Chapter 72

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The next morning Annabelle was walking with Neville and Harry to the black lake.

" You sure this'll work Neville ? " Harry asked as he took the Gillyweed

" Absolutely," he said confidently

" For an hour ? " asked Harry

" Most likely," Neville said

" Most likely ? ' he asked

" Well there is some debate between Herbologist on the affects of fresh water versus salt water," Neville said

" And your telling me this now, Harry asked

" I-I just wanted to help," Neville said

" Well that makes you better than Ron and Hermione," Harry said turning around and walking backwards looking for them. " Where are they anyway ? "

" You seem a little tense Harry," Neville said.

" Do I ? " Harry asked. Soon they were on a platform thing Harry had to jump off. Each of the champions were in swim suits.

" Welcome to the Second task ! " Dumbledore announced. " Now, something was stolen from each of our Champions. A treasure of sorts. These four treasures, one for each Champion now lie on the bottom of the Black Lake. In order to win each Champion needs only to find theirs treasure and return to the surface ".

" Put that thing in your mouth," Moody whispered to Harry. He put the Gillyweed in his mouth. It tasted terrible. He began to choke suddenly craving water.

" Simply enough. Except they will only have one hour to do so and one hour only. After that they will be on their own. No magic will save them. You may begin at the sound of the cannon ! " Dumbledore announced. The cannon went off and all the champions except Harry went into the water. Harry was struggling to breath till Moody pushed him in. Harry was underwater for a minute or so.

" What's the matter with him ? " Seamus asked Dean

" I don't know I can't see him," answered Dean. Neville turned around and put his hands on his head.

" Oh my god I killed Harry Potter," panicked Neville. All of a sudden Harry shot out of the water.

" Yay ! " he cheered as he did a back flip, Neville turned around as Harry went back into the water. Dean, Seamus, and Annabelle were laughing. Neville sat down next to them dumbfounded. The four talked to each for what seemed like only five minutes but turned out to be an hour. Fleur came out of the water with nothing. A few minutes later, Cedric came up holding Cho. Annabelle shot up an ran over to them. Annabelle hugged them both not caring if she gets wet. Then helped towels around them. Krum, with his going from shark to himself came up a little after Cedric. Krum helped her out of the water. Annabelle tackled Hermione in a hugged and then helped put a towels around her. Annabelle turned to Krum.

" Thank you so much, I can't live with out Hermione," said Annabelle gratefully, he just smiled and nodded. Then Ron and a little girl came up but no Harry ? Hermione and Annabelle looked each other worryingly. Soon Harry shot out of the water and landed on the platform landing on his back.

" Harry ! " said the girls

" Bells, Hermione, " shivered. Annabelle tackled Ron and Harry into hugs and helped wrap towels around them.

Fleur came up to Harry with her sister.

" You saved her even though she wasn't yours to save. My little sister ! Thank you ! " she breathed then kissed his cheek who blushed. She got up and looked at Ron. " And you ! You helped ! " she gasped.

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