Chapter 61

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What happened at the Quidditch World Cup was soon forgotten, well Annabelle didn't forget she had nightmares almost every single night since. Now they were on the train to Hogwarts. The lady came by with a trolley full of sweets, Ron and Harry went up to get some. Cho also was getting things forms the trolley.

" Cho ! " chimed Annabelle jumping up and hugging her.

" Bells ! " laughed Cho hugging back. When Harry saw Cho he just stood there with a funny smile on his face. Ron sat to eat and Annabelle just sat back down. Harry was still standing.

" Anything from the trolley dear ? " asked the woman

" Oh.., I'm not hungry thank you," Harry said watching Cho go back to here compartment, before sitting back down.

" Annabelle, do you know everyone ? " asked Ron.

"No. why ? " she asked

" Because you talk to everyone we see ! " said Ron.

" Well Cedric is in the same house as me and Cho has been in past lessons and she's in my brothers house " Annabelle explained.

" Well aren't you social ! " said Ron

" Very ! " exclaimed Annabelle

" This is horrible," said Hermione changing subjects.

" How can the Ministry not know who conjured it ? Is there any security or,"

" Loads. According to dad. That's what worried them so much. It happened right under their noses," said Ron. Harry grabbed his scar and groaned

" It's hurting again isn't it. Your scar," said Hermione

"In fine " he denied

" You know Sirius'll want to hear about this. What you saw at the World Cup and dream," said Hermione

" Fine," Harry muttered. he wrote a letter to Sirius, addressing him as ' Padfoot ' he told him about his scar and his strange dreams. He sent it with Hedwig.

" I'm gonna go find Sandra and change into my robes," said Annabelle exiting the compartment. it did to take long till she found Sandra sitting with Thomas and Doug.

" Bells ! Your ok ! " shouted Doug jumping up and hugging her with Thomas and Sandra joining the ' group hug '.

" Thanks ! I'm glad to see you guys are ok too," laughed Annabelle hugging them back.

" Bells are you sure your fine ? " asked Thomas as they released and sat down.

" Yeah, why ? " asked Annabelle

" Because from the night after the World Cup to the night before the we got on the train. Sometimes I couldn't sleep so I got up and when I passed you and Ginny, you were tossing and turning, tears streaming down your face, and you would wake up sitting up quickly, this one time you shot awake crying," explained Thomas.

" Tru- truth is I've been having nightmares " Annabelle whispered looking at the ground.

" Awe Bells ! " said Doug pulling her into a hug.

" What is the nightmares about ? " asked Sandra

" It's like each time we leave the tent and when we were running, and I let go of your hand Thomas, you get shot with some sort of spell and you died. Then everyone disappeared and a circle of fire formed around me, the people in masks will come out of the flames, they would hurt me, beat me till I'm barely conscious and just before they kill me I awake. But each time is different " explained Annabelle

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