Chapter 107

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- Nightmare -
Annabelle was in the forest it was dark. She was wandering the grounds when she heard a snap of a twig from behind her. She turned and saw person standing there, it was a she, it all black, hood up, very hard to see.
" Hello," Annabelle called. The lady began to walk away, Annabelle decided to follow. As she was following her, light became visible. There was a fire far ahead " Where at you going ? "
The woman swished her cloak and she as gone. Annabelle ran over to where the woman was, then realized she was now out of the forest in a clearing. The fire was in the clearly, it was a circle. The sight was terrible she collapsed onto her knees, her hand was covering he mouth to prevent a scream or cry. Bodies hung by rope from the armpits off branches, dangling in the air, bloody, scratched, bruised, clothing ripped. Worse it was people she knew.
" Mom ? Dad ? " Annabelle gasped getting up and then walking over to their bodies. " It's me Annabelle, please wake up," She patted there faces. Nothing. Checked for pulse, breathing and heart beat. Nothing,
" Mom ! Dad ! " She panicked untying the rope and gently putting them on the ground. Tears rolled down her cheeks. She looked up to see the other bodies. More people she recognized. They were the twins, her brother, the trio, legit 5, her sister, a lot of her friends, and Neville. Tears ran down her cheeks as she ran from body to body, untying the rope and laying them on the ground. The last body she went to was Neville's.
" N-N-N-Neville," Annabelle stuttered. There was no response. His eyes were closed like the others. Dry blood stayed his face and body. His shirt was ripped open from the front and back. His pants were ripped from the knees down. His hair was a mess, bruises everywhere. His backed looked like he was whipped multiple times. Annabelle undid the rope and gently laid his body down. She put his head in her lap.
" Neville, please don't be dead," Annabelle began as she played with his hair. " Everyone else is gone and I-I-I dot want to lose you too, she cried. " Neville Longbottom, open your eyes, I want to see those gorgeous eyes, wrap your arms around me one more time. I don't want to lose you. Neville you mean so much to me ". She checked for any signs of life. Nothing.
"No, no, no, no, no," she cried. " I love you Neville, never forget that, I know your in heaven know, I hope you heard that, I love you so much," Annabelle cried moving the hair out of his face. Annabelle leaned over and gently kissed his lips.
" Ready to join them ? " A creepy familiar voice asked. Annabelle jumped and turned around to see Bellatrix Lestrange, holding a knife.
- End of nightmare -
Annabelle shot up screaming, tears rolled down her cheeks.
" Bells ! " Harry asked kneeled down, shaking her.
" Huh ?" she asked.
" You were screaming," Hermione breathed.
" Oh, just a bad dream, I'm fine,' she answered as she breathed heavily.
" Do you want to take watch ? " Hermione asked.
" Please," Annabelle breathed getting up. She took the Horcrux and the harmonica and left the tent.
" That was no bad dream," Harry said as they heard the harmonica softly start playing.
Later Harry came down by the river where Annabelle was. Harry washed his face and hands as Annabelle just stared at he water.
" Do you know where we are ? " Harry asked her.
" No a chance, do you ? " She replied.
" Nope," he answered. Harry began to go back to the tent, Annabelle stood up and followed.
"You've out done yourself this time Hermione," Harry said as the two sat down.
" Forest of Dean. Came here once with mum and dad. Years ago," Hermione said. " Its just how I remember it. The trees. The river. Everything. Like nothing's changed. Not true of course everything's changed. If I brought my parents back here now they probably wouldn't even recognise any of it. Not the trees....not the river....not even me. I wish I could just stay here. Grow old. You wanted to know who the boy in the photograph was. I know. Gelert Grindewald ". Hermione handed Harry the book she took from ' Batilda's ' home.
"That's the thief I saw in Gorgorvic's wand shop. Speaking of which, where's my wand ?"Harry asked. Hermione got up, still squatting and moved showing Harry's broken wand.
" As we were leaving Godrics Hallow, I sat a curse and it rebounded. I'm sorry I tried to mend it but wands are different-" Hermione began.
" It's done. Leave me yours. Go in and get warm both of you," Harry said. They gave him the stuff and went inside.
Hermione was asleep while Annabelle was sitting at the table rereading the beautiful words Neville wrote her.
" Hermione ! Bells ! " Harry called from outside the tent. Annabelle immediately left the tent as Hermione woke up.
" Is everything alright ? " Annabelle asked exiting the tent. Harry was drenched. Hermione walked out of the tent.
"It's fine," Harry breathed. " Actually it's more than fine ". Harry turned, allowing the to see none other than Ron ! He also was drenched. he was arguing the sword of Gryffindore and a broken Horcrux. Ron saw Hermione and his face lit up like a Christmas tree .
