Epilouge 2

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Neville and Annabelle were now officially married, after the honeymoon. They were asleep.
* Neville's nightmare *
It was fifth year. Sirius just punched Lucious Malfoy in the face, knocking the ball out of his hand and having it smash on the floor. A Death Eater just smashed Annabelle's head to the wall knocking her out.
" ANNABELLE ! " Neville shouted with everyone else. All of a sudden it was sixth year. Neville slowly walked into the hospital wing to find Annabelle laying on a bed. Eyes closed he touched her hand. Cold as ice. Just like it was in sixth year, she looked dead.
" Mr. Longbottom," Neville heard a familiar voice. He turned and saw Madame Pomfrey looking grieved. Behind her stood all his friends and Annabelle's friends including Malfoy and staff, they stood with their hands together and heads bowed down.
" Is something wrong ? " Neville asked. Sandra broke down crying.
" I'm afraid...ms hood didn't make it," She said with great difficulty. Neville's eyes widen. He dropped to his knees.
" No...no no no no," he repeated. He put his head on the be and sobbed. All of sudden he was a cementry standing in black with everyone. He looked at the tombstone and saw
In loving memory of Annabelle Christine Hood. Sister, friend, and daughter. June 5th 1981- April 15 1995. All of sudden it was the battle of Hogwarts. He just killed the snake and Annabelle fell, this time Summer wasn't there to catch her. Time stopped and only Neville could move he walked over to the edge to see Annabelle's fingers just scraping the edge. Just as he looked over time moved and she was gone.
" Neville, you're too late," a familiar voice said he looked over and saw Annabelle's ghost.
* Nightmare over *
" NOOOO ! " Neville shot up screaming. He scared Annabelle awake. He was breathing heavily. Tears streamed down his face. Annabelle reached up gently touched him makings him jump.
" Bad dream ? " Annabelle asked worryingly as he looked at her. Without warning Neville scooped Annabelle in his arms and held her tight. Annabelle grabbed his hand and squeezed as they cuddled./ Neville had recently just woken up it was a chilly morning. He looked around and saw that it was sixth year. He slowly sat up rubbing his eyes. He saw a note on his desk, he grabbed it and read. ' She didn't make it '. His eyes widen, throwing on the weirdest clothes and began running out of his dorm and out of the common room. Tears fell down his face blinding him, causing him to run into someone. " Longbottoms is a hurry," Pansy sneered, Malfoy was right behind her, smirking. " Where did he hurt you Pansy ? " Malfoy asked cracking his knuckles. " My head," she said rubbing it. Malfoy walked closer to Neville ready to throw a punch. " Wait ! " Neville said bravely holding up his hands. " Why ? " Pansy snapped. " Can I go to the hospital wing first ? " Neville simply asked.
" I'm pretty sure Hood pants can wait," Malfoy sneered. " Please ! " Neville begged. " Why ?! She probably going wake up !" Pansy pointed out, Neville shook his head. " No, she didn't make it, Annabelle Hood is dead," Neville said as tears slipped down his face. The two looked at each other and let Neville go. He sprinted up to the hospital wig to find them covering Annabelle's body with a sheet and all her friends crying and holding each other. " Wait ! Can I see her one last time ? " Neville said walking towards the bed. Sprout and Pomfrey removed the sheet for Neville. He collapsed into a chair and held her dead cold hand. He put his head down to listen for a heart beat, there was none. He then broke down. " You can't be dead Bells, I need you, everyone needs you. Please come back, I am sorry for not talking to you, I need now so much. I want hear your heart beat and see your sweet smiled and eyes. I love you ". He kissed her lips before the sheet went back over her body. " Wake up ".
* Nightmare over *
" NOOOO ! " Neville shot up screaming. He scared Annabelle awake. He was breathing heavily. Tears streamed down his face. Annabelle reached up gently touched him making him jump.
" Bad dream ? " Annabelle asked worryingly as he looked at her. Without warning Neville scooped Annabelle in his arms and held her tight. Annabelle grabbed his hand and squeezed as they cuddled.
" I don't think I can fall back asleep," Neville said as try laid there. Annabelle got up and ran to the kitchen. Few seconds later came back with two cups of hot chocolate. She handed a mug to Neville. " Thanks Bells," he breathed kissing her cheek.
" Anything," Annabelle said smiling.
It was the last week before Neville was leaving tomorrow for Hogwarts for work. It was a late night on a Thursday. Annabelle had just finished putting the dishes away. She turned around to see Neville walking back and forth in the hallway . He looked really frustrated as he was trying to prepare for the day he left not wanting to forget anything.
