Chapter 31 Letters !!

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Letters to Annabelle over the summer. I am doing one example of each friend. She doesn't get any letters from Thomas cause of A. He's her brother. None from Doug and Sandra they live literally on the same street so most of the summer the four are with each other most of the time. Well on to the first letter.

Dear Wendy (Annabelle),

May I ask how did you break your arm? Anyways hope your arm gets better. And did you know a baby octopus can be as small as your fingertip? Can't wait for the fall. By the way, next time you see Sandra can you tell her to give me my hoodie back, please! She stole it from me two days before we left and I want it back

Miss you, Peter Pan (Seamus).

Dear Anniebelli,

How did you fall out of the tree? Anyways we can't wait for you to come back to the burrow this summer, the whole family misses you and Thomas, especially Ginny. You should hear her she either talks about you coming back over and how excited she is for Hogwarts or Harry it's quite annoying.

Miss you, Fred and George

Dear Annabelle,

I got a poem for you. Roses are red, violets are blue, and faces like yours belong in a zoo. But don't worry I'll be there too! Not in a cage, but laughing at you. Hahaha and good job on breaking your arm! Just kidding hope it gets better. Well, I started to plan out your and Neville's wedding. Also, have Harry answered any of your letters because he hasn't been answering any of mine

Miss you, Ronald.

Dear Bells,

You need to be more careful! But I'm glad you're ok! Anyways I got a new book! It is really good so far, I'll lend it to you when we get back to school and has Harry answered any of your letters because he hasn't answered mine and I'm a bit worried. Well me and you need to go dress shopping for your wedding ;)

Miss you, Mione

Dear Banana Pickle (Annabelle),

I play drums and you play guitar, we should start a band! We need a name and a few more people. Anyways for your information, the mass of the Earth is 5,972,190,000,000,000 billion kg; I bet you didn't even read the number you lazy butt head!

Miss you, West Potato (Jose)

Dear Bells,

I painted an emu the other day, also for your information you are in charge of the first meeting for Legit 5 when we return to Hogwarts

Miss you, Lu (Luna)

Dear Bells,

I heard you and Jose wanted to start a band, {Jose told me} for your information, I'll play the keyboard and piano in the band. Plus it's a benefit for me to spend time with you and get to know Jóse more. Anyways my sister Vanessa will be going to Hogwarts next year! {She'll be the first year} and I want you and the other girls to meet her!

Miss you, Maddie (Madelyn)

Dear Bells, (Annabelle 1)

I wiped out really bad on my skateboard the other day and ended up breaking my wrist. So aye! We can be cast, buddies! Haha! Oh! You'll never believe it! Oliver sent me flowers! Ahhh! Anyways I got you a joke. What do you call a dinosaur that's a noisy sleeper?

Miss you twin ;) Annie (Annabelle 2)

Dear Bells,

I just got news about the wedding! So I am invited, right? Just kidding. Anyways next have a better grip on the tree branch. Also, next time you see Sandra tell her to give Seamus his hoodie back, he's been ranting about it to me for weeks, can't wait to see you

Miss you, Dean

Annabelle got a letter from a very snot head person which surprised her a lot like it blew her socks off literally!

Dear Hood,

I keep thinking about the incident in the forest for our detention. So I came to the conclusion, we should settle our differences and become friends, well in secret anyways. I am writing this letter in secret cause if my parents find out if I'm writing to a person with your blood type I would be dead

From, Malfoy

Dear Bells,

I miss you a ton and I hope your arm is ok! Anyways I and Gran have been working in our greenhouse and the plants are turning out fantastic, I'll bring you one, to show you the progress when we go back to Hogwarts. Well, Trevor misses you too!

Miss you, Nev

So basically Annabelle broke her arm this summer, falling out of the tree. How did it happen? Doug 'accidentally' pushed her out of the tree. Then Jóse, Madelyn, and Annabelle want to start a band, But like her Ron and Hermione, she hasn't got any letters back from Harry and is a bit worried like Hermione. But the answer to Annabelle 2s joke is brontosaurus XD hahaha

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