Chapter 71

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Annabelle was with Harry and Hermione at the moment. The second task was two dad away and Harry still hasn't figured out the hint in his egg.

" You told me you figured out the egg two weeks ago ! " Hermione nagged. " The second task is only two days away from now ! "

" Really ? I had no idea," Harry said sarcastically. " I suppose Viktor's figured it out,"

" Wouldn't know. We didn't talk about the tournament," Hermione began. " Actually we didn't really talk at all, Viktor is more a physical being," Harry and Annabelle giggled a bit, Hermione breathed a laugh. " I just mean he's he's not a conversationalist. Mostly he watched me study. But annoying actually," Hermione said. Harry and Annabelle laughed a little.

" You are trying to figure this egg out aren't you ? " Annabelle asked.

" What's that supposed to mean ? " Harry asked

" It means theses tasks are designed to test you. In the most brutal way that's almost cruel. And um I'm scared for you," said Annabelle " You got the dragon mostly on nerve. I'm not sure it's going to me enough this time ".

" Hey ! Potter ! " Cedric called. Harry began to walk away but Annabelle stopped him.

" Cedric," Harry said.

" How are you ? " he asked

" " Spectacular," Harry said sarcastically.

" Look I never really thanked you properly for tipping me off about the dragons,' Cedric whispered.

" Forget about it. I'm sure you would've done the same for me," Harry said, he turned to go.

" Exactly ! " Cedric called. Harry turned around. " You know the perfects bathroom on the fifth and fourth floors ? " Cedric asked, they nodded. " Its not a bad place for a bath. Just take your egg and mull things over it in the hot water," he turned and began to walk away.

" Cedric wait !! " Annabelle called

" Yes Bells ? " asked Cedric turning around.

" Have you've see Neville today yet ? " asked Annabelle

" Um.. no but I've heard he was looking for you and wanted to show you something about a plant ? I think ?... Wait is it the one thing ? " answered Cedric, Annabelle nodded. Cedric walked up and hugged. " You both are ok Bells,"Cedric whispered into her ear. He then walked away.

" Thanks ! " called Annabelle, Cedric have a thumbs up. Hermione and Harry looked at Annabelle questioningly.

" What ? " asked Annabelle

" Did you have another-" began Harry

" Yes," said Annabelle feeling ashamed


Annabelle was walking with Ron and Annabelle 2.

" Knock knock ? " asked Annabelle 2

" Who's there ? " asked the two

" Roger," answered Annabelle 2

" Roger who ? " they asked

" Roger. Over and out," she laughed. Annabel laughed and slowly clapped at the joke. Ron lightly pat Annabelle 2 on the back. Annabelle then hopped onto Annabelle 2's back, accidentally hitting Ron in the back with her foot making him fall. The two Annabelle's fell and started laughing while Ron sat up and glared at the two.

" You two are dangerous," stated Ron

" How dangerous ? " they coursed

" Very dangerous, same name, talks at the same time, laughs at the same time. It's dangerous," explained Ron

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