Chapter 56

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They were on their way Hagrid's, Buckbeak was going to be executed today.

" I can't believe they're going to kill Buckbeak, " said Annabelle

" It's just too horrible," said Hermione

" It just got worse," said Ron. Malfoy and his gang were watching Hagrid's hut from a distance. Malfoy had a set of binoculars with him. Hermione stormed over.

" Look who's here," said Goyle

" Ah, come to see the show ? " Malfoy smirked

" You! You foal loathe-some, evil little cockroach ! " Hermione snapped aiming her wand at his neck. Malfoy cowered against the stone behind him.

" Hermione no ! He's not worth it ! " said Ron. Malfoy looked like he was going to cry. Hermione lowered her wand and turned around. Malfoy began to laugh. Hermione spun around and SMACK ! Hermione punched him in the face !

" Malfoy are you okay ! " asked Goyle catching him.

" Lets go ! " they ran for it.

" That felt good," said Hermione smiling

" Not good, brilliant ! ' sad Ron

They made their way to Hagrid's hut, Buckbeak was lying outside, Hagrid let them in.

" Oh, look at 'im. Loves the smell as the wind and trees blows threw 'im," said Hagrid looking at Buckbeak through the window.

" Why don't you set him free ? " asked Ron

"They'd know it was me an' Dumbledore would get inter trouble. He's coming you know Dumbledore. Says he wants to be with me when they-when it happens. Great man Dumbledore ! Great man ! " said Hagrid

" We'll stay with you too Hagrid, " said Annabelle

" You'll do no such thing ! " said Hagrid. " They don't want you seeing something like that. No. You just drink your tea and be off. Oh, and before you do, Ron," Hagrid handed Scrabbers to Ron.

" Scrabbers ! You're alive ! " said Ron taking him.

" You'd better keep a closer eye on yer pets Ron," said Hagrid

" I think that means you owe someone an apology," said Hermione

" Right. Next time I see Crookshanks. I'll let him know," said Ron

" I meant me ! " she snapped. The vase behind them broke.

" Blimey ! What was that ? " said Hagrid

" Ow ! " Harry said rubbing the back of his head.

" Are you okay ? " asked Annabelle

" Yeah, I just got hit with a rock," said Harry. They looked out the window.

" Hagrid," said Hermione. The executioner was nearing the hut along with Dumbledore and Cornelius Fudge.

" It's late. It's dark. You shouldn't be here. Someone sees you outside the castle at this time of night you'll be in trouble ! Bug trouble ! " Hagrid warned. " Especially you Harry ". They snuck out the back door, and hid in the pumpkin patch. A twig snapped from behind them, they turned but no one was there.

" What ? " asked Harry

" I thought I jut saw -- never mind," said Hermione. They sprinted ahead, and ran up the hill, watching what was happening from the hill. They saw Hagrid come out and follow them towards Buckbeak. They watched as the executioner raised his axe. Annabelle felt tears prickle her eyes. The executioner slammed the axe down. Annabelle began crying.

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