Chapter 677

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Gabby's POV: After kneeing Matt in the place where the sun doesn't shine, I just smirked and looked at him because I knew I had good aim. Going to get close to him again, I put my hands on his arms and smiled at me. "Sorry baby. I just needed to get a little bit of revenge after you accidentally dropped me into the ocean. It was an accident right?" I then went to get my knee ready again in case it wasn't an accident. Matt then looked at me and nodded. "Yes, of course." I looked at him. "Good, because if it was on purpose and something happened to the baby..."

Matt then got scared when I said that before going to wrap his arms around me. "God, I am so sorry. I didn't even think about that babe. Please forgive me." I nodded when he asked me that. "Of course, just please remember that I am pregnant. Matt, I know you want this baby too but...I really want this baby. You remember how much I was hurting the last two times we lost kids. Please don't make me have to go through that again." Matt nodded when I said that before going to wrap his arms around me. "Hey, I promise that is never going to happen."

Going to push my head up, Matt then went to kiss me softly. "That is never going to happen. We are going to have this baby and we are going to meet them. That one baby we lost was not your fault was mine. I was the one who caused you to get stressed. Promise me that you are never going to blame yourself for that one." I nodded when Matt said that before going to wrap my arms around his waist. Holding me close to him, Matt smiled as he went to kiss my head. "You have to admit's funny sometimes when I pick you up like that and drop you."

I nodded when he said that and smiled as I looked up at him. Rubbing his arms, I smiled as I went to kiss him softly. "I love you, you know that right?" Matt nodded and smiled when I said that. That's when I started to hear commotion on the beach. Turning around, I saw it was Louie and my brother. "C'mon Louie, you need to come inside. You have to go down for your nap." Matt then turned to look at me and laughed. "He's swearing his swim trunks and he's alone. Maybe we can have a little bit of quality mommy-daddy-Louie time?" I nodded and smiled.

"Go get him for me." Walking over to the beach, Matt smiled at Antonio. "We got him Antonio. It's okay. We haven't had much quality time with Louie since we got here where we couldn't be interrupted by his siblings. He's already all dressed." Antonio nodded. "We were supposed to be going into the kiddie pool that we have in the backyard but, he ran out here because he saw you guys." Matt smiled as he went to pick him up. Getting out of the water, I walked up to Matt. "You want to take a swim with mommy and daddy without your siblings?"

Louie nodded when I asked him that. "I sorry." Matt then looked at him and smiled before going to kiss his forehead. "Antonio, we got him. Can you concentrate on the babies? We are going to get in the water as a family." He agreed and smiled. "Supper as a family tonight. Hot dogs and burgers with Jay and Erin?" I nodded and smiled when he asked us that. "That sounds perfect Tonio. Now, we are going to get in the water with him okay?" Antonio nodded when I said that. I then smiled at Louie before looking at him. "You are a little troublemaker!"

Louie nodded and then went to cuddle up to Matt. He knew that when he looked cute, it was a lot harder to be mad at him. And Matt of course didn't made it any easier. Kissing his head, he smiled as he held him close. "What? I can't help myself when he cuddles up to me like this. He knows exactly how to cuddle up to me so that I am not mad at him." I nodded when he said that and agreed with him. "Oh, I know that. Just be lucky that it's adorable." Matt smiled and agreed with me as he went to grab my hand. "Luckily, we are dressed this time."

I nodded when Matt said that and smiled, grabbing his hand as we made our way back to the water.

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