Chapter 115

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Neville walked outside with the remains of the staff, students, and members of the Ministry and Order into the courtyard. He stumbled and limped. A Death Eater hit him with a spell. He was badly injured in his leg. He had many cuts and bruises on his body and face. One large cut on his forehead making the blood run down the side of his face. He saw the Sorting Hat under a bunch of rumble. He picked it up and dusted it off kinda. The hat was dirty and partly ripped. The same hat that place him in Gryffindore after he begged to be put in Hufflepuff. The Gryffindor house seemed to intimidating. But now he realized the place was a home to him. Because of Hufflepuff made him feel brave at times. The same Hufflepuff that would come to for nightmares. The same Hufflepuff he met on the train all those years ago. The same one he have fell in love with. Annabelle Hood. She made him feel like he belonged Gryffindor. He hasn't seen him since yesterday evening in hallway. Before he went to go blow up the bridge. He scanned the people behind him, not seeing a single trace of her. Is she dead ? He thought to himself. Everyone gasped, Neville looked in front of him and saw Voldemort and his followers waking towards them. Hagrid was carrying a body in his arms, one with jet black hair, and glasses, also motionless.
" Who's that Hagrid's carrying ? Neville who is it ? " Ginny asked. Annabelle pushed her way to the front to see what Ginny was talking about, she ended up next to Seamus. Her eyes became watery at who she saw was being carried.
" Harry Potter is dead ! " Voldemort shouted with achievement.
" No ! " Ginny screamed as she began to run forward. But Mr. Weasly grabbed her arm. Annabelle felt empty, another one of her best friends were dead.
" Silence ! " Voldemort shouted. " Stupid girl ! Harry dead. And now it's the time to declare yourself..come forward and join us or die ! " No one moved.
" Draco ! " Mr. Malfoy said. Everyone turned and looked at him. He stood there staring blankly at his inks enemy's dead body. " Draco ".
" Draco....come," His mother orders holding out her hand. Draco walked over.
" Well, done Draco," Voldemort said giving him an awkward hug. " Well done ". Draco went and joined his family grabbing his mother's hand. Neville began to limp forward and then stopped five feet. Annabelle went to grab his arm when Seamus stopped her. Annabelle and Hermione looked at each other worryingly. She knew Neville wasn't about to go join the Death Eaters. People gasped but Neville ignored it. All the Death Eaters laughed at him.
" Well, I must say I hoped for better," Voldemort commented, as Neville limped forward. The Death Eaters laughed more.
" And who might you be, young man ? " Voldemort asked.
" Neville Longbottom," Neville answered. All the Death Eaters laughed, especially Bellatrix.
" Well, Neville I'm sure we can find a place for you in our rank," Voldemort said.
" I'd like to say something," Neville said finally looking up. Voldemort lifted his arms and turned his wrist a few times before putting them back down. [ I always laugh at that part. My friend does the same thing to me every time I say something weird. One of my favourite people at school ].
" Well, Neville I'm sure we'll all be fascinated by what you have to say," Voldemort answered stiffly. Neville looked at Harry one last time.
" It doesn't matter that Harry's gone," Neville began.
" Stand down Neville ! " Seamus shouted.
" People die everyday ! " Neville snapped looking at Seamus. He looked at everyone behind him as he talked. " Friends. Family. Yeah, we lost Harry tonight. But he's still with us. In here," Neville said pointing to his heart. His eyes finally met Annabelle's. " So is Fred, Remus, Tonks, all of them. They didn't die in vain". He looked back at the other side who were just laughing. " But you will ! Cause you're wrong ! Harry's heart did beat for us ! For all of us ! It's not over ! " Neville shouted pulling the sword of Gryffindor out of the hat. Annabelle and Bellatrix quickly looked at each other. Annabelle looked at her in fear, Bellatrix looked at her murderously. All of a sudden Harry rolled out of Hagrid's arms, everyone gasped, some smiled that he was still alive. Voldemort stared murderously at Harry.
" Confringo ! " Harry shouted. The spell hit the snake, but it didn't leave a mark. Death Eaters behind the snake fell over. More spells were being thrown across the courtyard, as multiple Death Eaters apparated away. Bellatrix screamed at them. Annabelle ran over to the entrance to Hogwarts with a lot people, meeting up with Hermione, Ron, and Harry.