" Nev, you seem really frustrated," Annabelle said standing in the doorway.
" I am," he said rather quickly from the bedroom.
" Want to play a game to get your mind off it for now ? " Annabelle suggested.
" What kind of game ?" He asked poking his head out of the room.
" A fun game," Annabelle said slipping back inside the kitchen.
" What kind of fun game ?" He asked walking into the kitchen, he didn't see her. Neville turned around and still didn't see her. He poked his head out to see Annabelle slowly walking backwards to the bedroom. Neville cluelessly followed her with the door closing behind him. The frickle frackle happened.
The next morning Annabelle woke up to unpleasant feeling in her stomach. She got up and ran to the bathroom and puked. She puked a bit more then cleaned up and walked out. She walked into the bedroom to see Neville gone and note on the dresser. She walked over and read it.
Dear Bells,
Good morning love, I hope you slept well. I am going to be out with Dean he needed help watching the baby when Madelyn was going to the doctors for a check up.
Annabelle smiled before running to the bathroom to puke again. She reached into the girl needs draw and pulled out a pregnancy stick, it was hidden so Neville wouldn't find them. She did what she had to do them sat on the bathroom floor waiting for the results. She closed her eyes and opened them to see the result it was positive. Her hand came to her mouth.
" What is Neville going to say ? He's about to go leave for Hogwarts, at leasts it's his child," Annabelle asked herself. Annabelle wrapped the stick with toilet paper and tissue then threw it out. She washed her hands and exit the bathroom. Annabelle quickly walked to their bedroom,and found paper and pen she scribble on it then sent it to someone she knew she can trust and needed to talk to desperately. That person was Sandra. Alexis flew out and then a few minutes came back. Not even 20 minutes later there was knocking at the door. She quickly opened the door.
" Does he know ? " Sandra asked the minute the door opened.
" No, I just found out," Annabelle replied closing the door as Sandra walked in.
" When are you going to tell him ? " she asked as Annabelle handed her a cup of coffee.
" Soon," Annabelle answered taking a sip out of her cup.
" You shouldn't be drinking coffee," Sandra warned
" I'm not, just prepared if Neville comes home," Annabelle informed her showing the orange juice in the cup.
" He's going to notice something sooner or later ". They heard a pop and their eyes widened.
" Morning Bells, good to see you Sandra," Neville greeted.
" Hey Neville," they coursed staring at each other. He walked over and watched the two. Sandra's face said tell-him. Annabelle's face said not-yet. The two took a sip of their cups at the same time.
" Are you okay ? " Neville asked a bit scared.
" Yes," Annabelle said
" No," Sandra said
" Yes,"
" No,"
" Yes,"
" Bells has something to tell you," Sandra stated, Annabelle glared at her.
" What is it ? " Neville asked.
" I'm going to the store do you need anything ? " Annabelle asked looking at him. Sandra was now glaring at Annabelle.
" Not today, " Neville answered smiling.
Today was the day, Annabelle was going to tell Neville she was pregnant, it's been five days since she found out, and she running out of excuses. Neville got home late that night doing last minute things before he left. Annabelle gave him a cup of tea.
" Thanks," Neville said kissing her cheek.
" No problem," Annabelle said a bit nervously then a sip from her mug of orange juice.
" New mug ? " he asked looking at it.
" Yep," Annabelle said nervously. Neville read the wording in the mug. He read Best Daddy in the World. Neville's eyes widen then looked at Annabelle. His face was super serious.
" Please say something," Annabelle said. Neville slowly started to smile he got up and placed his hands on his head.
" I'm going to be a father. I'm going to be a dad," he repeated. Annabelle let out a breath. Neville put their mugs down and hugged her. He then realized and looked into her mug and saw orange juice.
" You're going to make a good mum," Neville stated smiling. Annabelle smiled then kissed.
Annabelle was 9 months pregnant. It was October, Neville was at Hogwarts for work, teaching Herbology. It was the middle of the day. Annabelle was at home sitting on the couch. She got up to go to the bathroom when something starting to dripped down her leg. It was water her water broke !! " Shit !! " Annabelle shouted as she went into a lot of pain.
" What is it ?? " Sandra asked.
" It's time Sandra ! The baby is on its way ! " Annabelle panicked. They quickly drove to the hospital. It took them an hour to get there with traffic.
