Annabelle couldn't hold it anymore and burst out laughing making Neville jump. He turned and saw his friend laughing then laughed with her.

" Annabelle " he laughed and then playfully pushed her.

" Neville " she mocked

" you scared me! "

" sorry "

" it's ok," he said Annabelle and him were still laughing cause they thought that everything was hilarious at the moment.

" So how've your classes been? " he asked out of the blue trying to make conversation.

"It's really cool and fascinating so far, how are yours ? " she responded. Then they entered the Great Hall and they looked at each other.

"You're sitting with me today," said Neville pulling her hand with him to the Gryffindor table. They sat down and started eating.

" Annabelle " chimed a bunch of voices, she looked up to find Harry, Ron, Hermione, and Seamus, then ..............

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