Chapter 628

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Matt's POV: After walking into the house, I smiled when I saw Jay and their triplets standing at the door. "Well, if it isn't the only other couple here with triplets." Jay laughed when I said that and agreed with me. "Hope it's okay that we came early. I just thought it might be easier on us if we came before everybody. Then, we could settle in with the triplets and stuff." I nodded and agreed with him. "Believe me, I am not going to complain that I have a friend here other than Antonio." Antonio looked at me when I said that. "Watch it, I am your only babysitter right now."

Gabby looked at him when he said that. "Hey Antonio, last time I were living here rent-free." Antonio nodded when Gabby said that before looking at me. "Sorry Matt." I laughed and agreed with him. "And remember that you have a year here. We are going to be staying here for a while." Jay looked at me when I said that and was confused. "What are you talking about man? I thought you had a job to go back in Chicago." I sighed when he said that. "Maybe we can talk later. I am going to need some advice on how to deal with this." Jay was confused. "What?"

Gabby sighed as she looked at me. "Matt has PTSD after loosing Firehouse 71." Jay then looked at me and nodded when I said that. "That makes sense. I promise man, before we leave...I am going to help you through this while we are still here." I then smiled before going to hug Erin. "How is your recovery from the triplets going? Oh and Jay, your surgery recovery." Jay laughed when I said that. "I am officially free of any and all sperm." I then looked at him and laughed before turning to look at Gabby. "I wish I could say the same thing." Gabby then smiled.

Jay however just stared at me. "NO!" I nodded and agreed. He then walked up to me before going to hug me. "Congratulations man! But god you guys are crazy. You could have up to 7 or even 8 kids." Gabby shook her head when he said that. "No, we are going to pray for only 1 baby this time. If it's multiples...I am going to scream!" I nodded and agreed with her. "I am sure if it's twin girls you are going to be okay. Or even triplet girls. That way, we have an even amount of boys and girls." Gabby shook her head. "Nope, I am not going to have that." I agreed.

"So listen, how about we go downstairs and show you to your room?" Jay nodded and agreed. "Antonio, I only grabbed the immediate stuff. If Matt can show Erin where our room is...can you help me with the stroller, cribs and some other stuff. I am not sure how long we are staying if that's okay. We flew here with triplets and that is no small feat. Do you mind if we use this as our honeymoon and maybe stay a couple weeks?" I turned to look at Gabby and thought about it. "Would you be okay with that or..." Gabby nodded and smiled. "Yes, I need girl time here. Spa!"

Erin agreed with her when she said that. "Oh my god, yes! I am ready to get my nails done. Now, how about you show me the room. Jay, pass Sophia to Gabby and then she can show me our room." Gabby then looked at Jay and went to grab Sophia. However Jay didn't want to hand her over. However Erin wasn't having it. "Last time I checked, your brother was coming for Matt and Gabby's vow renewal...he has offered to take the triplets for one night while we were here. I can always say no!" Jay nodded when she said that and agreed with her. "Of course babe."

Jay then went to give Sophia to Gabby before looking at me. "Let's get my things...then I want to go lay down. My head hurts because the babies did not co-operate on the plane. Also, the longer we take...the longer I have to pay for the taxi to stay here." We all agreed and nodded when Jay said that. I then went to make my way out to the taxi so that we can go get their bags. "How was the flight anyways?" Jay then turned to look at me and laughed. "Depends who you asked. I fell asleep since I had a late night for the last case before our break." I just shook my head.

"God help you." Jay looked at me when I said that as we got to the taxi. "What are you talking about?" I just laughed. "You let your wife take care of triplets alone on the plane. Jay, you are not getting any action while you are here...I am already calling it." Antonio agreed with me when I said that. "You better make it up to Erin ASAP. She is probably pissed at you. Heck, Hank would be yelling at you the minute he heard of this." I nodded when Antonio said that because that was true. "I have to agree man." Jay then sighed and went to grab his bags from the taxi.

"Okay, I might have to work while we are here because we have still kept the intelligence division online. Antonio, I already cleared it that you can assist with any cases you left us with before you moved. Other than that...I need to keep this laptop in a secure place because I have confidential CPD information on here." I nodded and agreed with him. "Keep it in your room and I promise that we are not going to go in there." Jay agreed when I said that before going to put his laptop over his shoulder. "So, what are your plans for the vow renewal?"

I laughed when he asked me that. "We are going to be doing a beachfront vow renewal. Now listen, let's just get your stuff inside and then we can let you relax for a bit." Jay agreed with me when I said that so that we can get him inside.

NOTE TO READERS: I am going to concentrate on Jay and Erin for a bit while they unpack.

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