Chapter 47

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It was a rainy day. Sandra, Thomas, Annabelle, and Doug were at a roller rink. " Annabelle! " Doug shouted as she cut him off causing him to fall. 

" Doug ! " Shouted Annabelle skating away. The three looked at each other. 

" Get her," Doug said in a low voice, getting back up. The three caught up to Annabelle. 

" Having fun there ? " asked Thomas."

 Ya-" began Annabelle, then got cut off by Doug and then Sandra tripped her causing her to fall. 

" Guys ! " she shouted, they laughed and skated away. Annabelle then got back up and began to skate. 

" Hey, Annabelle," said a voice she knew too well. Annabelle turned to see the Weasleys and Hermione, Mr. Weasly was looking around fascinated by the place. 

" Hey Ronald " Annabelle said shocked. She skated off the thing to talk to them. 

" What you guys doing here ? " asked Annabelle. 

" Picking you up , is the others here ? " replied Mrs. Weasly. 

" Yes but they're still on the rink, I can go get them," said Annabelle, skating back in the rink and over to the others.

" The Weasleys and Hermione are here to pick us up apparently " said Annabelle. 

" Where are they ? " asked Sandra. Annabelle pointed in the direction they were.  All four of them skated off did what they need to do and went over to the Weasleys and Hermione with their things. 

" Do you have your things packed and ready to go ? " asked Fred.

" Yes," Thomas answered. 

" But it's back at our houses," said Doug. 

" Oh right, follow me, kids," said Mr. Weasly. Soon they were at their houses getting their thugs and saying goodbye to family. Ron and Hermione went with Annabelle and Thomas to their house. Annabelle was in her room doing the last-minute check. 

" Do you always do last-minute checks? " Hermione asked looking around her room. 

" Yes " answered Annabelle, then continued checking. Annabelle's walls are neon blue with black music notes on them ( like those wall stickers they put on the walls. ) She had a black butterfly chair. Her bed was the top part of a bunk bed so she had a desk under it with music sheets on top of the desk. Plus pictures. Her bedspread was purple and her pillow had a pair of running shoes. Next to her desk was a pair of running shoes.

" Awe! You still have this picture! Ron said walking in the room and picking up a picture frame. The picture was from Neville in the first year. 

" Ya, it's worth saving," said Annabelle blushing. 

" When was this? " Hermione asked picking up a picture frame. Annabelle had all her stuff and walked over to see what she was looking at. It was a non-moving picture of Her, Doug. Thomas, and Sandra. They were camping at the time and all four of them were sitting in a hammock eating watermelon. Annabelle smiled. 

" Oh that was when we were 7, it was summer and all of our families decided to go camping together. 

"It's cute," said Hermione putting the picture down and they headed outside. They apparated and soon they were back in England, they or their school supplies and stuff. and app they were at a place called Leaky Cauldron.

" Did you hear about Harry ? " asked Hermione as they got ready for bed that night. 

" No, what happened ? " asked Sandra. 

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