" Get everyone into the castle ! " Harry shouted. " We have to kill the snake ! " Neville began running towards the snake with the sword in his hands. A spell hit him sending him backwards.
" Neville ! " Annabelle shouted. Everyone was shooting spells as Harry ran off. Hermione gave him the Balisik fang before running off. Harry went to go hide in the stair case. There was a pop signalling Voldemort and the snake was there. Harry shot a spell which was blocked.
Bellatrix shot a spell at Ginny, but she successfully blocked it. Mrs. Weasly pushed Ginny aside angrily and pointed her wand at Bellatrix.
" Not my daughter you bitch ! " Mrs. Weasly snapped. Bellatrix laughed. The two began shooting spells at each other. Mrs. Weasly ended up killing Bellatrix.
Annabelle was defending herself, and just sent a Death Eater backwards when a spell shit past her arm, cutting it open. She turned and saw another Death Eater. He looked pretty scary. He shot another spell at her, but she blocked it.
Voldemort and Harry's spell collided and hit the ceiling, sending pieces down. Harry was now separated from Voldemort, as he laid on the floor he could hear the snake from behind him. He stood up just to have a spell barely miss his head. The Balisik Fang laid a few feet away from him. Voldemort quickly destroyed the weapon with a spell. He went up the damaged stair case to the Astronomy Tower as Hermione and Ron shot spells at the snake. Voldemort sent a spell to the stair care destroying it. The stair case collapsed brining Harry with it. Black smoke wrapped around his neck and pulled him up, chocking him. Voldemort kicked Harry in face.
" You were right ! " Harry chocked out as Voldemort punched him in the mouth.
The snake was getting closer and part to Ron and Hermione as they tried to out run it.
Annabelle was battling the same Death Eater when a spell hit her. She went flying backwards, landed and skidded across the ground before falling off the edge. She managed to grabbed a ledge with both hands, leaving her dangling.
" When you told Professor Snape to was was failing you. It will always fail you," Harry chocked out as he stood up. Voldemort sent another spell but Harry dodged it. Now standing on the ledge of the damaged Astronomy Tower.
" I killed Snape," Voldemort said in a weak voice.
" What if the wand need belonged to Snape ? " Harry chocked out. " What if its allegiance is to someone else ? Come on Tom. Lets finish this the way we started. Together ". Harry wrapped his arms around Voldemort and they tumbled out of the Astronomy Tower. Voldemort's screams filled the air as he scratch Harry's face. They went to the right crashing into a Tower. They went around the courtyard till they finally hit the ground. They fell several feet away from each other.
Neville opened is eyes and sat up as a body flew past him and a duel was going on behind him. He looked on the floor to find Sword of Gryffindor.
Hermione and Ron were still trying to get away, they ended up getting cornered. Annabelle's hands were getting super sweaty, she had to keeping them on her clothes, as blood drip down her arm toward her face. She ended up dangling by one hand.
Harry felt the cold ground beneath him. He looked up to see his and Voldemort's wands on the ground. The two crawled and groaned to their wands. The grabbed their wands and with every bit of strength left, stood up and shot a spell at each other. Their spells collided. The snake was about I kill Hermione and Ron as they held each other in the corner, Annabelle closed her eyes as she slowly slipped off the ledge. Voldemort's side was inching closer to Harry. At the last moment Voldemort let go. They heard an scream. Behind them they turned there head to see Neville surrounded by black smoke holding the Sword of Gryffindor. Hissing sounds filled the air. Neville killed the snake. Annabelle used every ounce of strength to look over and see what has happenedas. Voldemort was mortal and looked much weaker. Harry and Voldemort's spells collided once again. Annabelle fully slipped off the ledge, she closed her eyes as she began to plummet to the ground. To her surprise someone caught her hand. She looked up and opened her eyes to see none other than Summer Jones. The spell over powered Voldemort. The Elder Wand flew through the air, Harry rose to his feet and caught it. Summer managed to get Annabelle up and over the edge in time to see the scene in front of them unfold. It was Voldemort's death. Voldemort began to crumble away. Groaning sounds came Ron as pieces of skin floats through the air. A gust of wind came by and blew all the pieces of Voldemort away. Harry turned around, looking at everyone. From Ron holding Hermione, Neville holding the sword and Summer holding Annabelle. Everyone did the same thing. It was over . The war is over.

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