Chapter 603

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Matt's POV:
"I asked you whether you are here to congratulate me or yell at me?" Antonio then looked at me. "Why would I yell at you?" I sighed when he said that. "C'mon, we both know that you are not the biggest fan of me going back to the firehouse when me and Gabby have 6 kids." Antonio looked at me when I said that. "Honestly, I am not going to say anything. I mean, you need to do what you think is best for both your friends and family. I know how close you guys are at 71. So, honestly...I wasn't shocked when you said that you were going back now that Delaney died."

I nodded when he said that and sighed. "Yeah, it's sad that my last 2 predecessors both died of COVID." Antonio sighed when I said that. "I am so sorry about the Casey. But hey, at least now you aren't going to be as busy." I nodded and agreed with him. "You going to stay here with your mom today or are you just stopping in on your way to work?" Antonio smiled when he went to point to his bag. "I already talked to Jay and Erin. I told them I was going to work from home. Also known as from here. Louie is going to want to visit you down the street a few times."

I smiled when he said that. "Hey Gabby, Antonio's going to help with the twins!" Gabby laughed and agreed, yelling down. "Can you make Matt breakfast first Antonio?" He agreed and smiled ."Sure, you go sit down for a bit man. You deserve to relax before your first shift back." I nodded when he said that before going to set my bag down next the door. I then went to walk over to Louie in the living room, smiling as I prepared to cuddle up to him on the couch. Grabbing the TV remote, I went to turn on the news to check what was happening in the world.

Meanwhile, Antonio went into the kitchen and spoke to me from there. "So, triplets on shift with you?" I nodded when he asked me that, looking at him from the living room. "Yeah, I am going to work up in the apartment instead of in my office today." Antonio nodded when I said that. "By the way, where is your bag?" Antonio laughed. "I already put it down by the door. I did it right away because I expected that little guy over there to run over to me." That's when Louie realized who was there. "Uncle Tonio!" Getting up, Louie ran over to him and just smiled at him.

Picking him up, Antonio smiled at him. "We are going to have fun today eh buddy? Daddy is going to work. Meanwhile, me and your grandma are going to have a fun 24 hours together." I laughed when he said that. "Can you just concentrate on making me breakfast? I need to get to work on time so that I can talk to the guys again." Antonio agreed with me when I said that. "Of course Matt, I promise that you are going to be there on time." I smiled when he said that. "Thanks man." That's when I got a text from Gabby. 'Can you get the bottles from last night?'

I agreed with her when she said that because I already knew what she meant. Going to get up, I came to walk into the kitchen before finding the cooler back we use for breastmilk. "What are you doing man?" I then went to grab some ice from the fridge. "Stuff that needs to be done so that we can transport milk." He agreed with me when I said that. "Of course." Going to put the ice packs in the cooler, I then went to go grab the bottles of milk we have. "We moved the twins to formula okay? I am not sure why I am not feeding them but, whatever."

Antonio then laughed. "It's a mom thing, they want to feed them right away in the morning." I nodded when she said that before going to grab Gabby's water bottle and filling it. That's when I remembered Gabby's breast pump. Seeing it next to the fridge, I went to make sure that everything was in there before carrying it to the door along with the cooler bag. "Two cooler bags?" I laughed when he said that. "Breast-pump." Antonio then realized that and nodded. Meanwhile, I went to go sit at the bar. "So, what are your plans today with Louie?"

He laughed. "I am going to take him to the park. And I promised Gabby we would swing by at supper." I agreed and smiled. "Then make sure that you stay until I get a chance to see him. It's going to be weird not seeing him all day when it's all we've done for a while." Antonio nodded and agreed with me when I said that. "Yeah, makes sense. Working them from the outside?" I nodded and smiled when he asked me that. That's when I got a text from Severide. 'We doing a staff meeting this morning or just a normal day?' I then sighed and thought about it.

Texting him back, I decided it would be better to wait. 'We'll do a staff meeting at lunch.' He agreed with me when I said that. 'Can't wait to have you back Chief.' I agreed with him when he said that and smiled. "How is the firehouse feeling about you coming back?" I smiled when Antonio asked me that. "They are thrilled." Antonio nodded when I said that and smiled. "Am I cooking for you first or Gabby?" I then bit my lip. "Me, Gabby can eat on the way. I'm driving. I always drive." Antonio nodded and agreed with me as he went to make me breakfast.

NOTE: I am going to skip until after breakfast when they are leaving. Sorry I am skipping so much...I just want to get them back on shift because I am excited!

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