Chapter 48

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The next day Annabelle was sitting with Annabelle 2 and Justin at breakfast. 

" Not trying to sound nerdy but, what class are you most excited for? " Justin asked putting butter on his toast. 

" Potions " said Annabelle 2. 

" Why !? " demanded Justin. 

" I don't like Snape, but the making ingredients and making stuff is cool," Annabelle 2 said defensively. 

" True, what about you Bells ? " asked Justin. 

" I can't wait for Care of Magical Creatures " she answered, eating her coca puffs.

" I thought it would Herbology " sighed Justin.


Annabelle had to go to Divination it was her first class of the day. She was walking with Ron, Harry, Seamus, Dean, Doug, and Neville. Hermione was nowhere in sight. They had difficulty finding the class. They had to climb a bunch of stairs. When they entered it was like someone's attic and an old tea shop. At least twenty small, circular tables were crammed, curtain windows were all closed, and many lamps were draped with red scarves. It was stiflingly warm. They all sat on small weird chairs. Annabelle sat across from Harry, and next to Neville and Ron. Hermione and Annabelle 2 were Ancient Runes. Once the class was filed in, Professor Trelawny came out from behind a curtain. Professor Trelawny was a very strange looking woman, entangled dirty blonde hair looked as it had not been brushed in ages. She wore large glasses that made her eyes look three times bigger than their normal size.

" Welcome my children. In this room you shall explore the noble art of Divination ! " said Trelawny. " In this room you shall discover if you possess the sight ! " she said as she walked into a table. " Hello, I am Professor Trelawny. Together we shall cast ourselves into the future ! This time we shall be focusing on the art of reading the tea leaves so please take the cup of the person sitting opposite of you, you see. The truth lies beneath. Like a sentence deep within a book. Waiting to be read. But first, you must broaden your minds. First you must look beyond ! "

" What a load of rubbish ", Hermione said from behind Ron fixing her robes. 

" Where did you come from !? " asked Ron. 

" Me ? I've been here all this time ", said Hermione. Professor Trelawny turned her attention to Neville. 

" You boy. Is your grandmother quite well "she asked Neville. 

" I-I-I think so ? " stuttered Neville. 

" I wouldn't be to sure of that. Give me the cup ". Dean handed Neville's cup to Professor Trelawny, she took one look in it and set it down. her face full of sadness. " Oh, hmmm, pity " she walked away from Neville who looked into the cup nervously. 

" Don't worry Neville, I'm sure she's fine " Annabelle said comfortingly. Professor Trelawny suddenly turned her attention to them. 

" Broaden your minds ! " she turned to Ron. 

" Your auras pulsing dear! Are you in the beyond !? I think you are ", she said. 

" Sure ", Ron answered nervously. 

" Look at the cup, tell me what you see ", she demanded. 

" Um, well. Harry's got sort of a wonk cross, that trials suffering. And uh, that there could be the sun, and that's happiness. So your gonna suffer, but you're gonna be happy about it ", said Ron. Hermione was suppressing a giggle. 

" Give me the cup ". She said. Ron gave Trelawny Harry's cup. She took one look into it, screamed, threw the cup back on the table and backed off in horror. 

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