Hannah's First Steps and Word

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Matt's POV: As I watched Hannah take her first steps, I couldn't help but smile as I looked at Gabby. "God, I am glad we didn't leave a minute earlier." Gabby nodded when I said that and smiled at me. "Me neither." My mom then smiled as she made her way to the driveway. Putting my hands out, I waited for my mom to (hopefully) let her hands go so that she could walk over to me. Once my mom was close enough, she let go and Hannah came to walk over to me. "Oh wow, that's my girl." Picking her up, I smiled at her before going to kiss her cheek. "Good job Hannah."

That's when I realized something. "Mom, how are you doing?" My mom then looked at me. "What do you mean?" I then sighed and looked at Hannah. "Hannah, me...first steps." She then sighed and looked at me. "Matt, I'm okay. I promise that I'm fine." I looked at her when she said that and nodded before going to grab her hand. "If you need to talk to me later, I will answer...I know this is probably a little bittersweet." Gabby then looked at me. "What do you mean Matt?" I then sighed and looked at her. "You remember who we named Hannah after right?"

Gabby then remembered that and nodded. "Oh god, how are you doing Nancy?" My mom then sighed. "I'm fine. I promise...I am just glad that I get to see her first steps." I agreed with her and smiled before going to kiss her cheek. "I was glad to be here for it. By the way, that might mean that Gabriel isn't that far behind! The minute he takes them, I expect a video of it and some pictures! I don't care if it's 2 am in the morning. You call us immediately and we will video chat." I then turned to look at Gabby. "You okay with that?" Gabby nodded and smiled. "Yes, of course."

I then smiled while going to grab Gabby's hand. "God you are making it so much harder to want to leave you...you are so cute and now you are walking. You better not start talking while me and your mom are on our honeymoon!" I then went to kiss her forehead and when I heard her say something that was shocking. "Dada." I then turned to look at her. "Did she just say what I think she said?" Gabby then smiled as she went to rub my back. "Yeah, she said dada." I smiled and then went to kiss her forehead softly. "Oh my god, this day just got so much better."

Antonio smiled when I said that. "Believe me man, enjoy this moment....because this means that she's just taken her first step towards giving you backtalk." I then turned to look at him. "My daughter is 10 months old, just took her first steps and said her first word. Why did you have you RUIN it for me!!!" Antonio then shut up and went to grab Hannah from me. "C'mon Hannah, let's go back inside so that your daddy can go to the Bahamas. Then he can relax some more." I laughed and shook my head. "I expect videos if she does anything cute." Antonio agreed.

I then turned to look at Gabby and smiled as I went to wrap my arms around her. Kissing her softly, I just smiled. "Well, now that she's walking and talking...shouldn't be long." I smiled and agreed with her. "By the way, where are you going Antonio? I thought you were driving us to the airport?" He then nodded when I said that. "Right. Nancy, do you mind taking her?" My mom nodded and agreed while going to grab Hannah. "Of course. you guys be safe and I promise you will talk to them tomorrow. Today, just relax and enjoy yourselves." I laughed. "We'll try!"

Going to help Gabby into the front seat, I smiled at her. "I am going to sit in the back while Antonio drives." Gabby nodded and agreed with me when I said that. She then went to get in and smiled while buckling up. Meanwhile, I did the same in the back seat. Closing the sliding door, I saw Antonio smiling at me. However, I just shook my head. "I am still not happy that you ruined that moment for me. She just walked for the first time and said 'dada' for the first time. I do not need to think 13 years down the line when I am retired and she is backtalking!"

Gabby turned to look at me when I said that. "You think you are going to be retired in 13 years?" I nodded and smiled. "In 13 years, I will have been working at the CFD for 41 years. Uhm, hell yeah I'm retiring!" Gabby laughed when I said that and agreed with me. "Sure, because you are going to have a lot to do." I then sighed. "Fine, we'll see what happens." Gabby nodded when I said that. "You can retire when the kids each have a good amount of money in their college funds." I laughed when she said that. "I already have one started for each of the kids, deposited monthly."

Gabby smiled when I said that. "Perfect. Now listen, how about we just rest and relax? Next stop...the Bahamas." I smiled and agreed with her when she said that, ready to have fun with her in the Bahamas.

NOTE: I am not going to write about them getting to the airport and the flight. I am going to skip to when they are in the Bahamas, at the Resort.

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