Chapter 91

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Annabelle's first class the next day was potions. She met up with Hermione and walked to the dungeons. When they got to potions, the jars of strange items were still there, but no longer felt creepy, rather inviting. Professor Slughorn began to tell them what they were doing that day. While Professor Slughorn was explaining about the process of Love Potions, the door creaked open and Harry and Ron walked in.
" Ah Harry, I was beginning to worry, brought someone with you I see," Slughorn said to Harry.
" Ron Weasly sir," Ron said introducing himself. " I'm not here for Potions actually so I'm just going to-" Ron said, he tried to leave but Harry grabbed his arm. Slughorn told Ron that he was welcome so was Harry, he instructed them to get their books from the back of the room. Annabelle giggled as she watched them fight over the last two books. Harry hit Ron with his beat up book while Ron carried the more fresh one.
" I just made concoctions this morning anyone know what they are ? " Slughorn asked the class, Hermione raised her hand and Slughorn called on her.
" That there is a serum. Its a truth telling serum. And that one it a love potion. Andromedia, the most powerful love potion in the world. It's supposed to smell different to each person to according what attracts them ". Hermione leaned forward, smelled the air, then leaned back knowing not to get to close. " For example I smell, freshly mowed grass and spearmint........toothpaste," she said then took a quick glance at Ron. Annabelle leaned forward and smelled the air then leaned back being careful not to get to close. She smelled the ocean, a campfire, and strawberries ? She knows she likes the other two smells but didn't understand the strawberries part. Slughorn continued talking.
" Now Andromedia doesn't create love but it does cause powerful infatuation or obsession, for that reason it is probably the most dangerous potion in this world ". Slughorn said closing the lid, causing the scents to leave everyone's nose. For some reason though Annabelle could still smell the strawberries.
" Sir, you haven't told us that one," a girl gesturing to a very tiny bike of clear liquid.
" Ah yes, what you see before you ladies and gentlemen, is a very curious little potion is Felix Felicis. Which more commonly referred to as-" Slughorn began.
" Liquid Luck," Hermione finished.
" Yes Ms. Granger. Liquid Luck. Terribly tricky to make disastrously should you get it wrong. But if its right you'll find in all of your endeavours you'll seem to succeed. At least until the effect wears off. So, this is what I offer each of to you today. One tiny vial of Liquid Lick to the student who within the hour that remains manages to brew an exceptional Draught of the Living Death. Turn to page 345. You may begin ". Annabelle went to table with Seamus, Dean, and Neville. Potions wasn't going well but Annabelle wasn't really interested in the Liquid Luck. Seamus tried to add some Beatles to his potion, it exploded in his face causing black dust to go in his face and a little bit of hit went into Annabelle's face. They all laughed.
" Sorry Bells," Seamus laughed.
" It's okay," she laughed as a green blob flopped onto the table. She glanced over to Ron, Harry and, Hermione. Ron was still trying to cut his Beatle without making it fly off the table. Hermione was following the instructions exactly and Harry looked engraved in his textbook as he headed the ingredients. Slughorn came around and started testing thee potions. In the end, Harry got the tiny vial of Liquid Luck. His potion was absolutely perfect ! Annabelle clapped along with everyone else, she as happy for him. Hermione looked the most disappointed, her arms crossed, trying not to frown, her hair was messier than usual. Annabelle was walking with Sandra after class when someone tapped Sandra's shoulder. They both turned to Seamus with Jóse coming up from behind him.
" Hey Sandra, I uh, I uh was wondering, if you would um, join me fore tea later ? " Seamus asked nervously. Sandra looked at Annabelle questioningly. Annabelle have her a do-want-you-think-is-right look, Sandra looked back at Seamus.
" Sure," she said.
" Really ? " he asked in disbelief. She nodded her head. Jóse then came up and hooked arms with Annabelle and began to walk away.
" What is your next class Ms. Hood ? " he asked
" Care for Magical Creatures, what's your next class Mr. Jalapeño ? " Annabelle answered.
" Charms," Jóse sighed.
" See you later," Annabelle said.
" Of course," he stated pecking her lips before going to class.
After dinner Annabelle was talking to Jóse while walking to the Ravenclaw common room. Professor McGonall told Harry that Dumbledore would like to see him ok his office. Harry got their and began talking about classroom stuff.
" What about your activities outside the classroom ? " Dumbledore asked.
" Sir," Harry asked.
" Well I've noticed you spent a great deal of time with Ms. Granger, I can't help wondering if...." Dumbledore trailed off.
" Oh ! No ! No ! No ! I mean she's brilliant ! And we're friends. But no," Harry said.
" Forgive me, I was being curious. Well enough chit chat. You must be wondering why I summoned you tonight. The answer lies here. What you're looking at is memories. Memories that belong to one individual: Voldemort. Or as he is known then, Tom Riddle. This vial contains the most particular memory. The day I first met him, I'd like you to see it, if you would," Dumbledore said. He reached into a cupboard and grabbed a tiny crystal giving it to Harry. They walked over to the pensieve when Harry carefully poured it in. Dumbledore looked at him expectantly before dunking his head into the Pensieve and witnessed the memory. ( There is a video of the memory ). When the memory faded, Harry emerged from the pensieve, slightly shocked at what he saw.
" Did you know sir ? Then ? " Harry asked.
" Did I know I met the most powerful dark wizard of all time ? No. If I had I'd-over time here. Tom Riddle grew close to one particular teacher, can you guess who that teacher might be ? " Dumbledore asked.
