Chapter 700

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Jay's POV: When Will said that Jeff is always on his mind when he makes decisions about Owen, I think that caught us all off guard. Looking at him, he just went to answer why that was the case. "I think of him because I want to try and honor his wishes for him. I am not his father in a biological way so...I want to raise him how Jeff and you would have raised him if he were still alive. Sure, that would mean that you wouldn't be my wife...but I am sure that this is the life he still would have wanted for Owen." Natalie nodded and smiled when he said that. "Yeah."

Will then went to wrap his arm around her and just smiled as he went to kiss her forehead. "By the way, I have been meaning to ask how you are man. I know that you moving here has been good for your PTSD. That still the case?" I nodded and agreed with him before turning to look at Erin. "Babe, how about we put the case away for a while and we can talk to my brother." Erin nodded when I said that and agreed with me as she went to close her laptop. Natalie smiled when she did that because I know that she wants a bit of girl time every once and a while.

"Just curious guys, is Gaffney mad that they don't have you for this new wave in Chicago? I saw it on the news...they are getting another wave of COVID too." Natalie shook her head when I asked her that. "They understand that this is where we need to stay considering we are under a mandatory lockdown order. However, just know that if we could fly back to and Will probably would've been on the next flight out of here so that we can go help at the hospital." She then turned to look at Will when she said that. "Right Will?"

Will nodded when she said that. "Of course. If Chicago needs us, then we are there. That is always going to be the case because of the oath we took. Our jobs are to protect lives. However maybe we can do that down here by volunteering with the charity. Or maybe they can give us hospital privileges down here so that we can work in their ED?" Natalie then seemed to think about it and smiled. "I am going to go call Goodwin to see if she can talk to the local hospital administrator. If she could ask for us, it might help. I would love to do that!"

I then smiled at her. "Or you can talk to Gabby and get in contact with her charity. I am sure that they are doing something for COVID." Natalie nodded when I said that. "I am going to do that later. But right now, I am going to go check on our little nieces and nephews. They are still playing with their blocks down here." Erin smiled when she said that. "Thanks again for watching them. I know we should be but..." Will just shook his head. "Erin, you are a federal agent and law enforcement doesn't end during a pandemic. Just breathe and relax."

I then went to mouth to him when he said that. "Thank you!" Erin however saw it and just turned to look at me. I took a breath and sighed. "Babe, you always work too fast and sometimes you go way too fast. You need to slow down and just take a breath sometimes okay? Please promise me that you are going to rest more when it comes to our cases." Erin nodded and just went to grab her hand. That's when I saw Champ come into our room and jump on our bed. "You know, I would if Matt would benefit from having a dog for PTSD." Will then smiled.

"You should talk to him about it and see if Champ there helps him. Maybe you can let him borrow him for one night?" I sighed when he asked me that. "I would rather not just in case I have a PTSD attack. I need him down here because I do not want to hurt Erin." Erin nodded and agreed with me when I said that before going to grab my hand. "You are never going to hurt me...believe me when I say that Jay." I nodded and agreed with her when she said that, smiling as I went to kiss her softly. "I love you. Now listen, I am going to take him out."

Erin agreed with me when I said that. "Sure thing. Maybe Natalie can stay and we can talk while you boys take him out to run for a bit?" I agreed with her and smiled as I leaned over to kiss her. "I have my phone. Call me if the kids need me." Erin nodded and smiled when I said that. "Of course. Now go take a break with your brother. I am going to take a break with Natalie." I nodded and smiled when she said that before going to get up. Looking at Champ, I smiled. "C'mon bud, let's go play outside." He agreed and got up, running out with me so we could head outside.

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