" Get Neville," Annabelle said as she was taken into a room. Sandra nodded she found a fireplace and went to Hogwarts. Her appearance scared Prodessr McGonall.
" Ms. Finnegan good to see you," McGonall greeted.
" Good to see you to, I need Neville," Sandra blurted out.
" He's in the middle of teaching," McGonall said disapproving at what she said.
" It's super important," Sandra urged.
" How important ?" She scolded.
" His wife just went into baby delivery !! " Sandra blurted out. McGonall eyes widen and put her wand to her mouth.
" Herbology class is canceled starting now, Professor Longbottom come to my office immediately," McGonall said making an announcement. A few minutes he appeared.
" What do you need Headmaster McGonall ? " Neville asked.
" It's not me it's Ms. Finnegan,"she said. Neville looked at Sandra.
" Sandra !! What you doing here ?? " he asked all happy.
" Annabelle's in labor," Sandra blurted out. Neville's eyes widen both of them left through the fireplace in a hurry. They ran into Annabelle's hospital room.
" Where have you been !? " Annabelle snapped at both of them grabbed her hand.
" I'm here now," Neville said calmly.
" Longbottom !! " Annabelle snapped.
" Breath," Sandra said. That's what she did.
" Ms. Longbottom, ready for the procedure," the nurse asked. Annabelle shook her head no.
" Love, you can do this I believe in you," Neville said squeezing her hand.
" You caused this !! " she snapped. " I hate you !! "
" Ms. Longbottom, ready or not the baby is coming out so push," the nurse demanded. Annabelle did exactly that.~ hour later ~
" There he is," the nurse said after the final push. Annabelle laid back and smiled. The baby was wrapped in a blanket and given to Annabelle.
" Hi," she said smiling at the newborn. She looked up at Sandra who was smiling at the baby then she looked up Neville he was smiling at the baby with so much pride that he is now a father.
" Neville, I'm sorry for my words, I don't hate you," Annabelle said.
" It's alright," he laughed kissing her forehead.
" He's so cute Bells," Sandra cooed sitting on the bed.
" Adorable," Annabelle agreed. The baby boy opened his eyes. He looked around at the people.
" Hi-" Annabelle began. " What should we name him ? "
" How about Doug ," Sandra suggested.
" Doug," she breathed.
" I like that," Neville commented.
" Hi, Doug welcome to the world," Annabelle said quietly to the baby. He continued to just looked at her and the people.
" Doug Frank Longbottom," Neville said.
" I like it," Sandra said. Annabelle smiled.
" Can I hold him ? " Neville asked nervously.
" Of course, your the father," Annabelle breathed. Neville smiled as Annabelle handed him the baby he sat down in the chair.
" Doug I'm your daddy," Neville breathed looked down at the baby. Doug stared at him. Neville looked at him like he was the most precious thing in the world. Annabelle looked at them lovely, the daddy was holding the baby.
" Can I hold him ? " Sandra asked.
" Of course," the parents coursed. Neville and Sandra switched places before Neville handed Doug to Sandra. Neville sat on the edge of the bed next Annabelle holding her hand.
" I'm a mom," Annabelle breathed.
" And I'm a dad," Neville breathed kissing her head. The nurse walked in.
" Please fill out the information," the nurse said handing then a clipboards the filled out the information before giving it back.
It was Doug's first birthday, a lot of their friends and their children were there for the event. Doug was sitting in a high chair as Annabelle and Sandra got a cake ready for him. Seamus was smiling ear to ear having camera ready.
" Happy birthday to you! " They started as they brought the small cake and set it down. As they finished Doug smiled and clapped.
" Yay ! " they cheered, Doug giggled. He then put his hands in the cake. He toke a tiny fist full and put it in his mouth getting blue frosting on his face. Awe coursed the crowd.
A few minutes later after cake. " Bells can I hold him ? " Thomas asked.
" Absolutely," Annabelle breathed. Doug lift his arms up as Thomas picked him up. Doug put his tiny hand over Thomas nose. They laughed. Thomas and Susan began playing with the baby. Neville sunk up behind Annabelle and wrapped his arms around her putting his chin on her shoulder, and kissed her cheek. Annabelle put her arms on Neville and folded their hands together.
" We make good parents," Neville said, Annabelle laughed.
Doug was at Sandra and Seamus's for the night, it was around Christmas. So Neville was home. Annabelle was finishing taking a shower. She turned the water off and poked her head out to realize she forgot a towel.