" You didn't bring Professor Slughorn back just so he could teach Potions did you ? " Harry asked.
" No I didn't. You see Professor Slughorn possesses something I desire very dearly. He won't give it up easily," said Dumbledore.
" You said Professor Slughorn would try and collect me ? " Harry asked
" I did," Dumbledore confirmed.
" Do you want me to let him ? " Harry asked.
" Yes," said Dumbledore.
Quidditch tryouts were the next day. Annabelle said she would go with Hermione to support Ron who was trying out for Keeper and Ginny who was trying out for Chaser. When they finally made it to the field, everyone was along and it was hard for Harry to get everyone's attention. Annabelle sat in the stands with Hermione with Lavender a few rows away from the them.
" Quiet ! Hey ! " Harry shouted. Nobody heard him.
" Shut it ! " Ginny yelled. Everyone went silent immediately.
" Thanks," Harry said to Ginny. " Alright then, um. Now then remember just because you made the team last year does not guarantee you a spot this year is that clear ? " Harry asked. Everyone nodded. " Good ". Before the tryouts began Annabelle could see Cormac McLaggen a sixth year talking to Ron, whatever he was saying really seemed to annoy him. The tryouts went well Ron and Ginny both made the positions ! Plus Harry stayed seeker.
Later in the Gryffindore common room Annabelle was talking to Doug. Harry was sitting on the floor cross legged reading his potions book.
" He's got a thing for you Hermione," Ron said as they walked over to them. " McLaggen ".
" He's vile," Hermione replied.
" Have you ever heard of this spell ? Sectumsempra ? " Harry asked showing Hermione a page in the book.
" No I haven't ! If you had a shred of self-respect you turn that book in," said Hermione
" Not bloody likely, he's top of the class. He's even better than you Hermione ! " said Ron. " Slughorn thinks he's a genius ".
" Well I'd like to see whose book that was, lets take a look shall we ? " Annabelle said reaching for the book.
" No," Harry said standing up, attempting to hide the book behind his back.
" Why not ? " Annabelle asked.
" The binging is fragile," Harry said.
" The binding is fragile," Hermione repeated like it was a book.
" Yeah," Harry said. He attempt to run up the stair case with the book, but Ginny snuck up behind him and snatched it out if his hands. She opened it to the front of the page.
" Half-Blood Prince ? " she asked reading the written name in the book.
" The Half-Blood Prince ? " they questioned.
" That's what it says here. This book is property of the Half-Blood-Prince," Ginny said. Soon everyone went up to bed, Annabelle had to stay side it was past curfew and didn't want to get detention. She was sitting on the couch wrapped in blanket staring at the fire..
" Bells," a voice spoke. At the moment the sweet familiar smell of strawberries came to her nose. Her eyes widen, she turned her head and saw Neville.
" Hey Nev," she said looking back at the fire blushing a bit. Thankfully Neville couldn't see. ' Wait what I'm in a relationship with Jóse though ! ' Annabelle thought to herself. Neville walked over and sat next to Ananbelle on the couch staring into the fire.
" So I've heard you been nightmaring again," Neville said randomly.
" Ron ? " Annabelle asked, he nodded.
" Promise me something ? Annabelle asked looking at Neville.
" What ? " he asked looking at her.
" Promise me, no matter what crazyiness happens, we'll always have each others backs, be there for each other, no matter the situation," Annabelle explained.
" Of course," he said holding out his pinkie finger. Annabelle smiled, it reminded of her that one time in second year, but completely different situation. She wrapper her pinkie around his.
" Do you remember the first thing you ever said to me ? " Neville asked randomly unwrapping his pinkie.
" Of course," Annabelle laughed.
" What was it ? " he asked.
" Hi, I'm Annabelle," she giggled.
" You still giggled," he laughed. The two began laughing.
" I also remember what you first said to me," Annabelle stated.
" What was it ? " Neville asked.
" TREVOR ! " she exclaimed, the two burst out laughing. They talk throughout the night most of the time they would end up laughing. Before you know it they both fell asleep. Annabelle fell asleep on the chair while Neville fell asleep on the couch. Ananbelle was fast asleep when she heard someone talking, and crying. She opened her eyes slowly and looked over at Neville to see him twitching, tears streaming down his cheeks. Suddenly became fully aware, she got up and knelt down next to Neville.
" Neville ? " she asked softly.
" No," he breathed. She lightly poked him, he didn't wake up.
" Don't hurt her ! " he shouted.
" Neville ! " Annabelle said louder, shaking him lightly. He shot up awake.
" Neville are you okay ? " she asked with concern. He turned and looked at her, he nodded, his eyes were blood shot. Suddenly broke into tears. Annabelle tackled him in hug and began rubbing his back.
" Sh, sh, your okay, your safe," she whispered. She pulled back to look at him. " Do you wanna talk about it ? " Neville shook his head. Annabelle wiped off the tears in his cheek with her thumb before getting up to go back to the chair. Neville grabbed her wrist. She turned back around to look at him.
" Could you um-" Neville began.
" Of course," Annabelle said giving him a small comforting smile. She turned back and grabbed the blanket off the chair. Neville laid back down. Annabelle crawled on top of him, putting her head on his chest, pulling the blanket over the both of them.
" Thanks Bells,' he breathed.
" Anything," she said closing her eyes. Neville wrapped his arms around her, kissed her head, and closed his eyes.

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