Chapter 688

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Jay's POV: Once we finished feeding the babies, I smiled as I went to get up. Grabbing my phone, I looked at her and smiled. "You just going to stay here for a little while longer or should I go get you breakfast?" Erin then looked at me. "No but, you are not going for a walk yet. Remember, I said that I wanted to go with you. We can go as a family. We have that nice triple all-terrain stroller that we still haven't tried out. I am just going to check google maps if there is a trail that we can walk on." I agreed with her and nodded as I went to go grab my empty water bottle.

Erin then went to grab my hand and just smiled at me. "You know that I love that we moved here right?" I nodded when she said that. "Yeah, of course I do babe. Why are you telling me that?" Erin sighed and looked at me. "I had a dream last night that we had a huge fight and I called us moving here a mistake. I just wanted to make sure that you know that this was not a mistake. In fact, I think moving here was the best move that we ever made since we decided to get married."

I nodded and smiled when she said that. "I have to agree with you when you say that because of how much healthier we both are. I don't think I have felt this good in a long time. Just being here in Puerto Rico has made me feel so much better. I am just glad you are on board with this. You know that...had you said no, I would have respected your wishes and not even accepted the move here. We would've just came for Matt and Gabby's vow renewal and that's it."

Erin nodded and smiled when I said that. "I know. Now listen, I need to go make you some breakfast. I am also going to get the stroller out so that it's ready. Want me to get the clip out so that we can put Champ on it or am I going to walk him on his leach?" Erin smiled when I said that. "Can you bring the clip? If possible, I would like to hold my husband's strong hand while we push the stroller together." I laughed and smiled when she said that. "It would be my pleasure."

Going to give her one last kiss, I smiled at her before going to get up. That's when I heard my brother's voice. "God, you guys are disgusting sometimes." That's when I went to turn around and didn't see him. "Will?" He then spoke to us again on FaceTime. "On FaceTime you idiot. Look on the bed." I then went to look on the bed and laughed. "Sorry, I didn't know we had an audience. But while you are here..." I then went to kiss Erin again to torture him. "Relax Jay!"

I nodded and agreed with Erin when she said that. I then smiled as I went to walk out of our room so that I could speak to my brother. "Thanks for telling me that you were on the phone. That was a bit talking. I turned around and saw you weren't there. I was a little disappointed considering I have been missing your dorky face." Will laughed when I said that. "Oh shut up man, you miss me period. And you are going to miss me as long as you live in Puerto Rico. Remember that you promised me that I get some time to adjust to that right?"

I agreed with him when he said that. "Yes Will, I do remember that. Believe me when I say this, I am going to need time to readjust to you living in Seattle too." Will looked at me confused when I said that. "What are you talking about man? I am not moving to Seattle." That's when Natalie spoke to me. "Thanks a lot Jay! I haven't brought that up to him yet. And I haven't made a decision. By the way, how is your PTSD? You need a new prescription before we come down for the wedding? I am sure that I can talk to your doctor here and get him to give you one."

I then sighed when she said that before going to turn around. Looking at Erin, she already knew what I was going to say. "We will find you a doctor okay Jay? Hi Will and Natalie!" They then both laughed when she said that. "Hi Erin, you going to workout Jay?" I nodded when Natalie asked me that. "Yeah. I am also headed upstairs to make breakfast so can you be a little more quiet. There are people who are awake up here." That's when I saw Antonio giving Champ food. "Thanks." Antonio turned to look at me and smiled. "No problem, who you talking to?"

Going to give him my phone, I smiled when Will went to talk to him. "Hey Antonio, how's San Juan?" Antonio laughed. "Good. You guys hear the news about Sylvie?" Natalie nodded when he asked her that. "Yeah, wonder who the dad is."  Antonio then laughed. "You are looking at him. I am just trying to remember a good breakfast for pregnant women." Natalie then laughed. "Anything with protein. Make her something with carbs. Then add yogurt or fruits on the side. I liked having pancakes topped with syrup and berries while I was pregnant."

Antonio then went to give me my phone back. "That sounds delicious. Thanks, I am going to make that." I laughed and agreed with him. "And since my sister-in-law gave you the idea, can you make me and Erin some?" He nodded and smiled. "Sure, just go sit down and relax. Stay quiet because there are some people who are asleep. However, Louie is watching TV in the living room. I told Matt that I would watch him while he feeds the triplets." I agreed with him. "Sure thing." Going to sit with Louie, I smiled at him. "Hey bud, what you watching?"

I then went to wrap my arm around him when I saw he was watching Paw Patrol. Louie then went to move away from me and I knew why, he was shy in the morning except for his parents. "Louie not like you Jay?" I then sighed. "He's shy in the morning." That's when I heard Matt come downstairs. "At least with some people." Louie then turned to look at Matt when he saw him and smiled. Getting up, he ran over to him. "Daddy!" 

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