Chapter 63

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When they got to the Great Hall everyone was putting their names in the Goblet. Madelyn and the rest of the band came running up to Annabelle.

" Peter asked me out," Madelyn whispered in Annabelle's ear.

" Did you say yes ? " Annabelle whispered. Madelyn nodded. Annabelle began jumping up and down smiling. Madelyn began laughing. Peter then hugged Madelyn from behind.

" You guys are so cute together ! " said Annabelle still jumping. Neville put a hand on her shoulder to stop her from jumping more.

" So for the next duet we do me and Maddie will perform it," said Peter

" No, it's going to be you and Carter," said Annabelle sarcastically.

" Hood, I will mess you up ! " spat Carter

" I'll like to see you try Hamilton," spat back Annabelle. Jóse stepped in between the two before something bad happened.

" Bells ! Carter ! " snapped Jóse

" Sorry" mumbled the two.

" Now I wanna know why you're soaking wet ? " asked Jóse

" I was outside-"

" Dancing in the rain " Madelyn said cutting off Annabelle. She nodded.

" Was Neville with you ? " asked Carter looking at a soaking wet Neville next to Annabelle. Again she just nodded. They all looked at each other smiling.

" Oh no," muttered Annabelle, they all just laughed. " Would you look at its Harry and Ron ! " exclaimed Annabelle walking away and going by the them. There was laughing from the other side of the room. Some Hufflepuffs were shoving Cedric around playfully. They shoved him towards the Goblet and cheered as he put his name in. Annabelle waved and he waved back.

" Eternal Glory," began Ron. " Be brilliant wouldn't it ? Three years from now when were old enough to be chosen ".

" Yeah, rather you than me," said Harry. There was cheering in the background, everyone turned to see Fred and George running in.

" YEAH ! " they shouted, people began cheering for them.

" Well lads, we've done it ! " said George

" Cooked it up this morning ! " added Fred

" It's not going to work," Hermione said in a singsong voice. They went on either side of her.

" Oh yeah ? " asked George

" Why is that Granger ? " asked Fred

" You see this ? " Hermione sad pointing to the bluish circle that surrounded the Goblet. " This is a age line Dumbledore drew it himself ".

" So ? " asked George. Hermione sighed and snapped her book shut.

" So, a genius like Dumbledore couldn't possibly be foaled by a draught as pathetically dimwitted as an aging potion," she explained.

" Oh but that's why it's so brilliant," began George

" Because its so pathetically dimwitted," finished Fred. They stood up laughing, shaking the potion.

" Ready Fred ? " asked George

" Ready George," he answered. They linked arms.

" Bottoms up," they coursed. They drank the posting and jumped on the age line.

" YEAH ! " they shouted. They put their names into the Goblet. Suddenly they were thrown back when a circle of blue fire emerges from the cup, throwing them out of the circle and landing on the other side of the room. Everyone ran over to them forming a circle around the two. When the sat up they had gray hair and beards.

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