Chapter 589

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Back with Matt & Gabby as he stands in the kitchen with Camila:
Matt's POV: As I stand in the kitchen with Camila, I smiled as I went to roll out the homemade pizza crust she just taught me to make. "Okay, that seems easier than expected." She laughed when I said that. "Yes, because I taught you how to do it. Remember that when you are doing it aren't going to have my help." I nodded when she said that. "I can always call you over the phone ad you can help me make it that way?" She agreed and smiled. "Well that and I am living here." I laughed and chuckled when I felt Louie tug on my pants. 

Looking down at him, I smiled. "Hey bud, what's up?" He then looked at me. "Can I get a snack?" I then went to grab my phone so that I could text Gabby. "What are you doing Matt?" I then laughed. "It's called staying out of trouble with Gabby. If he already asked her, I would rather not give him a snack if she said no...especially not when we are making some pizza." That's when I went to send the text. 'Did Louie ask you for a snack?' Setting my phone down, I went back to rolling out the pizza dough when it was done. "This good enough Camila?" She nodded.

"Yes, it is perfect." I smiled when she said that. "Remind me why you guys have a homemade pizza recipe when you guys are hispanic? I thought homemade pizza was more an Italian thing." That's when I got a text from Gabby. 'Give him some apple slices. He asked me for a granola...I said no. If he's really hungry, then just give him apple.' I agreed with him before going to the fridge to get an apple. "Louie, you are going to have some apple okay? That's what mommy said you can have." Going to set the apple down on the cutting board, I went to cut it up.

Louie then came to sit on the bar stool in front of me and nodded. "Thanks daddy." Going to give it to him, I smiled before watching as he ran away to head downstairs. I then turned to look at Camila and smiled. "So, how's work going? I know you work from home's a little different now." I smiled when she asked me that. "Honestly, I love how it's going. There's nothing like being able to work while cuddling up to my family either in bed or on the couch downstairs. By the way...if we fall asleep downstairs, would you be mad about that?" She shook her head.

"Of course not. You laying down on that couch with your family is adorable and a sight that this grandmother and mother loves to see." I smiled and laughed when she said that. "Honestly, I feel the same way...especially considering I never expected this day to come." That's when I heard Antonio come back from the store for us. "Hey, I got those ingredients you wanted. Pepperonis and mushrooms." I nodded when she said that and smiled. "Green peppers?" He then sighed. "I'm sorry, I forgot to grab some." I nodded and agreed with him. "That's fine."

Antonio then went to walk over to the cupboard to grab a glass of water. "Your sister still here?" I shook my head. "Nope, Violet went to have supper with her dad while my sister went home. I think it was getting a little awkward." Antonio sighed and nodded. "I understand. And I am sorry you are in such a bad position Matt." I nodded when she said that. "Hey, I am trying my best to stay out of it. You just have to remember that I am going to defend my sister. Be glad that you didn't screw her over as bad as her ex-husband did. Then, I would be telling Gabby to shun you."

Antonio looked at me when I said that. "Like she would ever do that." I then turned to look at him. "Husband and father of her children versus her brother. Sorry but, I think father of her children and husband wins." Antonio laughed and agreed. "In all fairness, I agree with you when you say that. She has to sleep in the same bed as you at the end of the day, not the same case for me." I nodded when she said that. "Not that I would ever kick her out of our bed. I would rather go sleep at Severide's before I even try and kick Gabby out of bed if I am mad at her."

Antonio seemed shocked when I said that. "Really?" I then looked at him. "Antonio...have you forgotten what you've done in the past when I pissed your sister off? Or when I did something you didn't approve of?" Antonio then realized what I meant by the and agreed. "Fair point." I laughed when he said that. "By the way, you can't do that office is here at home and I do not want my kids to have to see that." Antonio nodded and smiled when I said that. "Listen, you need any help?" I then looked at him. "Can you heat up the oven? Then salad."

He agreed with me and nodded. "It's your family recipe. You should know how hot to put it." He agreed with me and went to start preheating the oven for me. Once that was done, he went to grab the salad from the fridge so that he can make one for supper. "We eating up here or are we going to eat downstairs?" I then thought about it when Gabby came upstairs with her bottle of water. "We are going to eat up here. Me and Matt are sleeping downstairs tonight. We need to stay out of our room for a while." I nodded and agreed with her. "Apples before supper?"

Gabby then sighed and looked at me. "You want to try and argue with him when he's hungry?" I nodded and agreed with her when she said that. "The babies okay or do you need help down there?" Gabby then smiled at me. "I'm fine. Just don't forget that we are sleeping down there." I nodded when she said that. "I promise. How about you turn on a Disney movie for Louie on Disney+? That way we can talk about that thing we need to ask Antonio." Antonio then looked at us both. "What are you talking about?" Gabby then smiled. 

"Will you be the triplet's godfather?"

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