Chapter 77

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After the feast in the Great Hall, Annabelle was in the Gryffindore common room talking to Doug.  Seamus was sitting in one of the chairs reading the Daily Prophet, the headline read ' Plotter ? ' Harry walked in and everyone got quiet and stared at him. 

" Dean, Seamus, good holiday ? " Harry asked

" Alright, better than Seamus's anyway,' Dean said. Seamus stood up.

" Me mum didn't want me to come back this year," Seamus said

" Why not ? " Harry asked

" Let me see uh, because of you," he said. " The Daily Prophet is saying a lot about you Harry and Dumbledore as well ".

" What, and your mum believes them ? " Harry asked

" Well no one else was there the night Cedric died," Seamus said

" Oh well then I guess you should read the Prophet then like your stupid mother it'll tell you everything you need to know," Harry snapped

" Don't you dare talk about my mother like that ! " Seamus snapped.

" I'll have a go at anyone else that calls me a liar ". Harry snapped.

" What's goin' on ? " Ron asked stepping in front of them.

" Hes mad is whats going on," Seamus answered pointing at Harry. " Do you you believe the rubbish they re comin' on with about You-Know-Who ? "

" Yeah I do, " Ron said. " Does anyone else have a problem with Harry ? " The common room was silent, Harry turned and walked up the stairs followed by Ron. Annabelle then got up and left for her common room.


The next day, they were sitting in Defense Against the Dark Arts classroom. Unlike the years before, there was nothing interesting about the about the room like in third year with Professro Lupin, or crazy and a little disturbing like with Professor Moody the year before. This year, the room looked like it had been stripped of everything unique, which created a very dull and boring appearance. Pavarti made a bird out of paper, that was flying around the classroom. Everyone was staring at it in awe or truing to whack it down till the bird caught fire and back and Pavarti's desk. The entire class went quiet and watched as Umbridge walked up the aisle.

" Good morining childern. Ordinary Wizarding Level examinations. O-W-L's. More commonly known as OWLs," she said writing on the chalkboard with her wand. " Study hard, and you will be rewarded. Fail to do so and the consequences maybe severe," she flicked her wand at a pile of books that were sitting on her desk. The books began to float to their desks

" Your previous instruction of this subject has been disturbingly uneven. But you'll be pleased to know," The textbook plopped on Annabelle's desk, she was sitting next to Sandra. The textbook read ' Defense Art Spells Basic for Beginners ' She and Sandra exchanged glances. " From now on you'll be following a carefully structured , Ministry approved course Defensive Magic," Everyone was flipping through their books, Hermione raised her hand. " Yes ?" 

" There's nothing in here about using defensive spells ? " Hermione said 

" Using spells !? Why I can't imagine why you would need to use spells in my classroom," Umbridge replied. 

" We're not using magic ? " Ron asked

" You'll be learning defensive spells in a secure, risk free way, " Umbridge said 

" What use is that ? If we're going to be attacked it won't be risk free," Harry said

" Students will raise their hands when they speak in my class," Umbridge ordered. Harry and Ron looked at each other. " It is the view of the Ministry that theoretical knowledge will be sufficient to get you through your examinations which after all, is what  school is all about," she said.

" And hows theory supposed to prepare us for whats out there ? " Harry asked

" There is nothing out there dear. Who do you imagine would attack children, like yourself ? " Umbrige asked

" Oh I don't know maybe, Lord Voldemort ? " Harry suggested. The classroom began to whsiper.

" Now let me make this quite plain. ' Umbridge began as she began walking towards Harry.  " You have been told that a certain Dark Wizard is at large once again. This. Is. A. Lie," she said looking at Harry

" Its not a lie ! I saw him ! I fought him ! " Harry argued

" Detention ! Mr. Potter ! " Umbridge said 

" So according to you Cedric Diggory dropped dead on his own record ? " Harry asked.

" Cedric Diggory's death was a tragic accident," she said 

" It was murder ! Voldemort killed him ! You must know that ! " Harry said.

" Enough ! " Umbridge shouted. " Enough, see me later Mr. Potter. My office," she said.

" Bitch," Annabelle muttered under her breath.

" Detention ! Ms. Hood ! " Umbridge said. Annabelle's eyes widened and exchanged glances with Sandra.


After their classes, Harry and Annabelle were walking towards Umbridge's office." I was for sure she wouldn't hear me," Annabelle said 

" What did you say ? " asked Harry

" Bitch," answered Annabelle

 " You said that ? And she heard you ? I was closer and I didn't even hear you," said Harry. They went up to the door of her office, Harry knocked.

" Come in," she said. Harry and Annabelle entered her office, Annabelle scrunched her face in disgust. The entire room was pink, the wallpapers, the chairs, the floor, and especially Umbridge. The wall was completely covered with pictures of cats, the meowing was echoing throughout the entire room. 

" Good evening,' Mr. Potter and Ms. Hood. Sit," Annabelle closed the door and they sat down in chairs that were in the corner. " You're going to be doing lines for me today ". Harry and Annabelle went to get their quills. " No, not with your quills. you're going to be using a rather special quills of mine ". She gave them each a quill with a dark pink feather. " Now I want you Mr. Potter to write: I must not tell lies and you Ms. Hood to write: I will not swear ".

" How many times ? " Harry asked stiffly

" Well lets say, for as long as it takes for the message to sink in," she replied. She began to walk away. 

" You didn'd give us any ink," Annabelle said 

" Oh you won't be needing ink," Umbridge said. Annabelle and Harry exchanged looks before writing. As they were writing the ink went from a black to blood red. When they got to the second line, both of their hands that weren't writing began to hurt. Like someone was cutting into their skin, it hurt as much as when Harry's scar would burn. They gasped and looked at their hands. The words: I must not tell lies was engraved in Harry's skin, and the words: I will not swear was engraved in Annabelle's hand.  Umbridge came around and looked at them. " Yes ? ' she asked

" Nothing," Harry and Annabelle replied.

" That's right because you know, deep down, you deserved to be punished," she said with a sickly sweet smile. 

" Don't you. Go on ". They walked out f her office clutching their hands. They looked at each other beforenmaking thier way to the Gryffindore common room.

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