Chapter 90

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" Quibbler ? Quibbler ? " Luna Lovegood moved down the aisle of the compartments on the train, wearing a pair of red and blue cardboard glasses which were called Spectrespecs. She was holding a stack of the latest issue of The Quibbler. Most students were ignoring her besides Annabelle who already retrieved her copy from Luna. Dean Thomas was currently whispering to Ginny who was smiling mildly, more interested on the purple Pygmy perched on her shoulder.
" Let me walk you to your compartment Ms. Hood," Jóse said holding hands with Annabelle.
" That would be delightful Mr. Jalaeño," Annabelle mimicked.
" Where shall you be sitting ? " he asked.
" I shall be sitting with Harry, Hermione, and Ron," Annabelle's said. They laughed and began looking for the compartment holding the three.
" That one ! " Jóse exclaimed pointing at a compartment.
" Thank you, see you later West Potato," Annabelle said.
" See you later Banana Pickle,w Jóse laughed. He pecked her lips before leaving her side. Annabelle entered the compartment and sat next to Harry.
" Whee were you ? " Ron asked acting as if he was her brother.
" With Jóse," answered.
" Aren't you guys dating ? " Harry asked. She nodded blushing a bit.
" What about ? " Hermione asked.
" I don't know, " Annabelle sighed, she was torn inside.
" So what was Draco doing with that weird looking cabinet ? And who were all those people ? " Harry asked moving on to a different subject. " Do you see ? It was a ceremony. An invitation ".
" Stop it Harry, I know where you're going with this," Hermione said.
" It happened. Hes one of them," Harry said.
" One of who ? " Ron asked
" Harry is under the impression that Draco Malfoy is now a Death Eater," Annabelle said.
" You're barking ! Why would You-Know-Who want a sod like Malfoy ? " Ron questioned
" Well, then what was he doing in Borgin and Burkes ? Browsing for furniture ? " Harry asked sarcastically.
" It's a creepy shop, he's a creepy bloke," Ron replied.
" Look, his father is a Death Eater it all makes sense. Besides, Hermione and Annabelle saw it with their own eyes," Harry said.
" I told you, I don't know what I saw," Hermione saw. Annabelle nodded in agreement.
" I need some air," Harry said, he stood up, grabbed the Invisibility Cloak and left the compartment.
" So when did you and Jóse start dating ? " Hermione asked
" When we were at the Joke shop," Annabelle answered.
" What about Neville ? " Ron questioned. The two girls have him a strange look. " I may or may not have secretly or accidentally read the letters you sent Ginny ".
" What !? You cannot tell anyone !" Annabelle panicked
" What about Harry ? " Ron asked
"He's not trusted yet," Annabelle said. " If you say one word I squirt mustard at you ".
" Sure you will," Ron said sarcastically.
Now they were in the Great Hall, no sign of Harry or Luna L. Annabelle was sitting next to Ernie and across from Sandra and Annabelle 2 eating dinner. But no Justin, he wasn't there.
" Will you ever stop eating ?" Hermione asked hitting Ron with a book. " Your best friend is missing.
" Oi, turn around you lunatic," Ron said. Harry and Luna L just walked in, Luna skipped over to the Ravenclaw table. Ernie nudge Annabelle, she looked at him, he pointed at Harry who had his nose bleeding, he was holding a cloth to it. She got up walked over to the Gryffindor table and sat next to Neville.
" He's covered in blood, is he always covered in blood ? " Ginny asked. Harry sat down next to Ginny who began to help with his bloody nose.
" Where have you been ? " Ron asked.
" What happened to your face ?" Hermione asked.
" Are you okay ? " Annabelle asked.
" Later," Harry said. Annabelle got up and may her way over to her table, as she made her way over she made quick eye contact with Malfoy. Dumbledore stood up to make his speech.
" Good afternoon," Dumbledore began, everyone went silent.
" First, let me introduce the newest member of our staff. Horace Slughorn ". Everyone clapped. " Professor Slughorn has agreed to resume his old post as Potion Master. Meanwhile the post Defense Against the Dark Arts will be taken by Professor Snape ". The entire hall began whispering, the Slytherins were clapping. Snape has declined that post in that post so why now ? " Now, as all you know, each of you was searched upon your arrival here tonight, and you have the right to know why. Once, there was a young man, like you sat in this very hall, walked these castle corridors, stepped under its roof. He seemed to all the world a student like any other. His name ? Tom Riddle," Dumbledore said. Everyone gasped at his name,
" To say of course, he is known to the world by another name. Which is why, as I stand looking upon all of you tonight, I'm reminded of a sobering thing, everyday, every hour, this very minute perhaps, dark forces attempt to penetrate these castle walls. But in the end, their greatest weapon is you. Just something to think about. Now off to bed pip pip ". Everyone silently went back to their common rooms.
" Bells ! " a voice called. Annabelle turned and saw Neville coming towards her.
" Neville," Annabelle said smiling.
" So I heard you and Jóse are together," Neville said awkwardly.
" It's true, so how was your summer ? " Annabelle answered.
" It was good, how was yours ? " Neville asked
" It was good, not the best but it was good," she answered.
" I better get going," Neville said turning around, beginning to walk away.
" Wait," Annabelle said. He turned around, she tackled him in a hug, he hugged back.
" Miss you, night Nev," she giggled.
" Miss you too, night Bells," he laughed before leaving.
" Annabelle ! " a voice snapped, she turned and saw Jóse looking furious.
" Are you okay ? " she asked concerned.
" Are you cheating on me ? " he asked, Annabelle was taken back, she would never do that to someone.
" No, why would you think that ? " she asked.
" Your were hugging him," Jóse said
" Yes I was," she confirmed.
" Why were you hugging him ? " he asked
" I was hugging him night, he's my best friend I haven't seen him in forever, a two second bump into each other doesn't count," she explained. Jóse hugged her and kissed her goodnight.
" Just don't do that anymore your in a relationship now sweat heart" he said before walking off. Annabelle couldn't believe what just happened, she was told not to hug her best friend by her boyfriend ! Like WTF ! She began to walk furiously to her common room before someone grabbed her arm.
" What do you want !? " she snapped turning around to see Malfoy. " Oh sorry ".
" You seem tense," he said.
" I'm not, " she said to quickly.
" I need to talk to you," Malfoy said.
" About ? " she asked.
" I can't tell you here it has to be secret, can we speak through letters again ? " He asked.
" Um, sure," she answered.
" Thanks," he said and walked off. That night Annabelle had a sleepless night, she wasn't the only one though. Neville walked into his dorm, sat on his bed and put his head between his hands.
" You okay mate ? " Seamus asked.
" Yeah," he lied.
" Is it the fact Bells and Jóse is dating ? " Dean asked.
" No, I'm happy for her," he said.
" We know how you feel about, we've seen how you look her, plus you're my best friend," Seamus said.
" I hope she doesn't get hurt-she would never like me like that, Neville said laying down on his bed.
" You may never know mate, maybe she does," Ron said.
" How do you know ? " Harry asked.
" I know stuff," Ron stated.
" Like ? " Dean asked. Ron glared at him.
" I know she like pickles," he said, they all laughed. Now back at the Hufflepuff common room in the sixth year girls dorm.
" Could you stop sneezing !" Annabelle 2 yelled jokingly at Annabelle 1 hitting with a pillow repeatedly.
" I putting you under arrest, " Sandra said.
" Catch me if you can ! " she exclaimed running out of the dorm sneezing and laughing at the same time. The other girls followed with pillows to hit her with.

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