Chapter 58

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Annabelle, Hermione, Ron, and Harry were now in the hospital wing. Ron was in a bed with a cast in his leg, Harry was next to Ron just waking up. Hermione and Annabelle were now standing over Harry.

" Listen, they've captured Sirius. Any minute the dementors are going to perform the dementors kiss," said Hermione. Harry shot up.

" You mean they're going to kill him ?' Harry asked putting his glasses on.

" No worse ! They're going to suck out his soul ! " said Annabelle. The doors opened and Dumbledore walked in.

" Headmaster you've got to stop them!" Hermione said " They've got the wrong man ! "

" It's true sir, Sirius is innocent," said Harry

" It's Scrabbers who did it," said Ron

" Scrabbers ? " asked Dumbledore

"He's my rat sir. He's not really a rat, but he was a rat, he was my brother Percy's first. But then they've--" said Ron

" The point is we know the truth!" said Hermione " Please do believe us !"

" I do Ms. Granger. But I'm sorry to say the word of four thirteen year old wizards will convince few others. A child's voice whenever honest and true is meaningless to those who have forgotten to listen. Mysterious thing time. Powerful, when meddled with, dangerous. Sirius Black is in the top cellar in the Dark Tower. You know the laws Ms. Granger, you must not be seen. And you will do well I feel to return before the last chime. If not the consequences are ghastly to discuss. If you succeed tonight, more than one life will be spared. Three turns should do it," Dumbledore winked. He went to close the door, but stopped. " Oh by the way, when in doubt I find myself retracing my steps to be wise place to begin. Good luck," he said before closing the door.

" What the bloody hell was that all about ?" asked Ron

" Sorry Ron, but seeing as you can't walk," said Hermione fumbling with the chain around her neck. She wrapped the chain around their necks, Hermione turned the charm on it three times. The blur of colours and people rushed past them, yet they were completely still. When the charm stopped turning, they were still in the hospital wing, but Ron was gone and it was light outside. Hermione toll the chain off and put it back in her shirt.

" What just happened ? " asked Harry

" Where's Ron ? " asked Annabelle

" 7:30 Where were we at 7:30 ?" asks Hermione

" I don't know, going to Hagrid's ? " Harry suggested

" Come on !And we can't be seen ! " Hermione warned grabbing their arms . They ran down the hall and outside, toward Hagrid's.

" Would you please tell us what're we doing ? " Harry demanded. Hermione stopped and peered around the corner, they saw them talking to Malfoy.

"Wait, that's us," said Annabelle. They watched Hermione raise her wand at Malfoy's neck.

" This is not normal," Harry sighed. Hermione pulled them over and grabbed the necklace.

" This is a Time turner. McGonall gave it to me when first term started. This so how, I've been getting to my lessons all year," explained Hermione.

" You mean we've gone back in times ? " asked Annabelle

"Yes," she nodded. " Dumbledore obviously want us to return to this moment. Clearly something happened that he want us to change". They turned to see Hermione punch Malfoy.

" Good punch," said Harry

" Thanks," laughed Hermione. " Malfoy's coming ". They ducked behind the side of the building. They watched themselves walk to Hagrid's, they followed, some distance behind them. They watched themselves go into Hagrid's hut. They hid behind the pumpkins.

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