" Shoot," Annabelle gasped. She took a stepped out of the shower, opened the door by a crack big enough to show her head.
" Neville," she whispered. No answer.
" Neville," she whispered a bit louder.
" Yes love," Neville said from the bedroom .
" Can you bring me towel ?" She asked. Neville got up and went into the closet grabbing a towel for her. He walked towards the bathroom and saw her head sticking out. He smirked.
" What you smirking about ? " Annabelle asked.
" You," he answered. Annabelle looked back and then right back at him. She opened the door all the way, her body still behind the door.
" Get back in the shower," Neville ordered as he got closer. Annabelle closed the door and stepped in the shows turning the water on and closing the curtain. She heard the door open and close. The curtain opened from behind her, she heard feet stepping inside, then the curtain closing. Two hands landed on her hips and then they frickle frackle.
It was the beginning of summer, Annabelle was let of work because it was getting close to that time. Actually the baby could pop any second. Well, Neville and Annabelle were in the middle of playing cards with Sandra and Seamus. Those two had a little girl named Luna, she and Doug was asleep. It was Seamus's turn when the baby decided it was time. Annabelle's eyes widen.
" Time out," Annabelle breathed.
" Time out ? " Seamus asked looking at her. Everyone looked at her consider except Sandra. She knew exactly what was up.
" Neville, Seamus, grab the kids and meet us in the car," Sandra ordered. They confusingly did what they were suppose to. By the time they got to the hospital, it hit the boys. After the Burt giving the children were able to meet the new baby. It was a girl, given the name Madelyn Alice Longbottom.
Doug was now 3 years old his baby sister Madelyn just turned one a few days ago. They were out by the pool, Annabelle was going to take Madelyn in the water for the first time. Neville was helping Doug put on his floaties.
" Daddy, is mommy going swimming too ?? " Doug asked
" Yes mommy is going swimming," Neville answered in a little voice. Annabelle then came out of the house holding Madelyn.
" Mommy, she no swim with us," Doug said.
" She's going swimming," Annabelle said as they neared the pool. As Neville stood up Annabelle handed him Madelyn. Doug crossed his arms and put on a pouty face. Annabelle walked into the water, waist deep. ( Shallow end ). Annabelle held out her hands. Doug walked over to her. She picked him up. She slowly put him in the water. Doug had his feet in water before Annabelle lifted him up. Doug laughed. She slowly put him the water, in by the waist before lifting him up again.
" Mommy ! " he laughed. Annabelle put him air plane style. She would lower him so he just skimmed the water then lifted him up. Doug was hysterical. She then sat him up and fully placed him in the water.
" Daddy are coming ? " Doug asked
" I'm coming," Neville answered smiling. Neville sat Madelyn on the edge as he got in. He then went to go put her in her tube thingy. She began to cry. He put her back on the edge and she stopped. He went to go put her the thing, one foot in, she cried and screamed.
" Wanna trade ? " Annabelle asked
" You can try," Neville said. Annabelle turned to Doug. She grabbed his hands and slowly pulled him through the water making boat noises. He laughed more. Annabelle stopped next to Neville. Madelyn now was watching Doug. Neville took Doug as Annabelle picked up the one year old and placed her on her hip. Neville took Doug by his feet and slowly pulled him through the water. Madelyn watched her daddy and big brother. Annabelle slowly went down and got Madelyn's got wet then stood back up. Madelyn now place her attention on her mommy. Fingers in mouth. She did again and the baby began to smile. She then slowly placed Madelyn in her floating thing. It was a success. Next thing you know Seamus and Sandra came through the door with their 2 year old girl Luna.
" Do-ug ! " cheered the little girl, she was about to go into the water when Seamus grabbed and lifted her up.
" Where do you think your going ? " Seamus asked placing the little girl on his hip.
" I want to play," she said.
" Not yet let's get your arm floaties on," Seamus said in a little voice, he handed her to Sandra. She went inside and a few minutes later came back out with Luna already to go in the water. Later that night Doug and Madelyn was staying with Seamus and Sandra. The parents were putting stuff in the car while the children played.
" Doug, ready to go to uncle Seamus and auntie Sandra's ? " Annabelle asked. Instead of getting a response Doug and Luna came running over, Neville carried Madelyn over.
" Does Maddie have to come ??" he asked looking up.
" Maddie wants to stay with Uncle Seamus and Auntie Sandra too," Annabelle said, he huffed.
" Be a good little boy Doug , I'm going to miss you," Annabelle said bending down, scoping Doug into a hug.
