Chapter 112

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Harry and Annabelle ran up the stairs.
" Harry ! Bells ! " Luna shouted. Annabelle stopped while Harry kept going. " I need to talk to you ! "
" We're a bit preoccupied at the moment," Harry replied as Luna passé Annabelle.
" You don't know where your going ! You're wasting your time ! " Luna said.
" Sorry Luna, we'll talk later, Harry said.
" But-" Luna began.
" Later !" Harry hollered.
" Harry Potter ! You listen to me right now ! " Luna snapped. Stunned Harry stopped and looked at her. " Don't you remember what Cho said about Rowena Ravenclaw's diadem ? There's not a person alive who's seen it. Its obvious isn't it ? We have to talk to someone who's dead," Luna explained. Luna led them down to an empty dark hallway. They looked at the enchantments covering up the castle.
" It's very impressive isn't it ? " Luna asked. They looks down the dark hallway. " If you want to find her, you'll find her down there ". Luna
" Aren't you coming ? " Harry asked.
" No, I think it's best if the three of you talk alone. She is very shy," Luna said, then walked away. Harry and Annabelle began walking down the hallway, everything was grey ad quiet. The came to an opening in a corridor that led outside. A woman stood there looking at then with caution. She had grey dress and dark brown eyes and hair.
" You're The Grey Lady. The ghost of Ravenclaw Tower," Harry said.
" I do not answer to that name," The Grey Lady said fading away.
" No ! I'm sorry, it's Helena isn't ? Helena Ravenclaw, Rowena's daughter," Annabelle quickly said. Helena stopped and looked them in the eyes.
" Are you a friend of Luna ? " Helena asked.
" Yes," they answered.
" She thought you might be able to help us," Annabelle added.
" You seek my mother's diadem,' Helena said.
" Yes," Harry answered.
" Luna is kind. Unlike so many others. But she is wrong, I can not help you ! " Helena snapped she turned around and began to drift away. The two caught up to her.
" Wait ! Please ! " Annabelle begged.
" I want to destroy it ! " Harry said. Helena stopped and stared at the enchantments.
On a hill right outside the school stood Voldemort and his followers. They stared at the protected school that stood in peace. Voldemort stood on an edge looking at the school.
" They never learn....such a pity," Voldemort said.
" My Lord..." a Death Eater breathed. " Shouldn't we wait ? " Voldemort glared at him, the man coward away. Voldemort rolled his eyes at the man.
" Begin," Voldemort ordered. They began shooting spells at the enchantments.
Helena turned to Harry and Annabelle.
" That's what you want isn't it Helena ? " Annabelle asked. " You want it destroyed ? "
" My mother saw to destroy it many years ago. A stranger boy named-" Helena began.
" Tom Riddle," Harry finished.
" But he lied," Helena said.
" He's lied to many people!" Harry said.
" I know what he's done ! I know who he is ! He defiled it with dark magic ! " She shouted getting close to their faces. They were nearly knocked off their feet. Helena drifted away from them. The two carefully walked over to her.
" I can destroy it. Once and for all. But only if you tell us where he hid it," Harry said kindly. " You do know where he hid it. Don't you Helena ? Please ". Helena turned to Harry.
" Strange, you remind me a bit of him. It's here. In the castle. In the place where everything is hidden," Helena began. " If you have to ask. You'll never know. If you know. You need only to ask," she said as she faded away.
" Thank you," they responded. The two ran as Helena faded away and booming sounds of spells hitting the enchantments.
Dean Kingsley, and Lupin were walking through parts if the castle followed by George and Fred.
" Tell Professor McGonall, Remus and I will handle this side of the castle," Kingsley told Dean. " Yes sir ! " Dean shouted. They stopped and looked at the enchantments.
" Hey Dean, with second thoughts tell Professor McGonall that we might need one or two more wands on this side," Kingsley said. Dean nodde ad ran off.
" It is the equality of one's convictions that determines one success," Lupin sad stopping next to Kingsley.
" Who said that ? " Kingsley asked.
" Me," Lupin breathed. Tonks all of a sudden came out of nowhere. She and Lupin looked at each other. Tonks ran into Lupins arms.
" You should have ! " Lupin exclaimed. " Where's Teddy honey ? "
" Asleep until dawn, snores like his father. It's you that needs me tonight," Tonks said as they parted. George and Fred stood on a edge, putting their hands over the railing. They stared at the enchantments.
