Chapter 109

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Annabelle was upstairs in Griphook's room with the other three.

" Hello, how are you ? " Annabelle asked.
" Alive," Griphook answered. He turned to Harry. " Buried the elf ? "

" Yes," Harry nodded.

" You brought me here. You are a very unusual wizard," Griphook said. " How did you come by the sword ?"

" It's complicated," Harry said. " Why did Bellatrix Lestrange think it should be in her vault at Gringotts ? "

" Its complicated," the goblin said.

" The sword presented itself to us at a time of need. We didn't steal it," Harry said.

" There is a sword in Madame Lestrange's vault, it is a fake," the goblin said. " It was placed there last summer ".

" And she never suspected it was a fake ? " Harry asked.

" The replica is very convincing only a goblin would recognize the true Sword of Gryffindore," Griphook explained.

" Who's the acquaintance ? " Hermione asked.

" A Hogwarts Professor, as I understand it hes now headmaster," Griphook answered.

" Snape," Ron said. " He put a fake sword in Bellatrix's vault ? Why ? "

" There are more than a few curious things in the vaults at Gringotts," the goblin said.

" And in Madame Lestrange's as well ? " Harry asked.

" Perhaps," Griphook said.

" I need to get into Gringotts. Into one of the vaults," Harry said.

" It is impossible," Griphook said.

" Alone-yes. But with you-no," Harry said.

" Why should I help you ? " he asked

" We have gold, " Harry offered " Lots of it ".

" I have no interest in gold," the goblin replied.

" Then what ? " Harry asked.

" That," he said pointing to the sword. " That's my prize ".

They left the room and stood on the stairs.

" Maybe there's another Horcrux in Bellatrix's vault," Hermione whispered.

" She was terrified when she saw the sword. She kept asking us what else we took," Annabelle whispered.

" I'll bet you anything there's another Horcrux in there, another piece of his soul. Lets find it and kill it then we'll be one step closer to killing him," Harry whispered.

" As long as we find it," Ron whispered. " How're we supposed break into Gringotts ? "

" I'm still working on that," Harry whispered. The door opened and Fleur came out.

" He's weak," she whispered. They walked in.

" Mr. Ollivander, I need you to ask you a few questions," Harry said.

" Oh....anything," he breathed.

" Would you mind identifying this wand ? " Harry asked. " We need to know if its safe to use". Harry handed him a wand.

" Walnut, Dragon Heartstring, 12 $ 3/4 inches. This belongs to Bellatrix Lestrange," Mr. Ollivander said handing the wand back. " Treat it carefully".

" And this ? " Harry asked handing him another wand.

" ......This was the wand of Draco Malfoy," Mr. Ollivander said.

" Was ? " Harry asked. " Is it still not ? "

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