Chapter 681

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Christie's POV: As I made my way into the backyard of Matt and Gabby's home, I smiled when I saw the cute little cabin that they had in the backyard. Heck, had I just gotten here earlier...then maybe I could have snatched this place up. Turns out though that my sister did. Going to knock on the door, I hoped that Heather would let me in. That's when she opened the door and smiled. "Hey, come in...come in. How are you sis?" I smiled as I went to hug her. We have been talking a bunch since I wanted a better relationship with her. Matt already knew her so it was a bit awkward at times when the three of us got together. I felt a bit out of the group but, it was starting to change since we started to hang out while we were both available in Chicago.

"God, you got lucky. I am jealous that I didn't get here sooner. This place is amazing." Heather agreed with me and laughed. "Yeah, I wanted to make sure I got here early enough for a reason. I wanted to be close to Matt after hearing about his health problems. I know some of what Matt has gone through being a former firefighter's wife. By the way, we did talk on the patio remember?" I nodded when she said that before smiling as I went to sit down. "Yeah but, we haven't had much sister time. You are so busy with your boys and you mostly talk to Matt."

Heather sighed when I said that before going to sit down with me on the couch. "I just feel a little less comfortable talking to you because we never had a relationship before. And learning about your mom and all that stuff. I know it's been a while but...I am still trying to wrap my head around it. And not wanting to offend you, I guess I just stayed away from you more because I didn't want to overstep and stuff. I didn't want to ruin you already fragile relationship that you have with your mother. Yeah, Matt filled me in on that so that I wasn't uncomfortable."

I nodded and agreed with her when she said that. "Honestly, I am glad about that. I know that stuff can be a little weird with you still having to integrate into a whole new family. I mean, in a way you have always been a part of it since you knew our dad and Matt...but you never knew me. So we need to work on that. Maybe we can do joint-trips here. By the way, what are you thinking about this? I hate to say this just sounds crazy. Can't he rehab in Chicago?" Heather then sighed when I said that. "Christie, that's where I am going to have to push back. I have to disagree with you on that because I am a firefighter's wife. I know a bit more than you do when it comes to this. And Matt already explained it to us that his mental health is not there."

I thought about it and sighed when she said that before nodding. "You're right. I guess I am just trying to be selfish. I mean, I would love to see his kids more often." Heather agreed with me. "Believe me Christie, I get what you mean. Those kids are adorable and there is nothing more than I want to establish a better brother-sister relationship with Matt. But I can see it from his and Gabby's side. And that is where it starts to get awkward. I hate being in between you guys since I am still trying to get a relationship with you but...I am on Matt's side in this case."

I looked at her when I said that and nodded. "You can probably see this from their side?" Heather nodded. "Yeah. Andy always had the same problems. Whenever we were out, he always used to point out where he rescued people. I didn't see it at the time but...I think it was his way of coping. Trying to find the good places and the happy moments in Chicago. But then there were places where I saw his entire mood change. We might have just been driving by a building and talking but...he shut down and just went blank faced. He saw the place and saw death."

Looking at her when she said that, I couldn't believe that I hadn't even thought about that. I then took a breath and just sighed. "How did I not think about that? I mean, of course that makes sense. He is of course going to associate some places in Chicago with death." Heather nodded when I said that. "You also remember that he has gone through a tremendous amount of loss over the past few years. That is stuff that you can't get over. Heck, when Andy died and after I was released from prison...don't ask." I nodded and agreed with her. "I moved to Florida. I only came back because Boden died and I wanted to be there for Matt. Then we learned we were siblings and I stayed. So, believe me when I say this Christie...this is good for him."

I sighed and took a breath. "You are not worried about him possibly never coming back?" Heather looked at me. "If he comes back, that's great. But if he doesn't...I am going to understand because I know it's for his health. We don't want our brother to suffer so, we have to support him in this. By the way, I want to just say dated our brother's brother-in-law?" I laughed when she asked me that. "Believe me sis, you would've done the same if you had seen just how muscular that body is. That former boxer is delicious." Heather laughed and agreed.

I then smiled at her. "Listen, I need to tell you something. It's a message from my mom. Her and Camila are on their way to a local Chinese place. They made a bulk order and we are eating as a family together. If you come inside, you can eat with us. It's mandatory." Heather nodded and agreed with me when I said that. "By the way, we need to do a proper Bachelorette Party for Gabby. She never got one and we need to give her one." I nodded and agreed with her when she said that. "We will have to talk to her maid of honor." We both agreed and smiled.

Heather then went to look at her boys. "Boys, let's head inside. We are going to go have supper with the family okay?" My nephews them went to take off their headphones and agreed with their mom. "Okay mom." They then both set them down, got up and went to walk towards the house ahead of us. Turning to look at her, I was shocked. "How did you train them to do that?" Heather laughed and looked at me. "I told them that they need to behave if they want to see their dad again in heaven." I laughed and agreed with her, liking that idea. "Makes sense." Me and Heather than both smiled as we made our way inside.

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