Chapter 62

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Their first class that day was Defense Against the Dark Arts , everyone was on edge, Professor Moody didn't seem like a pleasant teacher. When they got to the classroom, it looked much different to how it looked last year. It was full of jars of bugs and little creatures, their were flasks that were usually found in Snape's classroom. Annabelle was sitting next to Peter. When Professor Moody marched in, everyone went silent, they watched him as he went up to the front of the classroom.

" Alastor Moody. Ex-Auror. Ministry Malcom Tent. And your new Defense Against the Dark Arts teacher. I am here because Dumbledore asked me. End of story. The end. Any questions ? " Moody asked. No one raised their hands. " When it comes to the Dark Arts, I believe in a different approach. But first, which of you can tell me, how many unforgivable curses there are ? " asked Moody

" Three sir," said Hermione

" And they are, so named ? " Moody asked scribbling writing on the chalkboard.

' Cause they are unforgivable. The use of any them-,' Hermione began

" Will earn you a one way ticket to Azkaban ! " finished Moody. " The Ministry says you're too young to see what these curses do. I say different ! You need to know what you're up against ! You need to be prepared ! You need to find a better place to put your chewing gum besides the other side of your desk Mr. Finnegan ! " They all turned and looked Seamus, he was sticking his gum to the side of his desk.

" No way. The old cauldron can't see out the back of his head," Seamus muttered. Moody threw a piece of chalk at him.

'" I hear across classrooms ! " he shouted. " So, which curse shall we see first ? Weasly ! "

" Yes ? " Ron said nervously.

" Stand ! " Ron rose to his feet. " Give us a curse," said Moody

" Well, m-my did tell about one. The Imperious Curse,' said Ron

" Oh yeah. Your father would know all about that. It gave the Ministry a bit of grief a few years ago. Perhaps this will show you why," said Moody. He walked back to his desk and took a spider out of a jar, everyone was holding their breaths. He held the spider in his hand and enlarged it, " Engorio," it go bigger. " Imperio ! " He put the spider on Dean and Neville's desk they both backed away from it. He made it go on Crabbe's head. Everyone was laughing. " Don't worry shes harmless ! " He put it on one of the Parvarti twins hand. It climbed to her shoulder. Before it reached her head, Moody made it go on Ron's head. Ron was freaking out, everyone knew he was scared of spiders.

" What're you laughing at !? " He put the spider in Malfoy's nose, Harry began to clap. " What shall I have her do next !? Jump out of a window ? " Everyone stopped laughing when Moody neared the spider to the open window. " Drown herself," he moved the spider over a bucket of water, the spider was struggling above the water. He made the spider go back in his hand. " Scores of witches and wizards, have claimed that they only did You-Know-Who's bidding, under the influence of the Imperious Curse. But here's the problem, how do we sort out the liars ? Another. " Some people raised their hands, including Neville. " Longbottom is it ? Up " Neville stood. " Professor Sprout tells me you have an attitude for Herbology ," Neville nodded.

" Th-th-there's the um, the Cruciatus Curse," said Neville

" Correct ! Correct ! Come ! Come ! " He bought Neville to the front of the class by the desk. " The torture curse. ' He placed the spider in front of the Neville. " Crucio ! " The spider began to squirm and twitch, it was screaming in pain. The entire class was looking away. Neville was flinching every time the spider let out a scream.

" STOP IT ! CAN'T YOU SEE ITS BOTHERING HIM ! STOP IT ! " Annabelle screamed, she was fighting the urge to cry. Moody took the curse off the spider, he picked it up and walked over to where Annabelle was sitting, leaving Neville in the front of the room. He placed the spider on top of Annnabelle's books.

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