Chapter 67

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Soon as you know it, it was the morning of the first task.

" Come on Bells ! We don't want to be late ! " snapped Sandra, snatching her best friends hand and dragging her towards the Quidditch stadium where the task was being held. 

" Run ! " exclaimed Annabelle. Sandra let go of Annabelle's hand and they sprinted to the stadium, they skip every other step going up the stairs and stopped.

" There they are ! " Luna called pointing at them.

" Here we are ! " breathed Sandra. The two girls made their way over to their friends. Annabelle sat behind Sandra, and rest of Legit , in between Hermione, and Neville, and in front of Fred and George. Ron was next to Hermione.

" Hemmings," mumbled Seamus who was on the other side of Neville.

" Finnegan," mumbled Sandra. They watched 3 of the champions battle a dragon and capture a golden egg. 

" Three of our champions have faced their dragons ! So each of them  will proceed to their next task ! And now our fourth and final contestant ! " Dumbledore announced. Slowly they watched Harry come out of a hole in the arena. People was cheering his name. The golden egg was on top of one of the rocks, no dragon. He began ton walk towards the egg. Suddenly, a tail came crashing down behind him, he jumped out of the way and landed several feet away. The dragon was at least 50 feet tall, maybe taller. The dragon watched Harry intently before breathing fire at him, he took cover behind a rock. The crowd was screaming. The dragon's tail crushed the rock behind him, he sprinted up the other rocks, he was  trying desperately to hold on. He eventually lost grip and went sliding down the boulder, the dragon's tail hit him in the stomach and he went flying backwards hitting his back hard on a rock.

" Your wand Harry ! Use your wand ! " Hermione shouted.

" Accio Firebolt ! " Harry shouted. He quickly jumped behind a rock just the dragon breathed fire at him again. The sound of his broom was coming from behind the dragon, who didn't see it. The dragon prepared itself to breath fire again, but harry was quicker, he jumped on his broom just as it flew past the rocks he was hiding behind. The crowd cheered louder. Harry flew by the egg, his fingertips barely touched it before fire came his way. Harry flew towards the sky, the dragon tried to go after him, but the chain around its neck kept it from flying higher. The dragon struggled for a short time before it broken its chain off ! Harry flew sideways and whizzed around trying to lose it, but the dragon only had eyes on him. He flew through the teachers stadium, with the dragon following closely behind. The dragon's tail hit the teacher's stadium, tearing the roof apart and knocking several people down. 

" Yeah ! " cheered the Weasly twins

" Well done dragon ! ' shouted Fred. Harry and the dragon flew out of sight. Students and teachers in the stadium was listening intently, they heard a dragon roar but no scream. Annabelle grabbed Neville's hand unknowingly and squeezed it, he squeezed back. There was a whizzing sound coming from the other side of the stadium, they looked and saw harry flying towards them on his broomstick. Everyone cheered and clapped louder than ever.

" YES ! YES ! "  Hermione shouted. Harry flew over and grabbed the egg. Everyone cheered. When they got to the castle, they began going to their common rooms to celebrate.

" Anniebelli come with us," said Seamus as they were about to separate.

" Um, I don't think so, I gotta congratulate Cedric,"  said Annabelle

" Too bad, you don't have a choice," said dean picking her up and flinging her over his shoulder.

" Sandra ! "  called Annabelle. Sandra turned to see, whats going on and laughed.

" Take her," said Sandra

" What about Cedric ? " Annabelle asked

" Just go after because I'm coming with you," answered Sandra walking up to them.

" Yay ! " cheered Annabelle while Seamus groaned.


When they got to the Gryffindore common room. Everyone cheered and clapped as Harry held up the egg. Fred and George put Harry on their shoulders.

" Ya Harry ! they cheered. Harry threw his egg randomly at someone and it got passed around.

" We knew you wouldn't die ! " said Fred

" Loose a leg," said George

" Or an arm," continued Fred

" Pack it all together ! " said George

" Never ! " they finished. Harry laughed.

" Shut up ! " Seamus shouted. Everyone got quiet. " Come on whats the clue ? " he asked tossing the egg back to Harry. 

" Who wants me to open it !? " exclaimed Harry. People cheered. " You want me to open it !? " People cheered louder. Harry opened his egg and a loud horrible screeching came out of it. The twins dropped Harry as everyone covered their ears. Quickly he shut his egg. 

" What the bloody hell was that !? " Ron asked. Everyone stared at him.

" Alright everyone go back to your knitting. This is going to be very uncomfortable enough without all you listening in," Fred said. Everyone turned around as Ron and Harry walked up to each other.

" I reckon you have to be barking mad to put your own name in the Goblet of Fire," said Ron

" Caught on have you ? "  Harry asked. " Took you long enough ".

" I'm not the only one who thought you done it. Everyone was saying it behind your back.," Ron said defensively. 

" Brilliant. That makes me feel loads better," said Harry

" Luck I warned you about the dragons," Ron said smiling a little.

" Hagrid warned me about the dragons," Harry said confused.

" No, no I did. Don't you remember ? I told Hermione  to tell you what Seamus told me that Parvati told Dean that Hagrid was looking for you. Seamus never actually told me anything so it was me really all along. I thought we'd be alright, after you;d figure it out," Ron explained. 

" Who could figure that out ? That's completely mental," said Harry 

" Say that five times fast," muttered Annabelle earning a whack in the head from Hermione and  Sandra. 

" Yeah," Ron laughed. " I suppose a bit distraught..."

" Boys," Hermione breathed. Harry and Ron shook hands. 

" Finally ! " the three girls breathed.

" Now that they're friends again, maybe you and Seamus-,' began Annabelle.

" Not happening ! " Seamus shouted across the room cutting Annabelle off.

" Come on Bells, we gotta go now before Seamus infects us with his disease," said Sandra coldly dragging Annabelle out of the room.  

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