" Hey." he breathed, with a toothy grin. Hermione was not smiling she looked pissed. Ron stopped smiling, now looking scared. Hermione stormed over to him, yanked off his bag and began to hit him with it.
" You complete arse ! Ronald Weasly! " Hermione shouted. She began to throw leaves at him. " You show up here after weeks ! And you say ' Hey '?" Ron remained speechless. Hermione suddenly turned to Harry, he began to back away.
" Where's my wand ? Harry where's my wand ? " Hermione asked as she stormed over to him.
" I dunno," Harry quickly answered.
"Harry Potter you give me my wand ! " She snapped.
"How come he has your wand ? " Ron asked.
"Never mind why he got my wand ! " She snapped. Her eyes landed on the broken Horcrux. " What's that ? " Ron held it up, smiling a bit. " You destroyed it," Hermione looked at the other two then Ron again. " And how is it that you happen to have the sword of Gryffindor ? "
" It's a long story," Harry said.
" Don't think this changes anything," Hermione growled. She began to walk back to the tent.
" Oh, of course not. I've only destroyed a bloody Horcrux why would that change anything ?"Ron asked. " Look, I wanted to come back as soon as I left. I just didn't know how to find you ".
" How did you find us ? " Annabelle asked.
" With this," Ron said holding up the Deluminator. " It doesn't just turn off the lights. I dunno how it works, but Christmas morning I was sleeping in the line pub keepin' away from some
Snatchers. And I heard it ".
" It ? " Annabelle asked.
" A voice, your voice Hermione. Coming out of it," Ron said.
" And what exactly did I say may I ask ? " Hermione asked crossing her arms.
" My name. Just my name. In a whisper, " Ron began. " So I took it. Clicked it, and this tiny ball of light appeared. And I knew. Sure enough, it floated toward me-the ball of light. An right into my chest, straight through me. Right here. Ron said pointing towards his heart. " I knew it was going to take me to where I need to go so I disapparted and came to this hillside. It was dark I had no idea where I was. Just hoped one of you would show yourselves. And you did ". Hermione sighed and went back into the tent . The other three looked at each other.
" Your still ginger," Annabelle greeted.
" Your still blonde," Ron mimicked.
Later that night, Hermione was outside taking watch, Harry and Ron sat down on a bed and Annabelle sat on the floor. The three sat around a flame, Hermione made for them to stay warm.
" I've always liked these flames Hermione makes," Ron said looking at the bit of her showing.
" How long do you think she'll stay mad at me ? "
" Well just keep talking about the little ball of light touching your heart,w Harry began.
" She'll come around. I know she will," Annabelle finished.
" It's true. Every word," Ron said. " I think this may sound crazy. But I think that's why Dumbledore left it for me. I think he knew I would need to find my way back when she's need me ". They sat in silence for a bit. " Bloody hell, I just realized you need a wand don't you ? " Ron asks Harry.
" Yeah," Harry said.
" I got one here." Ron said pulling a wand out of his bag. " It's Black thorn, ten inches. Nothing special, but I reckon it'll do ". He handed Harry the wand. " I took it off a snatcher a couple of weeks ago. Don't tell Hermione this but they're a bit dim, snatchers. "
" Try it out," Annabelle encouraged. Harry raised the wand and pointed it at the flame.
" Engorio," Harry said. The flame shot up big and talk almost touching the ceiling. " Reducto ! " The flame went back to its small size.
" What's going on in there ? " Hermione asked.
" Nothing," the three answered together. Hermione walked in, not looking so angry anymore.
" We need to talk," she said.
" What is it ? " Harry asked.
" I want to see Xenophilius Lovegood," Hermione said.
" Sorry ? " Harry asked as he didn't hear it.
" See this ? " Hermione asked then showing the strange sign in the book Dumbledore gave her. " Its a letter Dumbledore wrote. Look at the signature, it's the mark again. It keeps popping up. In Beetle and Bard, in the graveyard at Godrics Hallow ".
" It's was there too," Harry said.
" Where ?" Annabelle asked him.
" Outside Gorovich's wand shop," he answered.
"What does it mean ? " Ron asked.
" Look, you've got no idea where the next Horcrux is and neither do I. But this-this means something. I'm sure of it," Hermione said with confidence.
" Yeah," Ron said as he stood next to Hermione. " Hermione's right. We ought to see Lovegood. Let's vote on it. Thos in favor ". Ron put his hand. No one followed the answer was obvious. Annabelle raised her eyebrows at Hermione. She rolled her eyes and walked away. Annabelle went to grab the letter off the table.
" Give her time," Annabelle said to Ron patting his back as she passed. All in all they were going to go see Xenophilius Lovegood.

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