Chapter 102

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Hermione apparated then to the middle of a muggle street. Thy got on the side walk before they could get ran over. Hermione began walking with the others following. Many people looked at the strangely for how they were dressed.
" Where are we ? " Ron asked.
" Shaftesbury Avenue," Hermione answered. " I used to come here to the theatre with mum and dad. I don't know why I thought of it, it just popped into my head ". They continued walking the streets of London till Hermione led them down a dark alley.
" We need to change," Hermione said stopping where they were well hidden. She was holding a purple beaded bag, and reached her whole arm into it.
" Undetectable Extension Charm," Hermione answered before Ron could ask. She began handing everyone their change of clothes.
" Clever," Harry praised. When Hermione handed Harry his shoes there was a thump coming from the bottom of the bag.
" Ah, that'll be the books," Hermione said. Everyone quickly changed. Hermione lead then to a coffee shop she went to with her parents. Barely anyone is there so it would be a safe place to talk.
" What about the people at the wedding ? " Harry asked as they sat down. " Do you think we should go back ? "
" They're after you. We'd put everyone in danger by going back," Ron said. Te waitress walked up to them. She had short brunette hair in a pony tail, earbuds and looked extremely bored.
" Coffee ? " She asked.
" A cappuccino please," Hermione said.
" You ? " the waitress asked Ron.
" W-What she said," he answered.
" Same," Harry said.
" Same," Annabelle said. The waitress nodded and walked off.
" So where do we go from here ? The Leaky Cauldron ? " Ron asked.
" It's too dangerous," Annabelle said. " If Voldemort really has taken over the Ministry then nothing is safe. Everyone from the wedding will has gone underground to hiding ".
" I don't have any of my things. I left them at the Burrow, Harry said. Hermione shook her head. Two men in janitor or construction outfits walked in. " Are you joking ? "
" I've had our things packed for days just in case," Hermione admitted. Harry looked over at the men. One had a wand, oh no.
" Get down ! " Harry shouted. All four of them dropped to the ground as a spell was shot at them, destroying a wall. They scrambled away from the table and ducked behind chairs, shooting spells back.
" Stupefy ! " Harry shouted, the man standing on the right got hit and flew over the counter unconscious.
" Petrificus Totals ! " Hermione shouted. The other guys legs and arms snapped together and flew over. The waitress came back out, completely unaware of what just happened, her eyes widen and mouth open at the scene.
" Go. Leave," Annabelle ordered. The waitress went back into the room and left.
" I got the door, you get the lights," Harry told them. Ron took out his Deluminator and clicked the switch, all the lights went out in the cafe. Hermione shut the blinds as Harry got the door. Then they walked over to the men.
" This one's name is Raul. He was on the Astronomy Tower the night Snake killed Dumbledore," Harry informed them. Hermione and Ron walked over to the man behind the counter.
" This is Dolohov. I recognise him from the wanted the posters," Ron informed, then leaned closer got the guy. " So, what are we gonna do with you aye ? kill us if it was-".
" If we kill them, they'll know we were here," Harry interrupted. Annabelle's eyes widen and backed away from Ron and stood next to Harry.
" Ron," Hermione said surprised Ron would even consider killing anyone.
" Suppose he killed Mad-Eye ? How would you feel then ? " he snapped looking at them. He turned his attention back to the Death Eaters but stopped for a second when he saw Annabelle.
" It's better we wipe their memories," Harry said.
" You're the boss," Ron said. He walked up to Hermione. " Hermione ". Ron let the back of his hand brush Hermione's cheek to her chin. " You're the best at spells ". Hermione nodded and walked towards the unconscious Death Eaters. She stuck at her wand.
" Obliviate," Hermione said with uneasy.
Once the memories were wiped the continued to walk the streets of London.
"How is it they knew where we were there ? Harry asked.
" Perhaps you've still got the trance on you," Annabelle suggested.
" Can't be the trace breaks at seventeen. Its the Wizarding Law," Ron explained. Hermione and Annabelle stopped walking.
" What ? " the boys asked.
" We didn't celebrate your birthday Harry," Annabelle said as they continued walking.
" Ginny, Bells, and I, we prepared a cake. We were going to bring it out at the end of the wedding," Hermione said.
" Hermione, Bells," Harry began. " Honestly I appreciate the thought. But really given the fact that we were almost killed by a couple of Death Eaters a few minutes ago..."
"Right, perspective," Hermione said.
" We need to get off the streets, get somewhere safe," Ron said. They moved to a secure corner and apparated. Once the spinning stopped, they noticed they arrived at Sirius's home. They walked in careful not be seen. Ron closed the door behind them, it did not feel welcoming like when they were here with the Order. It felt creepy and on edge. Once the doors closed, the lights came on and down the hall the sand swirled into view. The swirling sand took form of Dumbledore. The form of Dumbledore came at them, arms stretched out and a distant growl could be heard. Hermione let out a scream, the four backed up. The swirling sand swirled away to where it came from.
