Chapter 640

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"Yes, me and Stella were going to invite you guys to our wedding." -Severide

Jay's POV: When Severide said that he and Stella were going to invite us to their wedding, I couldn't help but feel a little awkward. "It's not going to be awkward having your ex-fling and her husband there at your wedding?" Severide then looked at me when I said that. "You know about that?" I nodded and smiled at him. "You seem to forget that I worked with Erin before we started dating and eventually got married. Just like any other workplace, there was gossip. And one of the pieces of gossip that I picked up on was the she and Lt. Severide were hanging out."

Severide then looked at me. "Actually, it's Battalion Chief Severide just to let you know." I laughed when he said that. "I know man. I am talking about when you were dating Erin way back when. At the time, you were a Lieutenant." Severide nodded and agreed with me when I said that. "Right, that makes sense. And you are positive that you aren't at all creeped out by that?" I shook my head. "Dude, we have 3 amazing kids together. By the way Matt, you were totally right that kids change your entire world. I love Erin so much more now after the kids."

Matt nodded when I said that before throwing the football to Severide. "Oh my god, that is the case with me and Gabby. Especially when you watch them give birth. God, I never knew what a woman's body could do. It's a magical sight that I am going to cherish one last time." I nodded and agreed with him. "You guys should try a home birth. It was amazing." Matt shook his head when I said that. "Nope! We are doing in the hospital. Remember, I already have 6 kids. They need their mom, especially Louie. I can't risk it." I then went to catch the ball when Matt passed it to me.

"Do you mind why I ask Louie especially?" Matt sighed as he went to catch the ball when I passed it to him. "Louie's biological mom died in childbirth." Matt then threw the ball to Severide. "Oh god, that's horrible. No wonder he is so scared to loose Gabby." Matt nodded when he said that when Severide threw the ball to me. "Honestly, that little boy has gone through so much loss." Matt nodded when I said that. "Yeah, that's why we are going to make sure that we are extra safe when it comes to Gabby giving birth. We are not taking a chance."

Severide then went to look at Matt. "I am going to want to have a lot of advice from you so...expect a lot of calls when me and Stella get close to giving birth." Catching the ball from Severide, Matt then stopped going to throw it to me before looking at Severide. "Wait, did you just say..." Severide then looked at him. "Oh shit." Matt then walked up to him. "Severide!" Severide just laughed. "We were going to wait until the end of the first trimester. That's next week." I then went to walk over to him and smiled as I went to hug him. "Baby Severide."

Unfortunately, that's when our wives walked over to us with our kids. "Severide, you didn't." Severide then turned to look at Stella and smiled. He then went to walk over to her and smiled at her. "Unfortunately I did Lieutenant Kidd-Severide." Gabby then turned to look at Stella when she said that. "LIEUTENANT KIDD-SEVERIDE!" She then went to hug her and was shocked. "Why didn't you tell me that you were married!" Stella smiled when she said that. "I was waiting to be in the same place as Kelly." Matt then went to walk over to them and hugged her. "Congrats."

Gabby then smiled at Matt while walking over to him. Wrapping her arms around him, she smiled and then went to kiss him softly. "I am going to need your help at home soon. Feeding time is in 20 minutes. I know I said that you could spend the day out here but..." Matt just stopped her and went to grab her neck. "Hey, don't even worry about it Gabby. I am the babies' father first. If you need me to help...I will always help. In fact, Severide is going to help too." Severide then looked at him. "I am?" Matt nodded. "You need to learn somehow."

Gabby agreed with Matt. "Matt, you are going to sit next to him though. Sorry if I do not trust Severide yet when it comes to him feeding the kids alone. I am going to worry..." Matt nodded and just looked at her. "And we don't want that. Now, my mom and sister should be here soon. Are they here yet?" Gabby nodded and smiled. "They are feeding the other two babies. Violet said she was going to sleep might want to head back and go grab her before Violet wakes up and steals one of the babies. By the way, is your mom staying here with us?"

Matt shook his head. "Nope. But Heather and the boys are." Severide then looked at Matt and smiled. "Hey Stella, I am going back with Matt okay? I want to say hi to Heather." Stella nodded and agreed. "Hey Gabby, who are we sending to the hotel again?" Gabby then laughed. "Our moms are sharing a room at the hotel. Antonio, Jay and Erin are staying here because they live here. Sylvie is going to stay here because Antonio wants her to. His kids are going to stay at the hotel with my mom." I nodded and agreed with her. "Okay, moms and Antonio's kids are at hotel." Gabby agreed with Matt and nodded. "Heather and the boys are staying here." 

Matt smiled when she said that. "You are coming with me. I want to gather up just my family and tell them our news okay?" Gabby nodded and agreed with him, loving that idea as she went to grab his hand. Matt then went to grab his shirt so that he and Gabby could go see their family.

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