The End

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A few years later after the twins were born, Madelyn was on her way to Hogwarts for her first year. Her brother Doug was going into his third year. He ended up in Hufflepuff. Doug excitedly ran through the wall, follows by Sandra's daughter Luna. Luna will be starting her second year.
" Seamus take the twins," Annabelle said running through the wall with Madelyn followed by the others. Sandra's son would be starting his first year with Madelyn, his name was Luke. They began walking looking for the others while Sandra and Seamus looked for the rest of the Legit Five.
" Mummy it's the Malfoys ! " Madelyn cheered. She let go of the cart and ran to hug them along with the rest of the children. Annabelle quickly grabbed the cart and headed over to them.
" Hey ! How's are the Longbottoms ? "Astoria Malfoy asked.
" Good," they coursed.
" Scorpions, are you ready for Hogwarts ? " Madelyn asked. Madelyn will also be starting Hogwarts with Scorpious.
" Yes, are you ? " He replied she nodded her head.
" Come on Maddie ! James is waiting for me ! " Doug demanded. The two excitedly ran off.
" See you later," Ananbelle laughed following them with the twins. Not to long after she found the two. Doug was talking to James Potter while Maddie was talking to Albus Potter and Rose Weasly, she will also we starting Hogwarts with them.
" It's about time you got here," Ron commented as the twins went to the others.
" Honestly Ron, you've known me for how long now ? When am I ever on time ? " Annabelle sassed. They all laughed.
" Maddie I can't believe you got a cat," James said looking at the cat.
" I think it's cute," Rose said petting it and smiling.
" Thanks," Madelyn smiled.
" I don't know how McGonalls going to react to our children," Hermione said.
" Oh, we know," the Potters and Annabelle coursed.
" James and Doug together can be a nightmare," Annabelle said.
" We received so many letters about the two," Ginny sighed. Ron laughed.
" So did our parents," Ron laughed.
" True," Harry laughed. At that moment that the train whistle blew, signaling it was time to board the train. Madelyn turned to Annabelle while the others got on.
" Say hi, to daddy for me, and send him my love," Annabelle said hugging her daughter.
" Will do, mummy," Madelyn said hugging her back.
" Come on Maddie ! You don't want to miss the train ! " Doug shouted. Madelyn excitedly ran onto the train waving goodbye. All the children sat in an compartment together looking squished, no one mind. Annabelle, Ron and Harry silently laughed remembering the time they missed the train. A frog jumped onto the window them landed into Rose's hand. The train slowly pulled away. Everyone waved goodbye, and they smiled proudly at their children. Madelyn ended up in Gryffindor. A year later the twins went for their first year. Justin ended up in Slytherin and Sandra ended up Ravenclaw. Neville and Annabelle were both very proud of their children. They happily spent the rest of their lives together. Eventually the children found out the truth about the word on theirs mums arm and the war. They asked if it still bothered Annabelle. She would say no, because that's the past and she now lives with a great loving family. And daddy will always be their for her and vice versa. Annabelle and Neville haven't had bad dreams since children but never missed out on the chance cuddling. Annabelle continued working as an Auror while Neville we the Herbology professor at Hogwarts. All was well.
Authors note: Well that's the end of Legit Five !! I hope everyone enjoyed it !! Thank you to every reader, you all are amazing people. I'm sad but happy this is over. I had such a fun time writing and everything. Big thanks to Jk Rowling for such amazing books. Also thanks for dealing with my bad grammar and rants. If anyone needs anyone to talk to, I'll love to talk to them. I may or may not be starting a new book soon. Keep an eye out for it. And please read my New Girl fanfic.
Love you all !!
- Pickles

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