Chapter 50

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Then the next day everyone was going to Hogsmeade, except Harry

" Now these visits to Hogsmeade Village are a privilege. Should your behavior reflect poorly on the school in any way that privilege. Shall not be extended again, " McGonagall said. Harry walked up to her.

" No permission form signed, no visiting the village that's the rule Potter," McGonagall said.

" Those with signed forms follow me, those without stay put, " Filch said.

" But Professor I thought if you signed it then I could go," said Harry.

"I can't only a parent or a guardian can sign, since I am neither it would be inappropriate. I'm sorry Potter, that's my final word," McGonagall said. Harry met up with Ron, Hermione, and Annabelle.

" We'll get you some sweets from Honey dukes ! " said Hermione

" We'll be sure to get you stuff from Zonko's, " said Ron

" Thanks, guys, " Harry said. Filch began to lead them out of Hogwarts.

" Bye Harry," Annabelle said hugging him, then ran to find Legit5.

" Luna! " Annabelle exclaimed, stopping next to Luna.

" Bells ! " laughed Luna.

" Bells, Vanessa ( Madelyn's sister that's now a second-year ) wants us to bring stuff back for her," said Madelyn

" Ya, so does the other Luna," said Luna.

"Ok, so then we have to bring stuff back for Harry, Vanessa, the other Luna, and Ginny, she asked me earlier," said Annabelle.

" Do you have stuff for the meeting ? " asked Annabelle 2.

" Yes " replied Annabelle


An hour later they were sitting at a table in Three Broomsticks, drinking butterbeer, and having a short meeting.

" Sandra, truth or dare ? " asked Luna

" I can't believe I'm saying this but.....dare? " Sandra asked nervously. Everyone at the table sat up straighter and leaner into the table looking mischievous, except Sandra who looked scared. Luna lolled around the room and then whispered into Annabelle 2's ear, who whispered it in Madelyn's ear, who whispered it in Annabelle's ear.

" Do it ! " exclaimed Annabelle

" I'm scared " breathed Sandra

" You should," said Madelyn

" I dare you to.... drum roll please," said Luna. The three other girls began drum rolling on the table then stopped.

" I dare you to pants Seamus," said Luna.

" What no ! " shouted Sandra

" You chose dare," said Annabelle 2

" One of us can make a distraction so he's not paying attention," suggested Madelyn

" Sounds better and can I choose? " Sandra question putting her hand up.

" Yes " replied Madelyn

" Bells," Sandra said quickly. Annabelle sighed, the two got up and started walking to Seamus. " Got a plan ? " asked Sandra.

" Yes " began Annabelle then whispered the plan into Sandra's ear. Sandra nodded.

" Hey, Fred! Hey George ! " chummed Annabelle walking up to them.

" Hey, Anniebelli ! Hey Sandy ! " they said.

" So Sandra here has been dared, " Annabelle said gesturing to Sandra.

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