Chapter 619

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Matt's POV: After making my way downstairs to the kitchen, I smiled when I saw my mom making breakfast. Walking over to her, I went to wrap my arm around her before kissing her cheek. "You know how much this means to me for you to take care of the kids while we go on our honeymoon right mom?" My mom smiled when I said that and then went to hug me. "I am honored to help you take care of the babies. Matt, I never thought I was going to be able too. Heck, I thought I was going to loose you when I got out of jail." I then sighed, holding her close.

"Mom, you are never going to loose me. You were a victim and in my opinion, it was justified. Please do not think that I am going to not let you get to know my kids just for that." My mom smiled when I said that before kissing my cheek. "You look handsome for going on your honeymoon." I smiled when she said that. I then went to walk over to Gabby as she stood at the stove while making us pancakes. "When we get to the hotel, promise me that you are going to relax okay?" Gabby smiled when I said that and then turned to look at me, kissing me softly.

"Believe me, I will. Oh and I looked at that room. Maybe we can start our vacation with a bath." I smirked when she said that and agreed with her, kissing her shoulder. "That sounds perfect. Now, did you already make yourself a pancake or is this mine?" Gabby then looked at me. "That's yours." Turning her around, I smiled as I went to bring her close to me. "We are going to have a great time." Kissing her softly, I just took it slow with her. "And I have a bunch of surprises for you." Gabby nodded and smiled when I said that. "Sounds perfect." I smiled and laughed.

"Listen, I am going to go put our bags in the car...can you let me know when breakfast is ready?" Gabby then shook her head. "Antonio is going to do that. The babies have already had a bottle. How about you go sit with your girls?" I nodded when she said that and smiled as I went to walk over to the living room so that I could go sit down with Hannah and Abby. Going to pick them both up, I smiled at them. "You know that daddy is going to miss you girls right? I don't care how much I am going to lie and say that I am going to be guys are the lights of my world."

Gabby turned to look at me when I said that before smiling as I went to sit down on the couch. "You are going to need to toughen up Matt. If not, your daughters are going to walk all over you." I laughed when she said that. "Yeah, because that doesn't already happen. Little miss Hannah here already gets me to let her stay up 30 minutes later than her bedtime some nights." Gabby nodded when I said that before going back to making the pancakes. That's when Eva walked over to me. "Believe me when I say this uncle Matt, you can trust your daughters with us."

I nodded when she said that and smiled at Eva. "I know Eva. Thanks again for helping. We just need to get away for a while because a lot has happened. This is exactly what we need." She agreed with me and nodded. "Want me to hold one of the girls in your lap?" I shook my head when Eva asked me that. "No, I am okay Eva. I like holding the girls myself." Gabby then turned to look at me again. "Eva believe me when I say this...there are times where it's hard for me to get a hold of my own daughters!" I nodded when Gabby said that. "It's true."

Antonio just laughed when I said that before smiling as he went to help Gabby in the kitchen. "You sure you don't want some help with breakfast Gabby? It's the first day of your honeymoon." That's when Louie went to ask us something. "Mommy, what's a honeymoon?" Gabby then smiled as she let Antonio take over breakfast. Meanwhile, she walked over to the bar to look at Louie. "It's a vacation that mommies and daddies take alone so that they can have time together. They  get to celebrate how much they love each other."

Louie nodded when Gabby said that. Meanwhile, she just smiled at me and winked. I knew exactly what she meant by that and smirked before nodding. Antonio looked at me when he saw me smirk and just shook his head. "I swear, your kids are going to have such dirty minds when they are older." I nodded and agreed with him. "Just promise me that you are not going to contribute to their dirty mind. It's one thing if we do's another thing for you to do it. And if you do it, I am not going to be very happy when I see you in a couple weeks!" 

Antonio nodded and agreed with me when I said that. "I understand Matt. Now listen, just take a breath and relax okay? I am in the middle of making you breakfast. We are going to get you to the airport with plenty of time to spare." I nodded and agreed with him when he said that. "Thanks again for giving us a ride ahead of time Antonio." Antonio smiled when I said that, ready to get us on our way to the Bahamas for our honeymoon.

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