Goodbye Firehouse 71

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Matt's POV: After rushing to Firehouse 71, I went to look at the crew. Severide was already on scene with Squad doing a search when I went to radio to him. "Severide, where are my in-laws? Are they still in there? And where is Antonio?" That's when I heard Antonio run over to me. "Matt, we already got everybody out and this is just a precaution." I nodded when he said that before going to hug him. "Antonio, what the hell happened? We were gone for an hour, not even!" Antonio then sighed. "We had too many laptops plugged in." I then sighed and looked at him.

"Get me a perimeter. Two blocks. There's gas here and this is a bomb waiting to happen." I then went to radio to Severide. "Severide, find the gas tanks and shut them off. Kidd, Carving, get your ladders up and get ready to spray. Hermann, hoses on on south side. Taylor, hoses on north side. Engine 51, you guys are going to do the downstairs...Engine 71, do upstairs. Trucks you can start with my apartment since it is vacant. You can also start with the locker rooms as well as the kitchen since those are vacant. Antonio said everybody out." They all agreed when I said that.

That's when I heard a bunch of CPD arrive. I then went to look at Antonio. "Antonio, get me a perimeter with the CPD cruisers. I want traffic rerouted in all directions. Also, tell your FBI people get the fuck out of here. I don't care if they are federal...this is my site now and they are going to get out of here! I don't want to see them right now. They are to blame for this. This was my baby!" Antonio looked at me when I said that. "Matt, take a..." I then looked at him. "I said go now! Right now, I am Chief Casey! So get the fuck out of here and do as I tell you understood?" 

Antonio then got scared and went to run away. Meanwhile, I just looked at Firehouse 71 as it went up in flames. I then decided to radio to CFD Dispatch. "Chief Casey to Dispatch." Dispatch then spoke to me. "Go ahead Chief Casey." I then sighed. "Can you dispatch Grissom and Walker to my location?" They agreed with me. "Of course chief. Major fire?" I then sighed. "CFD Firehouse." They then got concerned. "They are on route immediately chief." I agreed and nodded as I went to look at Stella. She just sighed and shook her head.

"The roofs' already going to be gone Chief. Might as well call it what we know it is. This isn't a rescue. It's a recovery and it's gone." I sighed when she said that and all I could think was that this house was my baby. This was the house that I personally pitched to the CFD leadership and now, it's gone. This was supposed to be the masterpiece of my legacy as Battalion Chief and now, it's gone. Would they rebuild? Would they forget about the project? I then sighed and went to give everybody orders. "Attention all units. Pleas evacuate and assist in battling flames."

I then went to take a breath. "Let's give our house the proper goodbye it deserves. I wall all members of the house to assist. I don't care if you are Squad! All members of Firehouse 71 are to grab a hose and are to help say goodbye to the house." Everybody then turned to look at me. Severide then looked at me and nodded before yelling. "YOU HEARD CASEY! SQUAD, PICK UP A HOSE AND PARTNER UP. LET'S GIVE 71 A PROPER GOODBYE." I then went to speak to Hermann. "Stella, Carving, raise the aerial and hit it with water please." They agreed with me when I said  that.

That's when I felt two gentlemen walk up to me. Grissom put his hand on my shoulder and sighed. "The FBI was here today right?" I nodded and sighed. "They are all safe. We are not sure what the cause but I am positive that this was an accidental fire." He agreed with me and nodded. "I am so sorry this happened Casey." I nodded and agreed with them both. "Can we talk about this after? I am going to dismiss my men." They both agreed and nodded when I said that. I just watched in silence as I watched the house burn up in flames.

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