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"Will you be the triplet's godfather?" -Gabby Dawson-Casey

Antonio's POV: When Gabby and Matt asked me to be the triplet's godfather, I was absolutely honored and shocked. I mean sure, I was her brother and (of course) somewhat hoped that she would return the favor of me making her my kid's godmother but...I just didn't want to say anything. Looking at Gabby, I just smiled and nodded. "I would be honored to be the triplets' godfather!" Walking up to her, I went to hug her and smiled. Gabby just smiled too as she hugged me. "Okay well listen, we are not doing it until this summer. But for now, I'm resting."

Matt nodded when she said that. "Go put a movie on for Louie. By the way, my sister is their godmother. You got the godfather, I get the godmother." Gabby nodded and agreed. "You just need to ask her when you are downstairs." Matt then looked at her. "I thought she left?" Gabby shook her head and smiled as she walked up to him. Bringing him close, she kissed him softly. "Make sure to bring some new bottles of milk downstairs with the food." Matt nodded when she said that and smiled. "I will bring some down. But you should pump." Gabby agreed with him.

"Then can you go downstairs mom and watch the triplets? I am going to go pump upstairs in our room Matt." My mom nodded when she said that. "Of course. By the way, you let me know when the ceremony is. I need a dealing to make those adorable replica baptism gowns." I smiled at her when she said that. "I still have the ones you made for Eva and Diego. I'll try to find them." My mom agreed when she said that before going to head downstairs so  that she could watch the kids. Meanwhile, my sister went to make her way upstairs to her and Matt's room to pump.

That's when I remembered something. "Matt, does my mom know how to work Disney+ on your laptop?" Matt nodded when I asked him that. "Believe me, that was a life saver when we had to go to the hospital. I am just glad it went easier this time around." I nodded and agreed with him. Going to grab some peppers, I started to chop them up. "How many pizzas as we making?" Matt then thought about it. "We are making one for Louie with just cheese and a few pepperonis that are really cut up." I agreed with him. "But I want mushrooms and veggies on our pizza please."

I agreed with him before going to grab the mushrooms. Setting them on the cutting board, I went to start chopping them when I got a text. 'Hey, we're in NYC at the end of the month for Olivia Benson's award ceremony. Just a notice ahead of time. -Jay.' I nodded when I read the text on my watch before looking at Matt. "I am going to be busy at the end of the month just to let you know. Jay and Erin are out of town so...that means that I am going to be the one in charge of the intelligence unit by myself. No babysitting requests that weekend please."

Matt laughed when I said that. "Last time I checked, we didn't have to ask about babysitting because your mom lives here." I nodded when he said that, just realizing what I just said myself." Matt then turned to look at me. "So, you think your thing with Sylvie is going to last this time?" I looked at him when he said that. "You mad?" Matt sighed and just looked at me. "I'm fine with it. You guys just weren't meant to be. Maybe it was just her wanting to be with someone. I am not sure what it is...I think you guys rushed it honestly. You moved in pretty fast in my opinion."

I sighed when he said that because (looking back), I couldn't help but agree. "I think it was the pandemic and us wanting to be safe." Matt agreed with me when I said that. "Of course, I get that. Just promise that you aren't going to make those mistakes with Sylvie. I know that Gabby was worried. She's always worried about you since you are a cop but...I don't need her worrying about your personal life too....especially not when it deals with a personal friend and former co-worker of ours. Their relationship is pretty close since they were ambulance partners."

I agreed with him when he said that. "Of course. Now listen, we going to keep talking or are we going to make these pizzas?" Matt laughed when I said that and just agreed with me. Getting both of the pizzas ready together, we both knew that we were going to be having a great meal with the family since the pizzas looked delicious. "We staying up here to talk while they cooked or are we just going to head downstairs?" Matt then looked at me. "Let's stay up here and talk about non-serious stuff. Need a little break from the serious talk. It's my job now a days."

I laughed and agreed with him. "Here, get me a Coke and we can take a breather." Matt agreed with me when I said that before going to get me a Coke in the fridge. Grabbing one for himself too, we both smiled as we prepared to talk and laugh while the pizzas we made for supper cooked.

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