" You okay Freddie ? " George asked.
" Yeah," Fred answered.
" Me too," George said.
Hermione and Ron stood in front of the snake door, in the chamber of secrets. Ron did some of that weird snake language. Hermione looked at him strangely.
" Harry talks in his sleep," Ron said proudly. " You know it ? "
" No, of course not ! " Hermione breathed.
Neville stood at the end of the bridge. Death Eaters came charging at him. But once they crossed the enchantment line they dissolved. so they stopped and stared at Neville.
" Yeah ? " Neville shouted. " You-Know-Who's army ?"
Ron just ripped a fang out of the balisik's skeleton. He handed it to Hermione.
" You do it," Ron said.
" I can't," Hermione denied shaking her head.
" Yes, you can," Ron encouraged her. The both of them grabbed the fang and stabbed the Hufflepuff cup together. Water rose high into the air and went after them. The two back up as far as they can before getting drenched by the water. After they stood there for a second before kissing each other.
The enchantments fell apart and now were floating through the air like leaves. The snatcher slowly put his foot through the line to see nothing happened. All at once they charged at Neville shooting spells. Neville ran shooting spells at them blindly before setting off the explosives. The bridge began to fall as Neville got closer to the other . It took the Death Eaters with it. Neville was about step on the other side when the land wet down under his feet. He went down with the bridge.
" Neville ! " Ginny shouted. Seconds later a hand shot up throwing a wand over. Ginny slowly walked over to the edge with caution. Neville pulled him self up.
" That went well," Neville breathed.
McGonall was ordering everyone inside the castle for safety.
" Get inside ! " She ordered.
" I'll meet you there," Annabelle told Harry before sprinting off she ran into Doug.
" Doug ! " Annabelle shouted hugging him.
" Bells ! " Doug shouted hugging back.
" Be careful please don't die," Annabelle said. They stopped hugging so they could shoot spells at Death Eaters behind them. Doug kissed her cheek.
"You too," Doug said. Annabelle kissed his cheek before the two ran off away from each other. Harry was running down the steps when he had to defend off a Death Eater.
" Ginny ! Neville ! " Harry white when they saw them. " You alright ? "
" Never better ! " Neville breathed. "I feel like I can spit fire ! Have you seen Bells ? "
" Bells ? " Harry asked.
" I'm mad for her. I think it's time I told her since we probably both be dead by dawn ! " Neville said running up the steps. Ginny and Harry quickly kissed before Ginny ran after Neville. Annabelle was almost to the door when she saw a Death Eater using the Cruciatus curse on Summer Jones. Annabelle stuck her wand out and pointed to out at the Death Eaters.
" Stupefy ! " Annabelle shouted. The Death Eater flew backwards. Summer weakly looked at her.
" Thank you" she mouthed. Annabelle nodded at her as pieces of ceiling feel around her. Harry tapped her shoulder, she turned and looked at him. The two of them went to the door. They looked at each other and closed their eyes. When they opens them a door stood there, they soon walked threw the door.
" Bloody hell," Ron breathed as him and Hermione walked through the hallway dripping wet. They were looked at the Marauders Map. " We'll never find them on this ".
" Here they are !" Hermione examined pointing to heir names.
" They're just....brilliant !" Rom breathed.
" They just vanished. I'm sure I saw it," Hermione breathed. Ron looked up.
" Maybe they're gone to the Room of Requirements . It doesn't show up on map, does it ? You said that last year," Ron stated.
" That's right I did," Hermione breathed. She was that surprise he remember that.
" Lets go," Ron said walking ahead of her.
The room looked like the back of an old antique shop, things in big piles. Pixies spied on them, flying through the room. Dim lighting in the room. A familiar hissing sound filled Harry's ears. He walked to a small table holding items. He carefully opened a small box revealing the lost diadem. air was s, an eagle sat perched on top of it. The symbol of Ravenclaw. Under it was a giant blue sapphire and on the lining was words written backwards. The hissing sounds intensified when Harry picked it up out of the box.
" Well well," said a familiar voice. The two looked up and saw Malfoy, Goyle, ad Blaise. They stood a few feet away from them, wands out, ready for any kind of fight.
