Chapter 23

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Annabelle didn't wake for about a week since the troll incident. Annabelle woke up on an cold November day. When she opened eyes her vision was really blurry, when it finally cleared up she saw her friends sitting around the bed. Annabelle went to sit up just to have pain shoot through her sides making her collapse back on the bed.

" Ow " whimpered Annabelle.

" Easy Annabelle " spoke Seamus, while Thomas helped her back up.

" Gave us quite a scare" started Fred.

" Yay, you out for a long time " continued George.

" For how long ? " questioned Annabelle.

" A week," said the Weasly twins. Annabelle's mouth forme and 'o' shape.

" Woah " she breathed while the others laughed.

" Ah ! Miss. Hood your awake " cried Madame Pomfrey. " Take some of this medicine and you are free to leave, but! Take it easy so you don't rip your stitches" instructed Pomfrey giving her the medicine. After Annabelle did what she was told and gathered up her ' get well ' items and exited the hospital wing.

" Wait so how many stitches ? " asked Annabelle curiously.

" About ten " answered Dean.

" Oh wow," she replied. Annabelle was suddenly picked up and was flipped over someone's shoulder making her drop the things in her arms. Annabelle turned her head and saw Doug and started glaring at him.

" Doug! Put me down " exclaimed Annabelle

" Nope," said Doug popping the 'p' and continued laughing.

" Bells " laughed Annabelle 2

" Yes, Annie " she replied.

" Having fun there ? " asked Sandra then winked.

" First shut up! Second Oh... Yes... In having sooooo much fun " Replied Annabelle 1 with sarcasm.

" HEY! I heard that " Doug called making everyone laugh. 


It was the end of November, the weather was turning very cold, which means Quidditch season has begun !!!!. On Saturday was Harry's first game, Gryffindor vs. Slytherin. It was the morning of the game and Annabelle was taking to Sandra and Annabelle 2.

" I so can't wait till the game starts !! " exclaimed Annabelle 2 in excitement, they were talking about Quidditch.

" I know...... " started Annabelle 1 but soon got cut off when someone tapped her shoulder. Annabelle turned around to see Hermione. Hermione didn't say anything all she did was grab Annabelle 1's hand drag her to the Gryffindor table. When they got to Harry they sat down. Annabelle saw Harry playing with his food.

" You gotta eat some breakfast " spoke Annabelle.

" I don't want anything " grumbled Harry.

" Just a bit of toast " wheedled Hermione pushing some toast towards Harry.

" Harry you need your strength," said Seamus " Seekers are always ones who get clobbered by the other team" he smiled almost evilly.

" Jeez Seamus, that really helped so much " sassed Annabelle whole smacking him on the shoulder. He put his hands up in defense. They turned to heads at the cold, soft voice of Professor Snape.

" Good luck today Potter. Then again now that you proven yourselves against a troll, a little game of Quidditch should be easy work for you. Even if it's against Slytherin." Then he limped away.

" That explains the blood," said Harry. Harry told them about the incident in the bathroom.

" Blood? " Hermione and Ron repeated then glared at each other. Harry leaned forward, glanced around to make sure Seamus or anyone else wasn't listening, they began to tell Ron, Hermione, and Annabelle what he's been suspecting.

" listening night we fought the troll, I was guessing Snape let it in as a diversion so he could get past the three-headed dog, but got but so that's why he's limping " explained Harry.

" But why would anyone go near that thing " questioned Hermione curiously.

" The day we were at Gringotts, Hagrid took something from a vault, said it was Hogwarts business, very secretive " then took a bite of toast much to the girl's delight.

" So your saying " began Ron. " That's what the dogs guarding, That's what Snapes after"

It was time for the Quidditch game. Legit 5 was sitting together with Neville, Seamus, ect.

" Hello! Welcome to Hogwarts first Quidditch game of the season ! " announced Lee Jordan and friend of the Weasly twins, doing the commentary.

" Today's game: Slytherin vs. Gryffindor! The players take their positions, as Madame Hooch steps on the field to begin the game !" Madame spoke words to both of the teams.

" The bludgers are up followed by the Golden Snitch, Remember the Golden Snitch is worth a hundred and fifty points, the seeker who catches it ends the game. The quaffle is released and the game begins! "

" Angelina Johnson Scores! Ten points to Gryffindor! " Cheers erupted from the crowd while moans erupted from Slytherins. Annabelle felt a body sit down behind her so she turned to look and saw Hagrid next to Ron and Hermione.

" Any sign of the Snitch yet ? " rumbled Hagrid

" Nope, Harry hasn't had anything to do yet" replied Ron. Each time they scored Harry would a loop-the-loop to let his feelings show. He got caught off guard when a blusher came pelting his way like a cannonball. Harry managed to doge or while Fred chased after it.

" Alright there Harry " yelled Fred before beating the bludger towards Marcus Flint a sixth-year/captain of the Slytherins Quidditch team. Everything was going well until Harry's broom started going hay-wired trying to knock him off.

" Oh no ! " gasped Annabelle 1.

" Hang on " perked Hermione snatching Hagrids binoculars. " I knew it ! " then she ran off. Hermione accidentally knocked over Quirrell to where Snape was sitting. She pulled out her wand and spoke " Lacarnum Inflamora " and set Snape's cloak on fire the scurred back to where she was sitting so she wouldn't get caught. A few moments later Snape noticed his cloak was on fire and had to stamp on it to put the flames out. Harry manages to get back on his broom the speed off, he and the Slytherin seeker were neck and neck going full speed towards the ground to get the snitch. The other seeker pulled away so he doesn't hit the ground. Harry smacked into the ground and rolled a few feet. He sat up then put his hand over his mouth like he was about to puke. Then he coughed up something round and gold.
" HARRY POTTER CAUGHT THE SNITCH " shouted Lee as Harry was holding the snitch with the hand he caught it. Gryffindors cheers echoed throughout the stadium.

" GRYFFINDOR WINS ! " shouted Lee and the cheers got even louder.

Legit fiveOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora