Chapter 610

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Matt's POV: After making our way back to Firehouse 51, I smiled when I went to park the van in the Chief's spot. It still had my plate there and I just couldn't help but smile. Turning to look at Gabby, I went to grab her hand and looked at her. "You remember how to get into our apartment here?" Gabby nodded when I said that and smiled at me. "Yes, I remember how to get in there. And it's not really an's more like a bedroom remember?" I then thought about that and agreed with her. "Still, it's a place where we can sit together with the triplets."

Gabby smiled when I said that and agreed with me. "That sounds perfect honestly." I nodded and smiled when she said that. "That is going to be nice." Going to shut off the van, I went to get out and then smirked as I went to open the sliding door. Abby was currently on my side and I couldn't help but love to look at my beautiful baby girl. Going to rub her stomach, I smiled at her. "Hey princess, we are at mommy and daddy's hold firehouse. We are going to be here for the rest of shift. I promise that you are going to love being here in daddy's arms in bed."

Looking at me, Gabby smiled at me. "I swear, that little girl of yours has you wrapped around her fingers." I nodded when she said that. "Both of our daughters do." Going to grab my duffle bag and laptop, I smiled when I went to pick Abby's car seat up. That's when I heard Hermann walk up to us. "Want me to carry one of the triplets inside?" I nodded when he said that. "You already unpacked?" Hermann nodded and agreed. "Yeah, I went right away. Now, how about I grab little Ethan and then I can follow you upstairs?" Gabby nodded when he said that. "Thanks Hermann."

Going to grab Andy, Gabby then looked at Hermann as he went to grab Ethan. Closing both doors of the van, me and Gabby both smiled as I went to walk around the van. Grabbing her hand, I went to intertwine our fingers. "Just promise me you'll breathe okay Gabby? We both know that this is the first time we've been here since you went into labor with the twins." Gabby nodded when I said that and agreed with me as we both made our way into the firehouse. I then smiled as I looked around to see that nothing really changed since we left.

Walking in with the garage wide open, I smiled at Gabby. "To think, just 15 months ago...these little ones here were just a dream. Now they are a reality." Gabby smiled when I said that and agreed with me as we walked up the driveway to walk into the firehouse together. "Yeah, that's still hard to wrap my head around that it's only been 15 months." I nodded and agreed with her before going to kiss her forehead. Walking in with Hermann, I smiled when everybody was getting set up. "Listen guys, you already know what to do. I am going to be with my family."

Everybody turned to look at me when I said that and nodded. "Of course Chief. See you on the first call we get as Firehouse 51." I then thought about it and smiled. "I asked them to refer to us as Firehouse 51 and 20 again for the purpose of who is closer." They all agreed and nodded before smiling. "Now, you go bring your family to your room and get all set up." I agreed with them when they said that before smiling as I went to lead Gabby into the firehouse. Walking past the offices, we both looked at each other. "A lot of fun in this office here eh babe?"

Gabby laughed when I said that and agreed with me. "Yes, there was." I then smiled as I went to kiss her head before going to move us towards the Battalion Chief's office. Hermann then smiled as he walked in ahead of us. "Here, let me get the door for you guys." I agreed and smiled. "Let's just hope they didn't remove the bed." Gabby agreed with me as I said that. Going to make our way into the little bedroom, I smiled when I saw that everything was just like we left it. "This is perfect." Gabby smiled and agreed with me when I said that. "Yes it is."

Turning to look at Hermann, I smiled at him. "Thanks for your help. Now, I am going to get set up in here and might just rest for a bit okay?" Hermann nodded when I said that. "See you on the first call. Think we are going to get a lot?" I shrugged. "Probably not considering they already planned for us to be out of service. I think we are just going to be reliever status today." He agreed with me and smiled when I said that. "Well, you enjoy a bit of quiet time. Talk later." Hermann then smiled as he left. Meanwhile, I went to close the door to our room.

"Now, let's get this room set up for us. Then, I can lay down in bed with you for a minute while I call Chief Grissom to let him know that Firehouse 51 is back in service." Gabby nodded when I said that and smiled at me while we went to get our bedroom ready for us to sleep in later that night. God, this was going to be nice...being able to sleep on the same floor as Gabby and the trucks. Why they did it above my office I have no clue. But water, as long as I get to hold my girl in my arms while I am on shift, I am okay with that. That's all that matters at the end of the day.

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