Chapter 110

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After they dried off and changed, they four of them apparated to Hogsmeade. a siren went off when they got there, it sounded like a screeching cat. Men scrambled out buildings to go find them. They ran till they ran into a dead end, got cut off by a gate.
" In here Potter," a voice said. They looked and and saw an old man. He had a gray beard. Without thinking the four walked into the house, with Annabelle the last to get in. Hermione was standing by the fire place looking at the broken mirror.
" Harry, I can see you in this," Hermione said. Harry pulled out his mirror and saw Hermione.
" Bloody fools. What were you thinking coming here. Do you have any ideas how dangerous it is !? " The bearded man demanded walking through a door. They turned and thought they saw Dumbledore but it wasn't The man had dark eyes.
" You're Aberoth, Dumbledore's brother. It's you I've been seeing in the mirror. You're the one who sent Dobby," Harry said.
" Where have you left him ? Aberoth asked pouring tea.
" He's dead," Harry answered softly.
" I'm sorry to hear that, I liked that elf," Aberoth said.
" Who gave that to you ? The mirror ? " Harry asked.
" Mundungus Fletcher," Aberoth answered.
" He had no right selling that to you," Harry said angrily. " It belongs to-"
" Sirius," Aberoth finished. " Albus told me. He also told me that you'd likely be hacked off if you found out I had it. But ask yourself, where would you be if I didn't ". He then set down a plate of bread on the table. Hermione, Ron, and Annabelle immediately began eating.
" We need to get into Hogwarts," Harry said. " Tonight Dumbledore gave me a job to do ".
" Did he now ? Nice job ? Easy ? " Aberoth asked.
" We've been hunting Horcruxes," Harry began. " We think the last one is in the castle but we'll need your help getting in".
" It's not a job my brother gave you. It's a suicide mission. Do yourself a favor and go home ! You'll live longer," Aberoth said stubbornly.
" Dumbledore trusted me to see this through," Harry said angrily.
" What makes you trust him ? What makes you believe anything my brother told you ? In all the time that you knew him did he ever mention my name ? Did he ever mention hers ? " He asked gesturing to a picture of a young girl.
" Why should he ? " Harry began.
" Keep secrets. You tell me," Aberoth asked.
" I trusted him," Harry said angrily.
" That's a boys answer. A boy who goes chasing Horcruxes in the word of a man who wouldn't even tell you where to start. You're lying ! " Aberoth snapped. " Not just to me-but to yourselves as well. That's what fools do, and you don't strike me as fools. So I'll ask you again. There must be a reason ". There was silence.
" I'm not interested in what happened between you and Dumbledore. I don't care that you've given up. I haven't. I trusted Dumbledore and still do. We need to get into the castle tonight," Harry said looking Aberoth in the eyes. Aberoth stared at Harry for a moment before turning to the girl in the portrait.
" You know what to do," he said gently to the girl. She nodded and began walking away.
" Where have you sent her ? " Harry asked.
" You'll see soon enough," Aberoth replied.
" That's your sister Adrianna isn't it ? " Hermione asked. " She died very young didn't she ? "
" My brother sacrificed many things on his journey to power. Including Adrianna. and she was devoted to him. He gave her everything," Aberoth sighed.
" Thank you Mr. Dumbledore," Hermione said as he walked away. Annabelle was now looking out the window, she was in look out.
" He did save our lives twice. That doesn't seem like someone who's given up," Hermione said to Harry. They sat in silence watching the portrait as Annabelle continued looking out the window.
"She's coming back," Ron said. " Who's that with her ? " Someone was trailing behind Adrianna. The portrait opened someone holding a flash light. That someone was Neville !! He was beaten up. He had bruises covering his face and hands, he had a large cut by his eyes.
" Bells you better have a look at this," Ron said smiling.
" I'm not falling for it this time Ronald. Neville's not here," Annabelle said still looking out the window.
" Bells," Hermione breathed smiling.
" What ? " She asked turning around seeing Neville holding a flashlight.
" Maybe he is here ". Annabelle tackled Neville in a hug, he hugged back just as tight. When they parted she gasped when she saw his face.
" How do I look ? Like hell I reckon " Neville laughed. " Seamus is worse ". Annabelle hugged him again.
