Zayn Malik

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Hey guys, I know this not Harry Potter related. But as most of you heard Zayn has left one direction. :( When I first out I was in school and was in denial and then I faced the truth. Cried for a long time. But ok happy for him, he's doing something to make him happy. One Direction will not be the same without him, I don't even if I can watch the next award show and see the band accept the award without him, I do hope that he visits the band from time to time, and sees his four brothers. I will always love him. He will always be in my heart. Especially since he was a big part of it. The updates might slow down a bit more. I haven't able to focus since I heard the news, and I have a lot of school projects at the moment, plus the end of the card marking is Friday. Mostly because of Zayn though, I haven't been able I do a lot today since I heard the news without breaking down into tears or trying not to cry. Ik so sorry for the slow updates. My heart has been broken into five parts. Like someone took, stole and a part and put it back. It feels empty and sad. But I will never forget him.

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