Chapter 25

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It was now Christmas time and Annabelle still hasn't faced her consequences. Anyways Annabelle 1 was sitting at Gryffindor's table watching Harry and Ron play wizard chess. It was super funny for Annabelle because Seamus lent Harry his chess pieces over Christmas, and Seamus pieces didn't trust Harry so they would disobey him.

" Knight to E-5," Harry said.

" Queen to E-5 " Ron ordered and his queen stuck Harry's knight making it fall to the ground.

" That's totally barbaric! " sounded Hermione's voice from behind. Harry and Ron paused from their game.

" That's wizard chess. I see you've packed " Ron said glancing at Hermione's suitcase.

" See you haven't " Hermione countered as she sat down next to Annabelle.

" Change of plans. My parents are going to go Romania to visit my brother Charlie. He's studying dragons there " Ron answered.

" Good " Hermione gave him a look. " You can help Harry and Annabelle " she rolled her eyes as Ron gave her a confused look. " They're going to look in the library for information on Nicholas Flammel "

" We are? " asked Harry.

" Duh " sounded Annabelle

" We looked a hundred times " Ron added backing up Harry.

" Not in the restricted section " sang Hermione then got up and grabbed her suitcase. Annabelle got up and hug her friend bye. The Hermione left.

" Happy Christmas! " said Hermione over her shoulder.

" You too ! " replied Annabelle.

" I think we've had a bad influence on her " Ron said smiling. Annabelle was about to sit down next to Harry.

" Nope " exclaimed Thomas from behind and grabbing her arm, dragging it towards the direction he was going. Annabelle shot an apologetic look at Harry and Ron laughing and continued to play their game of Wizard Chess. A few minutes later Annabelle was sitting on a chair with a spotlight on her. 

" Sandra told us what happened after you left the common room that night " whispers Doug coming from then left.

" Yay, you could've defended yourself plus it was after curfew. ( the Malfoy incident took place after curfew ) said Thomas coming from the right.

" And now it's time to face your consequences " whispers Sandra from behind. Annabelle's face now spoke ' I am so screwed ' Swish! Was the sound of ice-cold water going over Annabelle's head. Ten more buckets later Annabelle was shivering, drenched in water.

" Last but not least " spoke Santa with an evil smile. All three at once pulled something out from. Behind their backs. They poured it over her head and threw handful amounts of the substance at her. That substance was glitter. Now Annabelle we soaking wet and covers in glitter head to toe. Annabelle was now allowed to leave, when she exited she accidentally ran into Jóse.

" Whoops sorry bro " shivers Annabelle.

" It's okay Bells and why are you wet and covered in glitter ? " asked Jóse then he glanced down at his shirt now in glitter. " great " sighed Jóse.

" Sorry " replied Annabelle then explained her glitter story.


Annabelle woke and realized it was now Christmas and she smiled really big. ( Annabelle, Thomas, and Sandra were in the Gryffindor, Christmas Eve night. The rest of Legit 5 and Jóse went home for Christmas.) Annabelle sprang up from the chair she was on and ran to the couch Sandra was sleeping. Annabelle pulled out her wand, pointed it, and whispered a spell, next thing you know Sandra was on the ground soaking wet awake.

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