Chapter 80

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The next day Hermione and Annabelle led them to Hogsmead and into HogsHead.
" This is mad ! " Harry said. " Who would want to be taught by me ? I'm nutters remember !? "
" Look on the bright side. You can't be any worse than old toad face, " Ron said
" Thanks Ron, " Harry sad sarcastically.
" Only for you mate," Ron said
" Who's supposed to be meeting us ? " Harry asked.
" Just a couple of people," Annabelle said as they walked into HogsHead. The place was a wreak, it was freezing cold, the entire room was outcast in gray, and smell of dust and due was in the air. The only people in room was a man sweeping and a goat k. The corner.
" Lovely spot," Ron said. Hermione lead them to a room in the back. There was more than a couple of people there, almost everyone they knew was there, it looked very claustrophobic. They were in the front facing everyone.
" Um, hi. So, you all know why were here. We need a teacher. Proper teacher. Who have had real experience defending themselves against the Dark Arts, " Hermione said nervously.
" Why ? " asked a second year Gryffindor.
" Why ? Cause You-Know-Who's back you tosspop, " Ron snapped
" So he say, " the kid said.
" So Dumbledore says, " Annabelle said.
" So Dumbledore says because he says, " the kid snapped.
" Point is, where's the proof ? "
" If he could tell us more on how Cedric Diggory got killed, " a third year Hufflepuff said. Harry stood up.
" I'm going to talk about Cedric Diggory if that's why you're here you might as well clear out now," Harry snapped. " Come one Hermione let's go they're here because they think I'm some sort of freak,"
" Is it true that you can produce a Patronus Charm ? " Luna L asked
" Yes. I've seen it, " Hermione said.
" Blimey, I didn't know you could do that," Dean said
" A-And Harry killed a Balisik with a sword in Dumbledore's office," Neville said
" It's true," Annabelle said.
" And I heard he fought off about a hundred Dementors at once," Ron said
" And last year he really did fight off You-Know-Who in the flesh," Hermione said. All eyes were on Harry.
" Wait. It sounds all great when you say it like that. But the truth is most of that was luck. I didn't know what I was doing half of the time. I nearly always had help, " Harry said.
" He's just being modest, " Hermione said.
" No. Hermione I'm not, " Harry said. " Facing this stuff in real life is not like school. I'm school if you make a mistake you can always try again tomorrow. But out there, when you're a second away from murdered or watching a friend die right in front of your eyes. You don't know what's its like, " Harry said as he sat down.
" You're right, we don't, that's why we need your help," Hermione said. " Because if we're going to have any chance at beating.....Voldemort," Hermione breathed.
" He's really back," Nigel said. Harry nodded. That afternoon Dumbledore's Army was formed, Hermione had brought some parchment, at the the top they had written Dumbledore's Army. Everyone was signing up, soon they were walking back to the castle.
" Right, first we'll need a place to practice where Umbridge won't find out," Harry said
" Te Shrieking Shack ? " Ginny suggested.
" That is too small," Harry said
" The Forbidden Forest ? " Hermione suggested.
" Bloody no," Ron sad.
" Harry, what happens if Umbridge does find out ? " Ginny asked
" Who cares ? I mean its sort of exciting isn't it breaking rules ? " Hermione said
" Who are you and what have you done with Hermione Granger ? " Ron asked
" Anyway, at least we know one positive things that came from today," Hermione said
" What's that ? " Harry asked. Hermione smirked at him.
" Cho couldn't take her eyes off you could she ? " Hermione said as they entered the castle.
" Over the next few days we should come up with a few possibilities for places to practice. Got to make sure whatever it is there is no chance she will find us," Harry said.
It's has been several days since Dumbledore's Army was formed. They still haven't found a location to hold the lessons. They were sitting in the Gryffindor common room, Umbridge's stupid girly voice was echoing throughout the school, she was adding another rule after rule. Hogwarts wasn't just the same anymore. They were all sitting in silence when the portrait door swung open making them jump. Neville came running over to them, he was taking super fast, they couldn't understand him. Neville sighed and grabbed Annabelle's hand and began running out. Ron, Hermione, and Harry following. Neville lead them to a wall, before they could ask what there doing at a wall, a giant door appeared. It looked like a gate you would see in a castle. Neville opened the door, and they walked in. There was nothing like they have ever seen, the walls were mirrors, the ceiling was so high up, the room gave off an unusual atmosphere.
" You've done it Nevolle ! " Annabelle breathed hugging him.
" You've found the Room of Requirements. I've heard about this room many of times, but I never thought it existed," Hermione breathed.
" What's the Room of Requirements ? " Ron asked
" It's also know as the come and go room. The room of Requirements only appears when the person has real need of it. And always equipt for the seekers need," Hermione explained.
" So.....say you really need the toliet," Ron suggested
" Charming Ronald. But yes, that is the general idea," Hermione said
" It's brilliant ! It's like Hogwarts wants us to fight back," Harry said. Soon everyone left and began to walk away, Annabelle and Neville were the last to leave.
" So Neville what's up with you ? " Annabelle asked
" What do you mean ? " Neville asked looking down at her.
" I mean like pinning me down, now this. Are you some sort of ninja ? " explained Annabelle. Neville laughed.
" Yes Annabelle I'm a ninja," Neville said sarcastically. Annabelle laughed.
" Wait," Annabelle said then stopped and looked behind Neville weirdly.
" What ? " asked Neville looking behind him.
" I thought I just saw something," said Annabelle seriously.
" Where ? " asked Neville.
" Over there," said Annabelle pointing a area. " Keep looking, I'm going to see if I go see it from far away, " said Annabelle backing up a bit far.
" Ok, tell me when you see something ! " exclaimed Neville
" Will do ! And you do the same ! " exclaimed Annabelle. Annabelle began silently laughing. Neville continued searching for the object while Annabelle silently began silently running towards him. A few seconds she went into full sprint and jumped on to his back.
" Found it ! " said Annabelle on mid jump. Neville turned before Annabelle could latch on. Annabelle knocked into Neville sending him on to his back and Annabelle was on top of him. " Well that didn't go well," she said looking at him.
" You don't say," said Neville sarcastically as Annabelle put her face into his chest and began laughing. Soon enough Neville began laughing. All laughter stopped at the sound of a shoe tapping. They both froze and stopped laughing. Annabelle slowly lifted her head, eyes widen and her eyes met with Neville's eyes widen. They both slowly looked up and saw Umbridge standing up over them with her arms crossed. They both looked back at each other with panicked before Annabelle got of Neville and got up and then helped him up.
" There is no running or body touching, detention for both of you," said Umbridge.
" Leave Neville out of this !! He didn't do anything it was all my fault, " snapped Annabelle
" Another detention for snapping at a teacher, and Mr. Longbottom and your were touching," said Umbridge
" It was a accident he didn't do anything wrong, I was the who was running. I was the one who accidentally tackled him," Annabelle argued. Neville nudged Annabelle lightly and gave her a look.
" Enough ! " Umbridge said. " Both of you will serve detention with me later, and Ms. Hood you will come tomorrow," she ordered. Annabelle and Neville began to walk away.
" If I see you two doing anymore body touching you'll have two weeks of detention ! In fact I want you two separated for the ret of the year ! Ms. Hood no contact with Mr.Longbottom ! And Mr.Longbottom no contact with Ms. Hood ! " Umbridge ordered as they walked away. Annabelle and Neville looked at each other eye wide and sad. They both turned the corner out of the site of her. They walked into the Gryffindor common room as soon as the door closed Annabelle hugged Neville tightly.
" I'm so sorry this is all my fault," breathed Annabelle, before tears escaped her eyes.

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