Chapter 113

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The four of them ran to the court yard. Death Eaters and other shooting spells including them. Bodies filled the ground of students, staff, Death Eaters and others. Hermione shot a spell at Greyback who just killed Lavendar Brown. Each death of another student or staff or someone she knew was like a punch in the stomach for Annabelle even Goyles. They made their way to the gate to have it be blocked by Dementors. A familiar bright light filled the air, pushing the Dementors away. The four turned and looked at none other than Aberoth. They gave a thank you nod which he returned with a small smile. They ran down to the old boat house, by Hagrids Hut and the Forbidden Forest. When they got there, there was shadows in window. They hid behind crates in front of the boat house, and peaked threw the window. They listened to the conversation between Voldemort and Snape.
" You have performed extraordinary magic with that wand, my Lord. In theist few hours, alone," Snape said nearing the window. They heard hissing sounds signalling the snake as there too.
", I am extraordinary," Voldemort began, he sounded much weaker. " But the wand...resists me ".
" There is no wand more powerful. Olivander himself has said it," Snape started. " Tonight when the boy comes, it will not fail you I'm sure of it. It answers to you and you only ".
" Does it ? " Voldemort hissed.
" My Lord," Snape answered.
" The wand....does it truly answer to me ? You're a clever man Severus. Surely you must know," Voldemort said as he circled Snape like a vulture. " Where does its true loyalty lie ? "
" With you," Snape stated. Through the window they saw Snape crossing his fingers behind his back. " Of course, My Lord ".
" The Elder Wand, cannot properly serve me because I am not his true master. The Elder Wand belongs to the wizard who killed its last owner," Voldemort sad walking closer to Snape. " You killed Dumbledore, Severus while you live. The Elder Wand cannot be truly mine. You've been a good and faithful servant, Severus. But only I can live forever ".
" My Lord-" Snape began. His voice was cut of by a slash. His body fell against the window as blood smeared against it.
" Nagini. Kill." Voldemort. Nagini repeatedly smashed Snape against the window, butting him in the next. The sound was awful. The four flinched at each strike. They heard a pop signally the snake and Voldemort was gone. The four quickly entered the boat house. It was dark and dirty. Annabelle and Harry hurried over to their old potions professor. Annabelle put her hand to his neck to try to stop the bleeding. Snape started crying when he saw Harry.
" Take them. Take them. P-Please," he begged gesturing to the tears. Harry quickly turned to Hermione.
" Give me something. Quickly, a flask, anything ! " Harry said. Hermione rummaged through her bad and pulled out a small vile and handed it Harry. He unplugged it and put it against Snape's cheek collecting the tears. When they were in the bottle they were a silver color. Snape's eyes never left Harry's.
" Take them to pensive," Snape said as Harry plugged the vile. " Look at me ". Harry's green eyes met black ones. " You had your mother's eyes," Snape said with her final breath. Harry stared at him. Snape rolled his head to the side and closed his eyes, letting out his final breath. The potions master, professor, old headmaster of Hogwarts, Severus Snape was dead. Annabelle felt the tears roll down her cheeks. Harry put the vile in his pocket, they all silently left the house. No sooner to met by a sound. A sound that made Annabelle, Hermione, and Ron cover their ears. Voldemort's voice filled everyone's voice again.
" You fought valiantly. But in vain...I do not wish this. Every drop of magical blood split is a terrible waster. I command my gorse to retreat. In the absence, dispose of your body with dignity. Harry Potter, I now speak directly to you....on this night, you haw allowed friends to die for you rather than face me yourself. There is no greater dishonor. Join me in the Forbidden Forest and confront your fate. If you do not do this, I shall kill every last man, woman, and child, who tried to conceal you from me ". They walked away from the boat house, no one saying a word. The boat house containing their former potions professor who laid dead. No one spiel as they reached Hogwarts ground. The place was empty, no one was fighting. What was once the courtyard, was now just rumble on the ground. Bodies death eaters, laid on the ground. Dry pod stained the ground.
" Where is everybody ? " Hermione asked. They pushed open the Great Hall doors, revealing hundreds of people either on gurneys or in deep sorrow. They gazed sadly at Lavender Brown as Professor Trelwany and Patil Pavarti put a blanket over her body, The Weaslys were crowed around a body weeping. Ron and Annabelle looked at each other worryingly. George ran up to Annabelle and Ron. There was so much pain in his face as he cried. George Weasly was crying something happened. he led them over to the rest of the Weaslys. Ron and Annabelle both burst out crying at what they saw. Laying lifeless on a gurney was Fred Weasly. Mrs. Weasly as hovering over his body weeping. Harry looked over at the lifeless bodies of Lupin and Tonks, they were holding hands. With one last look at everyone he left the Great Hall without anyone noticing. A handed landed on Annabelle's shoulder. She turned and saw Sandra and Thomas looking pained. No Doug.
" No...No..No...No," Annabelle said repeatedly. The two led Annabelle over to Doug's lifeless body. Annabelle collapsed on the ground and cried into his body. Her best friend, her long life time friend. Her first crush. One of her only friends before Hogwarts was dead. Doug McGuire was dead. Annabelle weeped into his body.
* There's a video of the pensive *
Ron, Hermione, and Annabelle sat in the steps outside the Great Hall. Hermione held Ron's hand, he was in great pain. They footsteps, turned to Harry at coming down the steps. He looked released to see them.
" Where have you been ? " Hermione asked.
" We thought you went to the forest," Ron breathed.
" I'm going there now," Harry answered.
" Are you mad !? " Ron demanded. " No ! You can't give yourself up to him ! " Harry was silent.
" What is it ? What is it you know ? Annabelle asked scared of the answered her eyes searched his far for answers.
" There's a reason I can hear them, Harry began. " The Horcruxes. I think I've known for a while. And I think you have too ". Harry looked at his feet then at the three pleading eyes.
" I'll go with you," Annabelle offered as tears ran down her face. She hugged Harry for the last time.
" No. Kill the snake and then it's just him," Harry said as they parted. Hermione pulled Harry in a hug for the last time, her eyes were filled with tears. When they parted Harry nodded at Ron, returned the nod. Harry looked at the three of them for the last time before walking away. And crossed the destroyed courtyard into the forest, ready to greet death.
Authors note: Hey everyone !! This chapter made me cry a lot. I am super sorry if any of you liked Doug. But he will always be in your heart. As for me I will still see Doug because I based off a person I know. I hope everyone is having a good day !! Love you loads !! forgot to say that the last few times !! so ill say it again. Love you loads !!
- Pickles

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