Chapter 573

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Matt's POV: After making our way home with the triplets, I smiled as me and Gabby made our way inside with them. Setting two of them down on the ground, I went to take off my jacket before looking at Gabby. "Finally, home sweet home." Gabby smiled when I said that. "Yes." That's when I saw Camila walk in with the diaper bag. "Thanks Camila." She agreed and nodded as she looked at Gabby. "Come here sweetie, how about you and me sit together with the triplets while Matt gets your unpacked." I sighed when she said that. "Gabby needs rest Camila."

Gabby nodded when I said that before going to walk over to me. Wrapping my arm around her, I smiled before going to kiss her softly. "You look tired babe. How about you take Ethan out of his car seat and then carry him upstairs? I will grab the other two in their car seats." Gabby nodded when I said that before going to bend down. That's when it hurt. "Oh, can you grab them for me Matt? That hurts. My back still hurts from the bed." I nodded when she said that. "Your mom can help me right Camila?" Camila nodded and looked at Gabby. "I will get you water sweetie."

Gabby then looked at her mom. "Mom, the twins are..." Camila then looked at her. "Napping in their rooms. Louie is with Severide and Stella." I smiled when she said that and nodded. "I said that if they watch him for a couple days...they can meet the triplets when we ask them to drop him off." Gabby then looked at me. "Now if you don't mind me...I am going up 3 flights of stairs for the first and last time for a few weeks. You guys can come up to me." I nodded when she said that. "Of course we can." Gabby then went to grab the railing and started to go upstairs.

Meanwhile, me and Camila looked at each other. "Maybe the five floors was not the best idea." I then went to grab Abigail (Abby) and Andrew (Andy) so that I could carry them upstairs in their seats along with the baby bag. Meanwhile, Camila grabbed Ethan to carry him upstairs in his car seat. "God, this is going to be great having you here. You have no idea how much help you are going to be." Camila nodded when I said that. "Whatever I can do to make my daughter's first few weeks as a mom to 6 kids as easy as possible...I will do it. I mean it, I am staying."

I nodded when she said that and smiled as we made our way upstairs. "I wouldn't have it any other way Camila. Believe me when I say this that your help here is going to be greatly appreciated...especially when Louie is back here." That's when we got to the second floor. Seeing Gabby looking at the twins, I smiled at her. "Gabby, you want to bring them upstairs too? I understand if you want to have the twins up there with us." Gabby then turned to look at me and nodded. "Maybe later. Right now, I just want to cuddle up to you. Mom, that okay?"

Camila agreed. "You need to take time with your husband, of course that's okay?" I smiled when she said that. "And can you ask Severide to keep Louie for a few days? That way my mom can concentrate on the twins and you can concentrate on me. Of course we'll see them occasionally but..." I then looked at her and smiled. Bending down, I went to kiss her softly. "Let's go upstairs and rest okay?" Gabby nodded when I said that and just smiled at me. "I love you, you know that right?" I smiled when she said that. "Yes, now let's just head upstairs."

Continuing out trek upstairs, I smiled when we finally made it to the top floor where our bedroom was. "Just go lay down okay Gabby? Me and your mom can put the triplets in their cribs." Gabby nodded when I said that before going to the closet to get changed. Meanwhile, I went to go set the triplets car seats on our bed and set our hospital bags (as well as the diaper bag down). "God, this is nice. Finally, home sweet home." Camila agreed with me. "Want me to help put the triplets in their cribs?" I agreed with her and smiled when she said that. "Yes."

Going to get little Abby out of her car seat, I smiled at her before going to kiss her forehead. Holding her close, I carried her to her crib and then went to lay her down. "Welcome home princess. You are home with mommy and daddy now." Camila then went to carry Ethan to his crib while I went back to grab Andy. Once they were all in their cribs, I could help but smile at the fact that we were finally home. "God, that was stressful at times." Camila laughed when I said that. "Hey, at least now you guys are home." I smiled and agreed with her. I then went to hug her.

"Listen, if the twins need me...text me or come up to get me. I will come down and help  if required. But if not, I am going to stay up here and spend some time with Gabby." Camila nodded and smiled when I said that. "Good, because that is what you need. Just no do not need to have 10 kids!" I laughed when she said that. "I have already had my surgery. And so has Gabby. The shops are closed." She nodded when I said that. Walking up to me, she slapped my cheek before going to kiss it. "Good boy. Now rest with your wife. I'll get lunch ready."

I then looked at her. "Camila, you don't..." Camila then smiled. "Matt, I am not just going to take care of the twins. I am going to take care of all 7 of you." I nodded when she said that and smiled at her. "Thanks Camila. Now, I am going to get changed." That's when I heard Gabby in the shower. Camila just walked away and smiled as she closed the door on her way out. I smirked when she did that because she must've known exactly what I wanted to do. And honestly, that was the plan now that I thought about it. I wanted to hold Gabby in my arms in the shower. Time to do just that. Grabbing my towel, I smiled as I made my way into the washroom.

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