" What was that all about ? " Ron asked
" Probably Mad-Eye's idea. Incase Snape decided to come snooping," Harry said.
" Homenum Revelio," Hermione said. No one. " We're alone ". They walked into a room, everyone was finding a spot for the night. Hermione laid on one couch, Ron laid on the floor next I her. Hands barely touching. Annabelle laid on the second couch, while Harry laid on the floor next to her. Annabelle was thinking about all the things that have happened in the past few days, staring at the ceiling, hands around necklace, and knees up. She felt the other of the end of the couch dip down. She sat up and saw it was Harry . The both of them moved their position to the middle of the couch, curled up.
" How did you know I was awake ? " Annabelle asked in a soft voice.
" Fifty fifty guess," Harry answered. Annabelle let out a silent laugh.
" You really love her don't you ? " Annabelle asked. Harry didn't need to ask who, he knew she was talking about Ginny.
" To the moon and back ," Harry answered. " Do you love him ? " Now Annabelle didn't need to ask who, she knew he was talking about Neville.
" I love him more than he knows," Annabelle answered.
" Do you think everyone is okay ?" Harry asked.
" I hope so," Annabelle said. Later after a few more words were exchanged Harry went back on the floor and fell asleep. Annabelle to fell asleep.
* Annabelle's dream *
Annabelle was at beach with friends. The sun was in the middle of the sun set. Annabelle was standing in the water. The water was below her knees by above her ankles. She was skipping rocks, when they heard a car pull up, but she didn't bother to turn around and then there was whispering. All of a sudden a pair of arms wrapped around her making her jump, causing people to laugh. She turned her head and saw Neville.
" Neville ! " Annabelle cheered, tackling him in a hug.
" IF YOU DON'T STOP HUGGING I WILL PRY YOU ABOUT WITH PLYERS ! " Thomas shouted. The two realized blushing red. Annabelle looked at her twin and saw him a little annoyed. All of a sudden an old memory to came. It was back at Hogwarts. It fifth year, in the ROR. Annabelle was sitting up in a sleeping bag, Neville was in the same back next to her asleep. People were arguing and Thomas looked annoyed and pissed off. All of a sudden she was back at the beach.
" You okay ? " Neville asked.
" Yep ! " Annabelle said smiling. The two went back to shore and joined everyone else.
Later they sat around a fire, playing truth or dare.
" Anniebelli truth or dare ? " Seamus asked.
" Dare," Annabelle said.
" I dare you to sit on Neville's lap," Seamus ordered.
" That's the most pathetic dare, it's too easy," Annabelle said getting up and sitting Neville's lap. He wrapped his arms around her. All of a sudden another memory came to her. It was fourth year. It was the night after the second task. People were in the Gryffindore, Seamus just dared Annabelle to sit on Neville's lap. The memory ended and she was back at the fire.
" Stop doing that," Doug said.
" Do what ? " Annabelle asked.
" Spacing out," Sandra answered.
Later most people went to bed in their tents and Annabelle and Neville were still sitting at the fire. Annabelle was still sitting on his lap.
" Bells," Neville said.
" Yes Nev," Annabelle said.
" Don't leave me," Neville said. Annabelle looked at him.
" I would never dream of it," Annabelle said kissing his cheek, he wrapped his around her tighter.
" Bells," Harry, Ron, and Hermione coursed.
" Yes," Annabelle said looking at them.
" It's time to go in," they coursed. Annabelle nodded. Neville unwrapped his arms so she could stand.
" She you in morning," she said holding hand, looking at him.
" Of course," Neville answered. Annabelle got on her tip toes and kissed his cheek. She then began to slowly let go of his hand. Another flashback came. It was the end of sixth year. Annabelle was in the greenhouse with Neville. She was leaving her slowly letting go of Neville's hand. Then she went further back in time. To the time Annabelle was in the hospital. The night she woke. She could see the person, but the person couldn't see she was awake. The person happened to be Neville ? He was slowly letting of her hand.
* End of dream *
Annabelle sat up, as she woke up. She touched the side of her face to find it a bit damp. She looked over and saw everyone was still asleep. Then she slowly laid back down. She held her necklace in her hand, her thumb rubbing the engraving of the frog. She kissed it before falling back asleep.
Authors note: Hey everyone !! I'm so sorry it's been a long time since the last time I updated !! Well I started lifeguarding on Saturdays !! It's really cool !! Midterms are over !! I passed all of them !! Anyways I saw into the woods today. I thought it was good and funny. But I have no idea why but I ship Jack and Little red riding hood together. Also !? How have you all been ?? Love you
- Pickles

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