" Bye mommy," Doug giggled.
" Bye Luna," Annabelle said scoping up the little girl in her other arm. She giggled. Annabelle placed the two down. Neville handed Annabelle Madelyn. He went to go and put Doug into his car seat. As Seamus put in Luna. Soon Neville walked back over.
" Maddie, ready to go stay with Auntie Sandra and Uncle Seamus," Annabelle said in a little voice. Madelyn made a little baby noises and Annabelle smiled. She then handed her to the father.
" See you tomorrow sweetheart," Annabelle said kissing the babies forehead. Neville then carried the baby to the car.
" Don't worry Bells we'll take good care of them," Sandra.
" I know," Annabelle laughed.
" Remember when our parents did that with us, all four of us will go to either house for a night. Yours and Thomas, mine or Doug's," Sandra breathed.
" Those were the days," Annabelle laughed.
" You ready babe !? " Seamus exclaimed.
" I'm coming !" she shouted. Sandra turned to Annabelle.
" bye," they coursed laughing. Sandra hugged Annabelle and then they left. Neville grabbed Annabelle's hand and they began walking back in.
" I say we make pretty good parents," Neville said kissing her nose.
" I couldn't agree more," Annabelle said kissing his cheek. All of a sudden her randomly picked her up and threw her over his shoulder.
" I am kidnapping you Mrs. Longbottom !! " Neville said in a deep voice.
" Ah someone help me ! " she playfully panicked. He places her on the couch and began tickling her. " Neville ! " she laughed.
" Say I'm the coolest person you know," Neville ordered.
" Never ! " Annabelle protested. He continued tickling her. " Fine ! " he stopped with his hand just above her. " Thomas is the coolest person I know ! " Neville tickler her even more. Then he kissed her passionately.
Annabelle just came from the doctors she had big news. She was pregnant again. But she has bigger news, Neville already knew they were expecting another child along with everyone else. When she walked in she saw Sandra.
" Neville and Seamus took the children to the park. How did go ? "
Sandra asked drinking water.
" Bigger news than I expected," Annabelle answered sitting down.
" Did you lose the baby ?" Sandra asked her eyes widened.
" No," she answered rubbing her belly.
" Then what is it ?" Sandra question.
" There's more than one," she answered. Sandra did a spit take.
" Twins ! " she exclaimed
" Say that louder for china to hear," Annabelle sassed.
Today was the day Annabelle was going break the news to Neville about having twins. She put something on his night stand. It was an ornament. On the ornament it was painted with the twins, and two sets of little feet. Annabelle walked into their room to find Neville sitting on the edge of the bed with head in his hands.
" Honey ? " She asked sitting next to him.
" You know, no matter how many times the news is delivered it is still very shocking but exciting," Neville blurted out. He got up and kneeled in front of Annabelle. " Can't wait to meet you both, " he kissed her stomach, Annabelle smiled.
" It is always shocking and exciting at the same time frightening," Annabelle said.
" Frightening ? " Neville asked, she nodded. " Why frightening ?"
" I remember the first time I found out I was pregnant. You were out that day, I remember sitting on the bathroom floor just so scared, and the it was positive and I was just so scared you would leave me but you didn't," Annabelle explained looking away feeling ashamed.
" I would never," Neville said kissing her forehead.
" I figured that out," she laughed looking at him. She realized a few things changed in his appearance. She leaned forward and kissed him.
" What you thinking about ? " Neville asked.
" No matter how old we get, your still that same little eleven year old boy I met on the train," Annabelle confessed.
" Your still that same little eleven year old girl I met on the train," Neville laughed.
Annabelle had just given birth to the twins . She was laying in her back exhausted. Neville looked down at her holding her hand.
" What's wrong ? " Neville asked concerned.
" No more, they're the last," Annabelle breathed. Neville laughed and kissed her forehead. One boy named Justin Thomas Longbottom as one girl named Sandra Marie Longbottom.
Doug looked a lot like Neville basically a mini Neville, but he was more like Annabelle and extremely clumsy. Madelyn looked like Annabelle but was more like Neville. The twins was a mixture of the two. Justin had Annabelle's blonde hair but it was not curly. Then he had Neville's eyes. Sandra had Neville's hair but curly and Annabelle's eyes. Sandra and Seamus are the godparents of Doug. Thomas and Susan are the godparents of Madelyn. Annabelle 2 and Oliver Wood is godparents of Justin. Finally Ron and Hermione were godparents of Sandra.

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