Chapter 36

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When they got to Defense Against Dark Arts, Harry and Ron sat together, Hermione was sitting next to Susan Bones, Neville was sitting next to Seamus, Sandra and Annabelle 2 sat together, Madelyn and Luna sat together and so then Annabelle 1 sat next to Doug. ( That's a mouthful ). All the girls except Annabelle and Sandra were fixing their hair, Sandra also had no idea who this guy was, the entire classroom was filled with making pictures of Lockhart. Annabelle 1 leaned over to Doug.

" This guy is definitely full of himself " she whispered. The door opened and Lockhart walked in with his dazzling smile.

" Let me introduce you to your new Defense Against Dark Arts teacher. Me. Gilderoy Lockhart. Order of Merlin, third class. Honorary Member of the Dark Force Defense League " he walked over to a giant portrait of himself " and 5 times winner of Witch Weekly and Most Charming Smile Award " he smiled his dazzling smile at the class, all the girls swooned except Annabelle and Sandra. " But I don't get rid of the Bandon Banshee by smiling at him " Harry and Ron looked like they wanted to puke, Annabelle and Sandra felt the same, the girls were playing with hair and giggling like idiots.

" Now be warned " he began urgently, all the girls stopped giggling and looked terrified at what he was about to show them. " It is my job to arm you

against the foulest creatures known to mankind " the cage behind him was rattling like crazy. " You may find yourselves facing your worst fears in this room. Know that no harm can before you while I am here. I must ask you not to scream. " People all around tensed a bit, even Malfoy looked scared, Lockhart put his hand on the top of the curtain on top of the cage.

" It might provoke them! " Lockhart yanked off the curtain off the cage. The cage was full of pixies, they were purple and stood about 8 inches tall, the moment the cover had been removed, they started rattling the bars and screeching in really high-pitched voices.

" Ug, it's just like with the Mandrakes but not as loud and fatal " groaned Doug. " True that, " said Annabelle and then fist-pumped.

" Cornish Pixies ? " laughed Seamus, " Freshly caught Cornish Pixies ! " said Lockhart. Seamus started to laugh.

" Laugh if you will Mr. Finnigan. Devilish tricky little blighted they can be. Let's see what you make of them! " Lockhart unlatched the cage, the pixies flew out, everyone stood up screaming and some ran out of the room, the pixies were tearing apart their books, some pixies started were pulling at Hermione's hair.

" Get off me ! " she screamed.

 " Stop! Hold still! " Harry warned before he whacked the pixies out of her hair with a textbook. 

" Come on now round them up! They're only pixies! " Lockhart encouraged, whipping out his wand.

" Peskipiski Pesterenomi ! " the spell did nothing, the pixies grabbed his wand, they began to attack his pictures, Lockhart ran up to his office before closing the door he yelled out, " I'll ask you five to nip up the rest of them back into their cage ", Lockhart slammed the door shut. The pixies got Neville by the ears and started to pull him up! They hung him by his robe on the chandelier.

" HELP! Get me down ! " shouted Neville, Hermione whipped her wand out. 

" Immobulus ! " she shouted, the pixies froze and were floating aimlessly in the air. 

" Why does is it always me ? " asked Neville who was still dangling from the ceiling, Annabelle took out her wand and pointed it at Neville. 

" Wingardium Leviosa " Annabelle slowly levitated him to the ground then went up and hugged her friend, " You ok Neville ? " asked Sandra.

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