Chapter 9

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Then Hermione stopped in front of a compartment that held the owner of the toad.

" Neville, your toad is found " chimed Hermione. Annabelle looked in the apartment and saw three boys. There were two on the left and one on the right. The one closest to the window on the left is a boy with darker skin, adorable brown eyes, and short curly brown hair, and seemed taller than her. Next to him was a boy with reddish brownish straight hair like her friend Doug's and magnificent blue eyes, and also seemed taller than her. Last but not least was the boy on the right he had a roundish face, bucked front teeth, and fantastic bluish greenish eyes.

" TREVOR!" exclaimed the boy on the right jumping up. This caused Annabelle to jump a little.

" Awe Neville you scared her !" laughed the boy on the left close to her. " OMG Irish accent and so that's Neville, " thought Annabelle. Neville and she slightly started blushing.

" Umm... sorry about that I'm Neville by the way," said Neville

" I'm Seamus," said the Irish one.

" And I'm Dean," said the one that hasn't spoken yet and the one closes to the window.

" Hi, I'm Annabelle " giggled Annabelle.

" Aye! your American," stated Dean, so Annabelle shook her head yes.

" Awesome !" exclaimed Seamus making Annabelle's cheeks go pinkish.

" I'm going to call you Anniebelli " continued Seamus with a laugh. At the moment the Weasly twins just passed the compartment in time to hear about the nickname.

" Anniebelli " stated George peeking his head in.

" What a terrific idea " stated Fred also peeking his head in

" What a wonderful idea," they both said while exiting and laughing. at that moment Annabelle turned a bright red and the compartment filled with fits of laughter.

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