Chapter 608

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Matt's POV: After making my way to my office, I took a breath before going to grab my phone so that I could call Commissioner Grissom. Dialing his number, I hoped that I could reach him since I needed his approval in order to do what I wanted to do. That's when I got his secretary. "Fire Commissioner Grissom's Office. How can I help you?" I then took a breath and went to speak to her. "Hi, this is Chief Casey. Can I speak to the Commissioner?" His secretary agreed with me. "Of course Chief Casey. Congratulations on your return as Battalion Chief by the way."

I agreed with her. "Thank you." She agreed and then went to put me through to Commissioner Grissom. "Chief Casey, you having regrets about returning to the 25th Battalion?" I laughed when he said that. "Not at all. I just need a favor. The FBI is requesting to use my firehouse for an investigation." He agreed with me and sighed. "Of course, whatever they need as long as they don't interfere with your response." I laughed and agreed with him. "Oh believe me, they won't. I was thinking that Firehouse 71 could respond from the former Firehouses 20 and 51 instead."

Grissom thought about it for a minute and agreed with me. "That makes sense actually. That way, you can still cover your ground while allowing the FBI to do their investigation." I agreed with him. "Okay, so I have your permission to transfer my operations to the former firehouses?" Grissom agreed with me. "I will get the Property Managers to go open them and you can make your way there with the trucks as soon as you speak to your men. If I need to reach you, what house are you going to be at just curious?" I laughed when he asked me that. "Firehouse 51."

Grissom then realized something. "Then who is going to be in command of your group at the old Firehouse 20?" I then thought about it and smiled. "My new Deputy Chief. Severide can be my Deputy since he is now the second most senior officer at Firehouse 71. He would like that I bet." He agreed with me and laughed. "Of course. Now, I will put you guys out of service for an hour to let you guys move?" I agreed with him and nodded. "Thanks Grissom. I'll let you know when we are ready." He agreed with me when I said that. I then went to hang up before paging my leaders.

"Captain Severide, Lieutenants Hermann, Kidd, Carving, Taylor, Paramedics Brett and Vargas to my office please." I then went to sit in my chair and just smiled as I went to start packing up my office. Waiting 5 minutes, I went to wait for them to join me. That's when they all arrived. "What's up Chief?" I then smiled at them. "Okay listen, I have just spoke to Grissom. Since the FBI needs 71, we are going to use the old 20 and 51. Now, I am going to tell you where you are going to be going." Everybody nodded and agreed with me when I said that.

I then smiled at them. "Go back to your original houses...except for Squad 3." Severide then looked at me when I said that. "Why exactly?" I then looked at him. "I need my new Deputy Chief to be my leader at the old Firehouse 20." Severide was shocked when I said that (and so was everybody else). They then turned to look at him while he struggled to get the words out. "Your Deputy Chief?" I nodded and smiled at him. "You are my most senior Officer here at the house. I trust you with all of my men's lives. So, pack up your things and then go to your new quarters."

Hermann then went to look at me. "Okay, quick question...what bedroom do I use? Remember, I didn't have one at 51." I then laughed when he said that. "You get to use Severide's old office. Now, why are you all still standing around? Go talk to your men and get out of here. Hermann, I will see you at 51. I need to help Gabby pack up the triplets and then we are moving there." He agreed with me when I said that and nodded. "Got it Chief." Everybody then left. Meanwhile, I went to grab my laptop. Packing up all of my things, I went to make my way upstairs. 

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