" What brings you here Potter ? Hood ? "
" I could ask you the same thing, Harry said calmly as he looked at his long time enemy.
" You have something of mine. I'd like it back," Malfoy snapped. Referring the wand they took.
" What's wrong with the one you have ? " Annabelle asked looking at her old friend/enemy.
" It's my mother's. It's powerful, but it's.... not the same. Doesn't quite understand me," Draco explained.
" Why didn't you tell her ? " Harry asked. " Bellatrix. You knew it was me. You didn't say anything ". The two slowly took out their wands.
" Come on, Draco ! " Goyle hissed at Malfoy. " Don't be a prat ! Do it ! "
" Easy ! " Malfoy snapped.
" Expelliarmus ! " Hermione shouted from behind Harry. Her and Ron came out of nowhere soaking wet. Everyone began shooting spells at each other. One of Malfoy's spells hit the diadem, it went flying high, and deep into a pile. Before running off, Harry dot a spell at Malfoy disarming him.
" Avada Kedavra ! " Goyle shouted. The spell barely missed Hermione.
" Stupefy ! " Hermione shouted at Goyle.
" That's my girlfriend you git ! " Ron shouted running after them. Annabelle looked at Hermione as she blushed. Harry was desperately climbing up the pile. He shot a spell into pile, put his had in it ad pulled put out the diadem. He hopped down next to them. They heard Ron screaming, they looked into the direction it was coming from. Ron came running towards them looking panic. There was lift behind him.
" Goyle set the bloody place on fire ! " Ron shouted grabbing Hermione's hand and running off. Annabelle and Harry looked as the fire grew closer to them. They too began running, some how got separated from the other two. The fire spread out through the entire room. Harry and Annabelle passed a medium sized statue as turned running into Ron and Hermione. the fire was about to consume him when Hermione put up a water shield that only last a few seconds. In those seconds Ron found broom stick and handed everyone one. As they flew, the saw Malfoy, Goyle, and Blaise climbing a pile to et away from the fire. Goyle lost his grip and fell into the fire.
" We can't lave them ! " Harry shouted flying towards them followed by the others.
" He's joking right !? " Ron shouted. They flew by sticking out there hands and missing. They had to fly around the room again.
" If we die for them Harry, I'm going to kill you ! " Ron shouted. This time the boys successfully grabbed the two hands. Blaise now rode with Ron and Malfoy rose with Harry. The girls led them out of the room. They landed on the floor with a bang. Malfoy and Blaise ran off with out a second glimpse. Harry held the diadem on the floor as Ron took the fang out of his pocket and tossed to Annabelle. She stabbed the diadem. As soon she stabbed Harry felt paralysed. Ron kicked the diadem into the fire, just in time as the doors closed. Harry was seeing What Voldemort was seeing. Voldemort stood on a hill looking much weaker.
" My Lord ? " a Death Eater asked.
" Avada Kedavra ! " He shouted lolom the Death Eater. " Come Nagini, i nee to keep you safe ". He then appareted. Harry snapped out of it. Hermione, Ron, and Annabelle looked at him worryingly.
" The snakes the last one. Shes the last one," Harry breathed. " The last Horcrux ". Ron knelt down besides him.
" Look inside him. Find were he is," Ron told him. " If we find him, we find the snake. Then we can end this". Harry closed his eyes. Looking jnto Voldemort's mind. Voldemort was at the boat house talking to Lucius Malfoy, he had his back to him.
" My Lord," Lucius began. " Might it be less...I should be less prudent to call of this attack. Simply seek the boy, yourself ".
" I don't need to seek the boy....before the night is out, he will come to me ! " Voldemort snapped turning to look at Mr. Malfoy. " Don't you understand !" He as now in front of Lucius and slapped him across the face angrily. " Look at me ! How can you live with yourself Lucius ? "
" I don't know," he answered.
" Go find Severus. Bring him to me," Voldemort ordered before walking away. Harry opens his eyes.
" I know whee he is," Harry simply said.
Authors note: Hey everyone !! So my fourth was radio and my teacher had us watch Jurassic for a few days and on the last day of his class after the final. I'm terrified of dinosaurs. I ended up leaving the room cause I was scared. He was proud of me for staying for like the lat few scenes and I regret it. As I watched it started storing and each time a dino roared, thunder will be followed by it. Like nope ! Not doing this ! I quit !

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