" This is really cute but we got a Horcrux to destroy," Harry sniggered.
" Right," Annabelle blushed stepping out of Neville's embrace. " Lead the way ". Neville smiled and began to lead then through the tunnel. It was dark, and round with a wet feeling to it.
" How did it feel ? " Hermione whispered into Annabelle's ear.
" Like heaven," Annabelle whispered back. Hermione sniggered.
" I don't remember this on the Maurader's Map," Ron stated.
" That's because it never existed until now. The seven secret passageways wee sealed off at the beginning of the year. This is the only way in and out of Hogwarts now. The grounds are crawling with Death Eaters and Dementors," Neville explained.
" How bad is it with Snape as Headmaster ? " Harry asked.
" I never see him. It's the Carrows you have to watch out for," Neville said.
" Carrows ? " Annabelle asked.
" Yeah, brother and sister," Neville looked back at her, still not use to hearing voice. He is still not fully aware that Annabelle is there. It feels like a dream to Neville but it isn't. " They discipline. They like the punishment the Carrows ". Neville gestured to large cut, before looking forward again.
" They did that to you ? Why ? " Annabelle questioned.
" In Defence Against the Dark Arts, we were practicing the Cruciatus Curse on first years and I refused," Neville explained. "Hogwarts changed ". Neville lead them to a door before stopping. Annabelle want looking where she was going and ran into Hermione's back, who ran into Ron, who ran into Harry, who ran into Neville.
" Lets have a little fun," Neville laughed looking back at Annabelle, she smiled. He opened the door revealing the ROR. Literally everyone from Dumbledore's Army were there. Some slept in sleeping bags and hammocks. They looked liked Neville all beaten up.
" Hey ! " Neville called getting everyone's attention. " Listen up you lot. I brought a surprise ".
" Not more of Aberoth's cooking. using think we can digest it," Seamus groaned. Neville smirked and stepped aside revealing Harry.
" Blimey ! ' Seamus shouted. Everyone stood up clapping.
" Harry ! " People bollards when they saw him as they came out. Everyone was hugging.
" Get the word out," Neville whispered to a boy. He nodded excitedly and ran over to the radio.
Lightening has struck ! I repeat lightening has struck ! " He cheered into the radio.
" Okay! Okay, let them breathe," Neville said, people backed off.
" What's the plan ? " He asked Harry.
" Three something we need to find. Something hidden in the castle. And may help us defeat You-Know-Who,e Harry explained.
" Right, what is it ? " Neville asked.
" We don't know," Harry admitted.
" Where is it ? " Dean asked.
" We don't know that either," Harry admitted. " I realize it's not much to go on ".
" That's nothing to go on," Seamus pointed shaking his head.
" We think it has something to do with Ravenclaw. It's small, easily concealed. Any ideas ? " Harry asked.
" Well, there's Rowena Ravenclaw's lost diadem," Luna spoke. Everyone looked at her confused.
"Here we go," Ron muttered.
"The diadem of Ravenclaw ? Hasn't anyone heard of it ? It's quite famous," she said.
" Yes, but Luna, its lost,e Cho Chang said. " There's not a person alive today who's seen it ".
" Excuse me, but can someone tell me what a bloody diadem is ? " Ron asked.
"It's sort of a crown. You know, like a tiara," Cho answered. Out of the line of students, a flash of ginger caught their eyes. Ginny.
" Harry," Ginny breathed.
" Hi there," Harry breathed in response. Ron looked slightly annoyed.
" Six months she hasn't seen me and ya like I'm a bloody first year," Ron muttered. " I'm only her brother ".
" She only wants Harry," Seamus smiled.
" Shut up Seamus," Ron growled. " What is it Ginny ? " He asked her noticing the worried looked on her face.
" Snape knows. He knows that Harry was spotted in Hodsmeade," Ginny said.
Authors note: Hey everyone !! I'm so sorry about the long wait. It was Easter ( Happy Easter !! ) and then I got the stomach flu for few days durning spring break. Soon as you know it was school again and then a lot of stuff came up. So yesterday I saw Taylor Caniff with my friend Kassandra !! We ran into our friend Maddie when we were there !! Had a bunch of fun !! How was everyone's Easter and sprig break ( if they had it yet ) ?? Love you all !!
- Pickles

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